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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Hatsu 2016

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And all of a sudden we're left without an Ozeki! But I'm sure Pandaazuma will be back - he has done it before! (Perhaps he will manage the "easy" way this time...)

Once again, I had to add one win in Makuuchi and two wins in Juryo and below, that's 7-8 and 6-9 to be considered as KK respectively.

Kitakachiyama (Ye 9-6)      Y     
Asashosakari (S1w 9-6)      S1    ScreechingOwl (S2e 7-8)
Andoreasu (Kw 9-6)          S2    Pandaazuma (Ow 6-8-1)
Achiyama (M8w 12-3)         K1    Fujiyama (M1e 8-6-1)
Susanoo (M2e 8-7)           K2    Chishafuwaku (S2w 6-9)

Konosato (M6e 9-6)          M1    Ganzohnesushi (Ke 6-9)
Nomadwolf (M4e 8-7)         M2    Randomitsuki (M3e 7-8)
Kuroimori (S1e 4-11)        M3    GONZABUROW (M4w 7-8)
Flohru (M7w 8-7)            M4    Sebunshu (M5w 7-8)
Kyokuhagyo (M2w 5-10)       M5    Yassier (M9e 8-7)
Taka (M1w 4-11)             M6    Haidouzo (M8e 7-8)
Frinkanohana (M7e Kosho)    M7    Taxinohana (M12w 8-6-1)
Gaijingai (M5e 5-10)        M8    Gurowake (M15e 9-6)
Kotononami (M12e 7-7-1)     M9    Kaiomitsuki (M14w 8-7)
Jejima (M10e Kosho)         M10   Andonishiki (M17e 9-6)
Bill (M15w 8-7)             M11   Chocshoporyu (M10w 6-9)
Unkonoyama (M16e 8-7)       M12   Gawasukotto (M13w 7-8)
Kintamayama (M14e 7-8)      M13   Wamahada (M9w 5-10)
Oskanohana (M6w 3-12)       M14   Chisaiyama (M11w 5-8-2)
Ruziklao (J1w 7-8)          M15   Smoczayama (M11e 4-11)
Mariohana (M3w Kyujo)       M16   Gernobono (J5w 8-7)
Metzinowaka (M13e 4-9-2)    M17   

Maguroyama (J2w 6-8-1)      J1    Domichi (J5e 7-8)
Mischashimaru (J3e 6-9)     J2    Profomisakari (J8e 8-7)
Saruyama (J4e 6-8-1)        J3    Jakusotsu (J4w 6-9)
Tainosen (J8w 7-8)          J4    Kasamatsuri (J1e 3-12)
Takanorappa (M17w 3-12)     J5    Mmikasazuma (M16w 2-13)
Tenshinhan (J3w 4-11)       J6    Aome (J10e 7-8)
Fujisan (J6w 5-10)          J7    Rikishimiezi (J11e 7-7-1)
Anjoboshi (J11w 7-8)        J8    Manatsumai (J9e 6-9)
Senkoho (J12w 7-7-1)        J9    Suwihuto (J7e 4-11)
Taikanute (J12e 6-9)        J10   Chankoyama (ms1e 7-8)
Shimodahito (J14e 6-9)      J11   Neko (J9w 4-11)
Holleshoryu (J7w 3-12)      J12   Sokkenaiyama (ms3w 7-8)
Pitinosato (ms4w 7-8)       J13   Kaiowaka (J2e Kyujo)
Futtokazan (ms4e 6-8-1)     J14   Hogashi (ms2w 5-10)

Ayagawa (ms1w 4-10-1)       ms1   Kamogawa (J14w 3-12)
Tosahayate (J6e Kyujo)      ms2   Hana-ichi (ms2e 2-13)
Reijinguoshan (mz 3-12)     ms3   Bunijiman (J10w Kyujo)
Korinokoishi (ms3e 1-14)    ms4   Hayaikaze (J13e Kyujo)
Doitsuyama (J13w)           
Slackerjoe (ms5e)           
Wolfgangho (ms5w)           

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Dare I ask how many wins it might take in Hatsu for ozeki promotion after two (adjusted) 10-5's?

Edited by Asashosakari

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I usually try to avoid setting traps like these, but but another (adjusted) 10-5 will surely make me think about it B-)

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Another question for the venerable Jakusotsu: if Panda gets ten wins this basho, is that the 'easy' way back to ozeki you mentioned? Or do I need a yusho or something?

Need something to aim for! :)

Asashosakari: five more wins out of seven needed then, mate! ;)

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Just like in Ozumo, 10 wins will put you back to Ozeki immediately. But you're still welcome to win the yusho, of course. B-)

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Haidouzo failed to win the yusho on day 14 but left nothing to chance on Senshuraku, especially as the only other contender lost two in a row (and has to be content with the gino-sho). Great two-win lead, just like a certain yusho winner in Tokyo - omedeto!


M6w Haidouzo (11-4) (Yusho winner...)


Y1e Kitakachiyama (14)


M8w Gurowake (12-12)


M13w Wamahada (4.958)

Congrats to all winners!

Thank you for playing, see ya in March.

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Well done, Haidouzo! Excellent picking, I thought, and a well-deserved yusho!

Incidentally, is there a Shinto god of TTT? Because if there is I've somehow pissed him off big time! First I declare the Panda intai for a day in Kyushu, missing a day that had three fusensho (and a certain win in TTT) that would have kept me at my ozeki rank. Then, after losing the rank because of that, our TTT god tells Isegahama to reverse Tochinoshin's clear win over Aminishiki without even a me the loss that meant I fell short of the ten I needed to go back to ozeki! And now even a second-place finish is not enough to go back. Looks like I'll have to pray like hell to this god over the next three basho and go back the hard way! Ganbarimasu!

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Patience, gentle giant. If you look closely at the results, it is very likely that at least one win has to be added for banzuke-making purposes.

In other words, the Shinto gods may still smile upon you.

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Haha! I'll pray like hell anyway! I was actually very proud of my ozeki rank in that's one of the toughest.

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Yeah, scores were so incredibly low that I think an adjustment of a win is a near-certainty in all divisions. Only 10 people eligible for sansho (I hate to say KK, because it'll be adjusted).

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