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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Nagoya 2015

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Sadly, ScreechingOwl couldn't shake the kadoban tag and will need ten wins next basho to become Ozeki again.

7-8 had to be considered as KK for banzuke making purposes in Juryo and below.

Kitakachiyama (Ye 8-7)      Y     
                            O     Pandaazuma (Ow 8-7)
Andoreasu (Sw 8-7)          S1    Asashosakari (M1e 12-3)
Ganzohnesushi (K1e 10-5)    S2    ScreechingOwl (Oe 7-8)
Kuroimori (K2w 9-6)         K1    Chishafuwaku (K1w 8-7)
Fujiyama (M1w 9-6)          K2    Taka (M4w 10-5)

Oskanohana (M5w 10-5)       M1    Randomitsuki (Se 6-9)
Flohru (M3w 8-7)            M2    Mariohana (K2e 6-8-1)
Susanoo (M12w 12-3)         M3    GONZABUROW (M2w 7-8)
Frinkanohana (M7e 9-6)      M4    Kaiomitsuki (M3e 7-8)
Nomadwolf (M5e Kosho)       M5    Achiyama (M6w 8-7)
Gaijingai (M6e Kosho)       M6    Yassier (M9e 9-6)
Jejima (M2e 6-9)            M7    Sebunshu (M4e 6-9)
Konosato (M8e Kosho)        M8    Chocshoporyu (M9w 8-6-1)
Kyokuhagyo (M7w 7-8)        M9    Wamahada (M8w 7-8)
Kotononami (M17e 10-5)      M10   Tosahayate (M15w 9-5-1)
Metzinowaka (M10e 7-8)      M11   Mischashimaru (J3w 11-4)
Taxinohana (M11e 7-7-1)     M12   Haidouzo (M11w 7-8)
Chisaiyama (M10w 5-9-1)     M13   Smoczayama (M12e 6-9)
Gurowake (M14e 7-8)         M14   Andonishiki (M13e 6-9)
Kasamatsuri (M15e 7-8)      M15   Mmikasazuma (J2e 7-7-1)
Gernobono (M14w 6-9)        M16   Bill (J5w 8-7)

Tainosen (J1e Kosho)        J1    Kintamayama (J8e 9-6)
Gawasukotto (J6w 8-7)       J2    Ruziklao (J2w Kosho)
Saruyama (J4e 7-7-1)        J3    Jakusotsu (M13w 4-11)
Fujisan (J1w 5-9-1)         J4    Doitsuyama (M16w 5-7-3)
Hayaikaze (J4w 6-9)         J5    Aome (M16e 4-11)
Neko (J14w 9-6)             J6    Taikanute (J13e 8-6-1)
Profomisakari (J7e Kosho)   J7    Takanorappa (J12w 7-7-1)
Maguroyama (J6e 5-10)       J8    Bunijiman (J5e 4-10-1)
Kamogawa (ms2e 8-6-1)       J9    Tenshinhan (ms2w 8-7)
Kaiowaka (J9w 6-8-1)        J10   Shimodahito (J10w Kosho)
Domichi (mz 9-6)            J11   Rikishimiezi (J10e 6-8-1)
Manatsumai (J9e 5-9-1)      J12   Senkoho (J11e 6-8-1)
Unkonoyama (mz 8-7)         J13   Holleshoryu (J12e 6-9)
Fatakiyama (J11w 5-6-4)     J14   Wolfgangho (ms1w 6-8-1)

Heikotoriki (J3e Kyujo)     ms1   Hana-ichi (ms1e 5-10)
Ayagawa (J13w 3-7-5)        ms2   Reijinguoshan (ms3e 3-3-9)
Anjoboshi (mz 3-10-2)       ms3   Kuroinohana (mz 1-0-14)

Fuseigou (J7w)              
Fuheika (J8w)               

Hogashi (J14e)              
Hadakanosato (ms3w)         
Tsukiko (ms4e)              
Asanomeshi (ms4w)           
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No one of the leaders lost on Senshuraku, so due to tie-breakers the yusho goes to:


S1e Andoreasu (11-4) (Yusho winner...)


J13e Unkonoyama (29)


M16w Bill (11-11)

J10e Kaiowaka (11-11)


mz Suwihuto (11.384)

Congrats to all winners!

Thank you for playing, see ya in September.

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I noticed that this is the 20th basho for this game, not counting the initial test run here on the forum. There are three players who have been ever-present during that run, making their selections for 300 consecutive honbasho days - Kitakachiyama, Pandaazuma and Gawasukotto. That is some dedication considering there's no auto-pick system as a fallback. The first two are remarkably close in win-loss scores, with Kitakachiyama at 170-130 and Pandaazuma at 168-132.

Pandaazuma is the only player to win three yusho; Susanoo and Andoreasu follow with two each.

Susanoo is the only player to have won a yusho and all three sansho. Gurowake has also won all three sansho, becoming the only player to sweep them in a single basho, 2014 Natsu.

Mischashimaru has won more Kanto-sho than any other player, with three so far - not surprising since he has accumulated an incredible 568 points in his 20 basho.

Ten players have won the often-shared Gino-sho twice: Susanoo, Flohru, Fatakiyama, Randomitsuki, Gernobono, Frinkanohana, Yassier, Kitakachiyama, Ganzohnesushi and Leonishiki.

Nobody has yet managed to win the Shukun-sho for a second time.

To date there have been 64 perfect Shukun-sho scores (player gets correct unique win and loss selections on the same day). This basho, Day 14 produced the first ever occasion of three perfect scores on the same day.

Edited by Yubinhaad
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There are three players who have been ever-present during that run, making their selections for 300 consecutive honbasho days - Kitakachiyama, Pandaazuma and Gawasukotto.

Dang! I knew that dreadful Senshuraku in Aki 2014 with no internet connection would come back to haunt me.

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