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Basho Talk - Haru Basho 2016 +++ Spoiler Alert! +++

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The day is over. Now we patiently wait for videos, exciting day again.

Kotoyuuki managed to beat Harumafuji improving to 1-2 and earning his careers first Kinboshi. Harumafuji must be so frustrated that people seem to get their first Yokozuna wins over him.

All Ozeki's are victorious today! Terunofuji winning with glorious kimedashi wrap-up.

Myugiryuu keeps up his momentum and improves to 3-0 defeating seemingly bulldozing Shodai. As does the possessed Amuuru and reinvigorated and a bit slimmer Ichinojo. Ikioi also decided to start streaking after the terrible Hatsu basho, but he will be a broken man after Terunofuji will get his hands on him tomorrow.

Satoyama is doing his usual thing, showing his face in Makuuchi and dropping back to Juryo immidiadly. Without putting up any sort of fight I might add.

As a sidenote: Sekiwakes are getting slapped around like they were mae-zumo first timers. Yoshikaze getting the heavier blow. It is not easy to be a Sekiwake.

Meanwhile in Juryo!

Osunaarashi has decided to show us his technical skills and has won each of his bouts with different kimarite. Is he having fun or something? He is obviously 3-0.

Homarefuji finally awoke and looked around him: ''What...where the hell am I? JURYO? THIS CANNOT BE!'' And started to make his climb back to top division. This is what happens when you no-show in two basho's in a row...wait HE WAS THERE? He is currently 3-0.

Amakaze and Chiyoo are also rikishis who are still in the race for Juryo Yusho. All depends can Homarefuji, Amakaze or Chiyoo defeat Osunaarashi.

And the best part is last of course:

Ura clashed with West Makushita 1 Tamaasuka and pulled him away winning with a hikkake kimarite. Ura has now beaten two rikishi above him. Tochihiryu is the last of the three above him but has already faced defeat this basho. To me it looks like Ura is destined for Juryo promotion, if he doesn't pancake which he probably won't considering his concistency.

Edited by Jyuunomori

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How many wins does Kotoshoguiku needs to promotion?

2 consecutive yusho or the equivalent is the standard. Given his age and record probably nothing less will do imo.

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How many wins does Kotoshoguiku needs to promotion?

He needs as many as it is needed for Yusho or Jun-Yusho, preferably Yusho-Doten.

13-2 I'd day or 14-1.

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I was especially gutted about that Jokoryu escape because Fujisan had him in Chaingang!! Unbelievable!!

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Giving your back to your opponent is like giving your opponent a loaded gun. It is an instant death. Jokoryu is a witchdoctor however and is cheating and the bullet missed. That is an unbelievable bout.

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When happend it last time, that in the first week all ozeki have not lost so far, but on the other hand, all yokozuna have?

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The Geek looks totally switched on, with Teronofuji and Kise not far behind. The three Yokozunae however look like they are only just turning up. This is going to be a fun ride. It has been brilliant sumo all round so far.

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Video of Kotoyuki beating Harumafuji and tearing up

That was awesome. I like Kotoyuki because, like Yoshikaze and Aminishiki, he isn't scared of anyone and he makes the most of what he has. And both his hands clearly touched the ground at the tachiai, while Ama's didn't get within a foot of the surface...

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At best, Kotoyuki grazes the dohyo surface if he touches it all.

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I got to see this live on a rare day off from work. I have to say it was a match that only makes me like Kotoyuki even more. Even his crying almost made me cry for whatever reason. And to get to do that with his shisho in the announcer's box I'm sure was special to him to. I can only wish him the best, he's still got Kakuryu and the ozeki to go!

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Hats off to rhyen for seeing through my lack of knowledge on Ama's (non-)genkiness. Kudos!

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Ok, this basho has been off the chain so far! But first, gonna rewatch that Osunaarashi match... yeah, he's doing the mean sumo thing again. And I love it. -.-

When Kotoyuki won his match, I think I cocked my eyebrow so hard it flew off and stuck in the ceiling. Look at Harumafuji's face as he processes it all. Priceless.

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Looking at the Banzuke, Hakuho and Kakuryu will face 3 Isegahama sekitori (Harumafuji, Terunofuji & Takarafuji).

The lowest opponent they will pick is M3e Aoiyama, what are the conditions (other than someone going kyujo) for Aminishiki to meet the 2 Yokozunas?

It's nearly impossible, but it could happen if they don't plan the schedule out well enough and they're somehow forced to skip over Aoiyama because they would both need to face him the same day. Back several basho ago when Tochinoshin was M4, Hakuho faced Toyonoshima at M5 and not Tochinoshin and there were ways of resolving that conflict, but I think they didn't care as Toyonoshima had started on a hot streak. Tochinoshin ended up managing an 8-7 after facing most of the top-ranked rikishi but not Hakuho, so he was quite lucky in that regard. That basho had a lot less active top-ranked rikishi seeing as they were going further into the maegashira, which meant some of them were on days much later than they will be this tournament, where they might pick someone slightly lower ranked with a better record as was done then. With only 5 maegashira matches that will be done by day 7 most likely, meaning they're scheduled after Day 5, they won't be at that point. If they were scheduling them after Day 7 because of 2 less active sanyaku, then they might go for someone 7-0 one or two ranks out, but that's highly unlikely now, especially given that Aminishiki already has a loss.

Could they make a scheduling "error"? It's possible, but they seem to know what they're doing in terms of making sure they can get all the sanyaku matches in as well as having the Yokozuna and usually Ozeki face the highest ranks they can. Kyujos would mess things up certainly, but you have indicated to ignore them.

Edited by Gurowake

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Kotoyuki was really smart today. Harumafuji relies on getting around you. Well he grabbed him by the chin. Your body ain't moving if your head doesn't go with it. Good stuff.

Terunofuji is looking really solid. He's doing what got him here - getting a solid stance, grabbing the belt with both hands and pushing.

I feel like Shohozan has given up. He looks completely different than the guy who grabbed double digit wins a few bashos ago.

Takarafuji seemed to be in outer space earlier in his match today. He might have won if he were paying attention.

Please don't give Ichinojo any love. His effort does not deserve it at all. He's not going anywhere by stalling. He needs to be doing what Terunofuji or Kotoshogiku is doing.

I really want Ikioi to succeed. He has the talent and he's clearly around Komusubi rank when he doesn't explode. Good luck for him tommorow though against Terunofuji.

Edited by rzombie1988

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Video of Kotoyuki beating Harumafuji and tearing up

That was awesome. I like Kotoyuki because, like Yoshikaze and Aminishiki, he isn't scared of anyone and he makes the most of what he has. And both his hands clearly touched the ground at the tachiai, while Ama's didn't get within a foot of the surface...

Is that sarcasm?

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anyone know how much weight ichinojo lost? I know he still looks like the biggest in makuuchi, but seems like he lost a considerable amount of weight since last basho.

despite his lazy style the first few days, losing a bit of weight at his girth can only help

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Ichinojo said it himself in his shin-nyuumaku basho: he needs a quicker tachi-ai.

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I think Kotoyūki had a good plan against Harumafuji. He started from really far back, which hinders the power of Harumafuji’s fast tachi-ai to grab the belt.

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I think Kotoyūki had a good plan against Harumafuji. He started from really far back, which hinders the power of Harumafuji’s fast tachi-ai to grab the belt.

Isn't that what oshi-sumo fighters do? Look at Takekaze as well as Kotoyuki's prior bouts.

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Ichinojo said it himself in his shin-nyuumaku basho: he needs a quicker tachi-ai.

He needs a quicker everything. Not just the tachiai. He still looks sluggish.

Mind you, it's good if he lost some weight. He should concentrate on gaining strength, speed and technique that can help him capitalize on his natural build and weight distribution. Those big legs should become much more powerful.

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I got to see this live on a rare day off from work. I have to say it was a match that only makes me like Kotoyuki even more. Even his crying almost made me cry for whatever reason. And to get to do that with his shisho in the announcer's box I'm sure was special to him to. I can only wish him the best, he's still got Kakuryu and the ozeki to go!

I'm not the biggest Kotoyuki fan, but this was moving.

Really great to see how these guys are really feeling, and what it means to them. good on you, Kotoyuki.

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