
Courtesy calls by rikishi and oyakata

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The traditional visit to both the governor and the mayor of Nagoya - and the traditional sumo bout with the mayor

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a visit to the Chunichi shimbun - Hakuho, Dewanoumi-oyakata, Hakkaku-rijicho


at and after the rikishi-kai



Edited by Akinomaki
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The traditional visit to both the governor and the mayor of Nagoya - and the traditional sumo bout with the mayor

The Aichi governor didn't want a bout, but to pad Hakuho on the belly - again and again.



With the mayor he confirmed again that he wants to keep on till the Tokyo Olympics.



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With the mayor he confirmed again that he wants to keep on till the Tokyo Olympics.


That means 25 more honbasho: 3 more in 2016, 6 in 2017, 6 in 2018, 6 in 2019 and 4 in 2020 (the 2020 Summer Olympics starts 24 July). He'll be 35 years old, not that old.

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If he can keep up his winning average, he'll have 50 yusho by then!

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We haven't had a 35 year old yokozuna since Chiyonofuji IIRC.

Edit: I do recall correctly. We also haven't had a 36 year old yokozuna since Yoshibayama (May 1956; retired January 1958)

Edited by McBugger

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Chiyonofuji was nearly 36 when he retired, and he kept up his winning average until he was 35.

It seems to me that Hakuho is somewhat fitter than Chiyonofuji ever was; i.e. he doesn't have the recurring dislocating shoulder that plagued Chiyonofuji and has gone kyujo much less often.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that "Be older than Chiyonofuji when I retire" is one of Hakuho's many ambitions!

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He is there for money and power. Everything else as ambitions is secondary. He is not liked well enough though to satisfy him which is one battle he would never win.

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Chiyonofuji was nearly 36 when he retired, and he kept up his winning average until he was 35.

It seems to me that Hakuho is somewhat fitter than Chiyonofuji ever was; i.e. he doesn't have the recurring dislocating shoulder that plagued Chiyonofuji and has gone kyujo much less often.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that "Be older than Chiyonofuji when I retire" is one of Hakuho's many ambitions!

Were you around when he was active? I think I couldn't have helped being a huge Chiyonofuji fan myself.

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Freshly crowned juryo champion and nyumaku-to-be Daiki made a courtesy visit to his hometown Tokorozawa-shi's mayor on Monday as a way to express his gratitude to the town citizens for their support. Mayor Fujimoto asked Daiki to become sightseeing ambassador for the town, while Daiki in turn requested that the mayor become head of his local koenkai. Daiki has already accepted the assignment, the mayor showed some reserve for now.

As mentioned elsewhere it's also being reported that Daiki will be adopting the shikona 北勝富士 Hokutofuji for his top division debut, combining parts of the names of his shisho moto-Hokutoumi and his shisho moto-Kitanofuji. His immediate goal is to get a shot at Mitakeumi as soon as possible - Daiki was defeated by him with the 2014 University Championship on the line in their senior year and wants to avenge that painful loss.

At any rate, it won't be long until he can stop by his home again as the Aki jungyo tour visits neighbouring Iruma-shi on Friday and prefectural capital Saitama-shi on Saturday, where he'll probably receive quite the welcome.

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On 6/29/2016 at 06:19, Akinomaki said:


So close! he almost had him. 

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Oyanagi at home in Niigata city reported his juryo promotion to the mayor. Asked about the 0-3 start he said: "My nature is that I hate to lose. I felt that with people cheering for me, I can't just give up and do a sumo to be ashamed of." http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJBG3GQVJBGUOHB001.html





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Goeido with the heya's Sekinoto-oyakata visited the mayor of Onojo city (Fukuoka pref.), where the heya stays for Kyushu, and met with some courtesy by the city PR character mascot, Ono Joe



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Hakuho (going for 1000), local Kotoshogiku, man of the basho Goeido and his Kyushu basho responsible oyakata paid a visit to the mayor of Fukuoka.



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and another to the Fukuoka prefectural office

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Kokonoe-oyakata met the mayor of Kokonoe-town, Oita: "All the time I wanted to come." - he's from Oita-city but never had been there. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/local/oita/news/20161110-OYTNT50030.html

From the town he received 10kg of Kokonoe-"Dream" pork and 90kg of locally produced rice. http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJCB441DJCBTPJB004.html



His present was a banzuke and signed calligraphy 心力 shinryoku (heart power - from shin-gi-tai) and 夢進 mushin (dream forward) - not the common Japanese word with that pronunciation. http://www.oita-press.co.jp/1010000000/2016/11/11/JD0055185178


Edited by Akinomaki
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On November 11th another visit to Onojo city took place, this time for members of Takadagawa-beya. The shisho (former Sekiwake Akinoshima) led the party, taking with him sanyaku gyoji Shikimori Kandayu, heya sekitori Kagayaki and Ryuden, and three others who all hail from the city - Dairaido, Daijo and the eponymous Onojo. They were welcomed by city hall staff and also met mayor Muneji Imoto.




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Kotoshogiku happened to be in the area and made the obligatory visit to the mayor his hometown Yanagawa, with his mother and the koenkai top - to report his bad result. The mayor thanked him for not going kyujo: "That's worth a gold medal". http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJCX34G6JCXTGPB004.html

his mother behind him


with the mayor



He donated 4000 (Kototsurugi designed) Kotoshougiku seals to the local schools - 3406 have been distributed to all primary school students of the city. http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJCY41F8JCYTGPB00D.html




Edited by Akinomaki
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Ishiura had an excellent result to report and went to Tottori to meet both with the mayor and the governor. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/local/tottori/news/20161129-OYTNT50100.html


From the mayor 2 bottles of Hojo wine that didn't break when the recent Tottori quake hit the producing region. http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJCY35VMJCYPUUB003.html



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Terutsuyoshi was back in Minami-Awaji and reported his makushita yusho and juryo promotion to the mayor. http://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/awaji/201612/0009715285.shtml



with the top of the local rikishi koenkai (below juryo can't have a personal koenkai)


and also at the grave of his grandfather, which he had erected


"Next time I come to report when I get to makuuchi." http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/sumo/20161202-OHT1T50033.html



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7 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:


"Please don't hurt me...."

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Just wondering if these visits to the mayor done by the lower-ranked rikishis is seen more of tradition and obligation by the mayor.

I mean, I can see the pride of being visited by a sekitori from his hometown, but a jonidan/sandanme rikishi?

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2 hours ago, d_golem said:

Just wondering if these visits to the mayor done by the lower-ranked rikishis is seen more of tradition and obligation by the mayor.

I mean, I can see the pride of being visited by a sekitori from his hometown, but a jonidan/sandanme rikishi?

Sumo is tradition.

On 22.8.2015 at 17:00, Akinomaki said:

The saying is "Rather than the ozeki from Tokyo(Edo), the sandame from home."

In smaller cities, already a new recruit is a pride - and success is reported regularly.

In the past, a lower ranked rikishi wouldn't (be allowed to) travel home till reaching sekitori, but ease of transport has progressed and heya rules are less strict now.

Add to that the increased popularity of sumo and the new public interest status of the NSK, which makes them send rikishi to all kinds of places.

Edited by Akinomaki
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Yoshikaze with ex-Kakizoe (Ikazuchi) on the 20th visited the the mayor of Beppu-city, in his home prefecture Oita, promising great efforts at the next basho. Yoshikaze had been invited to revitalize at the local onsen and an encouragement party for both took place there on the 19th. http://www.oita-press.co.jp/1010000000/2017/02/21/JD0055488080


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Takekaze visited not only schools, but also the governor of Akita: "From now on I'll reconsider the amount of training. I'll put the focus on the quality of keiko and caring for the body."  http://www.sakigake.jp/news/article/20170223AK0018/


On 22.2.2017 at 20:14, Akinomaki said:

Yoshikaze with ex-Kakizoe (Ikazuchi) on the 20th visited the the mayor of Beppu-city, in his home prefecture Oita, promising great efforts at the next basho. Yoshikaze had been invited to revitalize at the local onsen

He had been invited by the Beppu sumo-do promotion council, a former head coach of the Chuo university sumo club. http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170223/ddl/k44/050/332000c


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Ura as well after schools visited the governor of his home province, Kyoto - also to do PR for the basho, which is the quasi-local one there (I think that usually was done by yokozuna or ozeki). The governor: "Also the body has grown bigger, I'm looking forward to the banzuke from now on." Ura: "I simply plan to do a sumo the others hate." G.: "Because you often do sumo in an unnatural posture, I'm praying for a successful career without injury." http://www.sankei.com/west/news/170225/wst1702250036-n1.html

As a present he gave the governor a towel with his (Kototsurugi) illust and the kesho-mawashi from his local high school


I'll try to get one in May

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