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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Natsu 2015

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It has not been the best of bashos. 7-8 had to be considered as KK for banzuke making purposes in Makuuchi, and 6-9 in Juryo and below.

Kitakachiyama (Ye 7-8)      Y     
ScreechingOwl (Oe 5-10)     O     Pandaazuma (Ow 5-10)
Randomitsuki (S1e 8-7)      S     Andoreasu (S2w 7-8)
Ganzohnesushi (S1w 6-9)     K1    Chishafuwaku (S2e 6-9)
Mariohana (M3e 8-7)         K2    Kuroimori (M3w 8-6-1)

Asashosakari (M1e Kosho)    M1    Fujiyama (M5w 8-7)
Jejima (M8e 9-6)            M2    GONZABUROW (M4w 7-8)
Kaiomitsuki (Ke 5-10)       M3    Flohru (M2w 6-9)
Sebunshu (M4e Kosho)        M4    Taka (M7e 8-7)
Nomadwolf (Kw 4-11)         M5    Oskanohana (M7w 7-8)
Gaijingai (M5e 6-9)         M6    Achiyama (M1w 4-11)
Frinkanohana (M2e 4-11)     M7    Kyokuhagyo (M13w 9-6)
Konosato (M11w 8-7)         M8    Wamahada (M10w 7-8)
Yassier (M9e Kosho)         M9    Chocshoporyu (M6e 5-9-1)
Metzinowaka (M6w 5-8-2)     M10   Chisaiyama (M15w 9-6)
Taxinohana (M14w 8-7)       M11   Haidouzo (M12w 7-8)
Smoczayama (M10e 6-9)       M12   Susanoo (M16e 8-7)
Andonishiki (M9w 5-10)      M13   Jakusotsu (M17e 8-7)
Gurowake (J2e 8-7)          M14   Gernobono (J2w 8-6-1)
Kasamatsuri (M16w 7-8)      M15   Tosahayate (M14e 6-9)
Aome (M12e 5-10)            M16   Doitsuyama (J3e 6-6-3)
Kotononami (J4e 6-9)        M17   

Tainosen (M15e 4-10-1)      J1    Fujisan (M11e 2-11-2)
Mmikasazuma (J7e 7-8)       J2    Ruziklao (J5e 6-9)
Heikotoriki (M8w Kyujo)     J3    Mischashimaru (J8e 7-8)
Saruyama (J6w 6-9)          J4    Hayaikaze (J1w 4-9-2)
Bunijiman (M13e 0-4-11)     J5    Bill (J8w 6-9)
Maguroyama (J9e 6-9)        J6    Gawasukotto (J1e 3-12)
Profomisakari (J3w 4-10-1)  J7    Fuseigou (J6e 5-9-1)
Kintamayama (ms1e 9-6)      J8    Fuheika (J12e 7-8)
Manatsumai (J13w 7-8)       J9    Kaiowaka (J11e 6-9)
Rikishimiezi (J11w 6-9)     J10   Shimodahito (J14w 7-8)
Senkoho (J9w 5-9-1)         J11   Fatakiyama (J5w 3-12)
Holleshoryu (J10w 5-10)     J12   Takanorappa (ms1w 7-7-1)
Taikanute (J10e 4-11)       J13   Ayagawa (J7w 2-6-7)
Hogashi (J4w Kyujo)         J14   Neko (ms2w 5-9-1)

Hana-ichi (J13e 2-13)       ms1   Wolfgangho (ms5e 5-10)
Kamogawa (ms2e 3-11-1)      ms2   Tenshinhan (ms3e 3-12)
Reijinguoshan (ms3w 3-11-1) ms3   Hadakanosato (J14e 1-3-11)
Tsukiko (J12w Kyujo)        ms4   Asanomeshi (mz 0-1-14)
Anjoboshi (ms4e)            
Qijuryu (ms4w)              
Domichi (ms5w)              
Hopsoyama (ms6e)            

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A makuuchi promotion with a 6-9 as J4e.

That's what I call a real banzuke luck!

Thanks for the work Jakusotsu.

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Both leaders won on Senshuraku, so due to tie-breakers the yusho goes to:


M12w Susanoo (12-3) (Yusho winner...)


ms2e Kamogawa (36)


K1e Ganzohnesushi (12-12)

M4w Taka (12-12)

J8e Kintamayama (12-12)


J13e Taikanute (9.177)

Congrats to the winner!

Thank you for playing, see ya in July.

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