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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Kyushu 2015

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Seems like Aki Basho was a bit tricky to predict. For banzuke making purposes I had ot add one win in Makuuchi and two wins in Juryo and below, that's 7-8 and 6-9 to be considered as KK respectively.

Kitakachiyama (Ye 6-9)      Y     
                            O     Pandaazuma (Ow 6-9)
Kuroimori (S1w 7-8)         S1    Asashosakari (K1w 9-6)
ScreechingOwl (K2e 9-6)     S2    Chishafuwaku (K2w 8-7)
Ganzohnesushi (M1w 8-7)     K     Andoreasu (S1e 5-10)

Fujiyama (S2e 5-10)         M1    Taka (S2w 5-9-1)
Susanoo (M4e 7-8)           M2    Kyokuhagyo (M9e 9-6)
Randomitsuki (M2w 6-9)      M3    Mariohana (M3w Kosho)
Nomadwolf (M6e 7-8)         M4    GONZABUROW (K1e 4-9-2)
Gaijingai (M9w 8-7)         M5    Sebunshu (M4w 6-9)
Konosato (M5e 6-9)          M6    Oskanohana (M2e 5-10)
Frinkanohana (M3e 5-10)     M7    Flohru (M1e 4-11)
Haidouzo (M10e 7-8)         M8    Achiyama (M6w 6-9)
Yassier (M12e 7-8)          M9    Wamahada (M8w 6-9)
Jejima (M7e 5-10)           M10   Chocshoporyu (M7w 5-10)
Smoczayama (M5w 4-11)       M11   Chisaiyama (M10w 6-8-1)
Kotononami (M13w 7-8)       M12   Taxinohana (M14e 7-8)
Metzinowaka (M13e Kosho)    M13   Gawasukotto (M14w 7-8)
Kintamayama (M11w 6-9)      M14   Kaiomitsuki (M8e 4-11)
Gurowake (J1e 7-8)          M15   Bill (M12w 5-10)
Unkonoyama (J7e 9-6)        M16   Mmikasazuma (M15w 6-7-2)
Andonishiki (J4w 7-7-1)     M17   Takanorappa (J2w 6-9)

Kasamatsuri (J3e 6-9)       J1    Ruziklao (J3w 6-8-1)
Kaiowaka (J2e Kosho)        J2    Maguroyama (J8e 8-7)
Mischashimaru (J1w 5-10)    J3    Tenshinhan (J5e 6-9)
Saruyama (J6w 6-7-2)        J4    Jakusotsu (M15e 3-11-1)
Domichi (J11w 8-7)          J5    Gernobono (M16w 3-11-1)
Tosahayate (M11e Kyujo)     J6    Fujisan (M16e 2-12-1)
Suwihuto (J10w 6-9)         J7    Holleshoryu (J14e 7-8)
Profomisakari (J7w 5-10)    J8    Tainosen (J4e 3-11-1)
Manatsumai (J12w 6-9)       J9    Neko (J8w 5-8-2)
Aome (J13w 6-9)             J10   Bunijiman (J9e 5-10)
Rikishimiezi (ms1w 6-9)     J11   Anjoboshi (J9w 4-10-1)
Taikanute (J10e 4-11)       J12   Senkoho (J12e 4-7-4)
Hayaikaze (J11e 3-7-5)      J13   Doitsuyama (J5w Kyujo)
Shimodahito (J6e Kyujo)     J14   Kamogawa (J13e 3-11-1)

Chankoyama (ms2e 5-9-1)     ms1   Ayagawa (J14w 3-11-1)
Hana-ichi (ms2w 4-11)       ms2   Hogashi (mz 5-10)
Korinokoishi (mz 4-10-1)    ms3   Sokkenaiyama (mz 3-12)
Futtokazan (mz 2-7-6)       ms4   Pitinosato (mz 2-12-1)
Slackerjoe (mz 1-8-6)       ms5   Wolfgangho (ms1e Kyujo)
Fatakiyama (ms3e)           
Reijinguoshan (ms3w)        
Kuroinohana (ms4e)          
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Achiyama wrapped up the yusho on day 14 already as a birthday present, and he extended the lead even further with another win on senshuraku. That's quite an incredible performance - omedeto!

...and last basho's yusho winner Unkonoyama now got his third kanto-sho in a row - this is becoming a habit B-)


M8w Achiyama (12-3) (Yusho winner...)


M16e Unkonoyama (29)


M1e Fujiyama (11-11)

M12w Taxinohana (11-11)

J8e Profomisakari (11-11)


J8e Profomisakari (5.638)

Congrats to all winners!

Thank you for playing, see ya in January.

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