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Hello Sumo Fans and Gamers and Supporters of TUG,

The last basho for 2015 - Kyushu basho is starting this coming weekend, so I'd like to INVITE YOU again to play The Underdog Game (TUG) during 2015 Kyushu Basho.

If you haven't read the topic "THE UNDERDOG GAME (TUG) - PLEA FOR HELP" I'd like to inform you that the Automation of the game is happening.

Gurowake was so kind to help me with the first phase of the automation process. He created the Excel file which I am going to use during Kyushu basho, for which I am very grateful to him.

The second phase of the automation - creating the Entry Form is not going to be finished this basho, so you have to send me you daily picks the same way as before:

It's up to you to decide how to submit your entries. Choose one of the following options:

1.) Post them daily on Sumoforum;

2.) Use the PM (private message) on the Sumoforum. If you chose to use this method, please, use Randomitsuki's method.

Once you Compose your message, every day open the same PM and reply to it with your new pick. In this way the

Storage space is much smaller than if you submit every day different PMs.

3.) You can send your pick with an e-mail to angelstoyanov55(at)yahoo(dot)com

Important: After Day 14 a Cut line (like in Golf) will be anounced. All Gamers who have a mathematical chance to

win the Yusho or the Jun Yusho, will make the Cut. For all these Gamers it will be MANDATORY to send their last pick on

Senshuraku either by PM or e-mail.

If somebody, who makes the Cut, has a problem with sending a PM or e-mail, he/she will be allowed his/her

pick to be sent by a friend, who doesn't have a problem with these methods, otherwise their picks, if

posted on the Sumoforum WON'T COUNT, even if they are wins.

Here are the Rules of the Game (click on the text below to zoom the text):




Edited by Achiyama

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Dear TUG Supporters and New Gamers, who would like to try this game,

Please, let me know if you will participate in TUG during 2015 Kyushu basho.





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I am a TUG and I will again join the gang of TUGs ;-)

Edited by kuroimori

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It's jun yusho or bust for me! I will be there with bells on. Or perhaps just a mawashi and tabi. But I will be there.

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So... Will I get a kachi-koshi or will I again be a loser... :D I'm in.

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As of November 7, 2015,

Will participate:

  1. Achiyama
  2. Gaijingai
  3. Mmikasazuma
  4. Kuroimori
  5. Chishafuwaku
  6. Gurowake
  7. Profomisakari
  8. Suwihuto - new gamer - (Welcome...)
  9. ScreechingOwl
  10. Senkoho - welcome back!
  11. Andonishiki - welcome back from KOSHO!
  12. Pandaazuma
  13. Tenshinhan
  14. Wamahada
  15. Eightenberg (aka Teo_heel)
  16. Gernobono
  17. Shokikogi
  18. Shimodahito - welcome back from KOSHO!
  19. Pitinosato
  20. Jakusotsu
  21. Flohru
  22. Rejinguoshan
  23. Holleshoryu
  24. Itachi

Jejima - KOSHO

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there is no suggestion-thread, so i use this one for my idea...

maybe it is possible someone can post the bouts with points earlier than busy achiyama can do

he usually posts them at around 6:30pm that point the bouts are known for 13 hours the least...

to avoid crossposting maybe there is a volunteer to do that with the correct numbers according to the rules

i never looked into them to really know how the numbers are calculated, but i guess this cannot be too difficult to manage......

i do not want to take away anything from the games' tate-gyoji, but i wold prefer knowing the points at stake, when i usually enter my pick

Edited by Gernobono

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