Jakusotsu 5,755 Posted July 25, 2016 Once I started adding wins, it didn't turn out that badly. For banzuke making purposes, 6-9 had to be regarded as KK in Makuuchi, and 5-10 in Juryo and below. Pandaazuma failed once again to escape kadoban, but he knows how to return the "easy" way well enough. B-) His immediate replacement is Haidouzo who earned his second jun-yusho in a row - omedeto! Kitakachiyama (Ye 6-9) Y O Haidouzo (S1e 8-7) Ganzohnesushi (S2w 7-8) S1 Fujiyama (S2e 6-9) Asashosakari (M1w 8-7) S2 Pandaazuma (Ow 5-10) Andoreasu (K1e 6-9) K1 Konosato (K2e 6-9) ScreechingOwl (K2w 6-8-1) K2 Gurowake (S1w 5-10) Kuroimori (M3w 7-7-1) M1 Randomitsuki (K1w 5-10) Flohru (M4w 6-9) M2 Taxinohana (M5e 6-9) Chishafuwaku (M2w 5-10) M3 Taka (M1e 4-11) Chocshoporyu (M3e 5-10) M4 Yassier (M6e 6-9) Susanoo (M6w 6-8-1) M5 Sebunshu (M4e 5-10) Kaiomitsuki (M2e 4-11) M6 Kotononami (M10e 7-8) Kaiowaka (M8e 6-9) M7 Nomadwolf (M5w 5-10) Jakusotsu (M13w 8-7) M8 Saruyama (M11e 6-8-1) Aome (M9e Kosho) M9 Achiyama (M7e 4-11) Bill (M9w 5-10) M10 Tenshinhan (M8w 4-11) GONZABUROW (M10w 5-8-2) M11 Kintamayama (M14w 6-9) Profomisakari (M15e 6-9) M12 Frinkanohana (M7w 3-12) Maguroyama (M13e Kosho) M13 Sokkenaiyama (M11w 5-10) Ruziklao (M12e 5-10) M14 Takanorappa (J1e 6-8-1) Senkoho (M12w 4-11) M15 Tainosen (J1w 5-10) Smoczayama (M16e Kosho) M16 Chankoyama (J5e 6-9) Ayagawa (J5w 6-9) J1 Gaijingai (M14e 3-12) Gernobono (M16w 4-11) J2 Chisaiyama (J9w 6-9) Mmikasazuma (J10w 6-9) J3 Gawasukotto (M15w 2-13) Andonishiki (J3e 4-10-1) J4 Mischashimaru (J11w 6-9) Metzinowaka (J2e 3-10-2) J5 Kasamatsuri (J4w 4-11) Jejima (J6e Kosho) J6 Pitinosato (J8w 5-10) Shimodahito (J9e 5-10) J7 Unkonoyama (J4e 3-11-1) Fujisan (J6w 4-8-3) J8 Anjoboshi (J7e 4-11) Wamahada (J3w 2-13) J9 Holleshoryu (J12e 5-10) Reijinguoshan (ms4e 7-8) J10 Hogashi (J7w 3-12) Futtokazan (ms2e 6-9) J11 Korinokoishi (J10e 3-12) Neko (J11e 3-12) J12 Mariohana (J2w Kyujo) Manatsumai (J13e 4-11) J13 Nantonoyama (J13w 4-11) Rikishimiezi (ms1w 4-11) J14 Suwihuto (J14w 3-11-1) Kamogawa (ms3e 4-11) ms1 Asashimaru (mz 4-11) Hayaikaze (ms2w 3-6-6) ms2 Taikanute (J12w 1-14) Oskanohana (J8e Kyujo) ms3 Andrasoyamawaka (mz 3-12) Hana-ichi (ms3w 2-13) ms4 Froclimitsuki (mz 1-6-8) Bunijiman (J14e Kyujo) ms5 Banzuke-gai: Kyokuhagyo (ms1e) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jakusotsu 5,755 Posted September 25, 2016 This crazy basho concluded completely different with almost everybody winning, including the unrelenting leader Yassier who's the only one finishing with eight wins - congratulations! Yusho: M4w Yassier (8-7) Kanto-sho: (not awarded) Gino-sho: M4w Yassier (10-11) Shukun-sho: (not awarded) Thank you for playing, see ya in November. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gurowake 3,886 Posted September 25, 2016 The one day almost everyone wins, and I somehow forget to enter. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites