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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Kyushu 2014

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He's been there before: Welcome back, Ozeki Pandaazuma!

Unsurprisingly, 7-8 had to be considered as KK in Juryo and below for banzuke making purposes again.

Kitakachiyama (Ye 9-6)      Y     
ScreechingOwl (Ow 8-6-1)    O     Pandaazuma (S1w 10-5)
Kuroimori (S2w 11-4)        S1    Randomitsuki (M4e 12-3)
Flohru (Ke 8-7)             S2    Gaijingai (Kw 8-7)
Mariohana (M3w 11-4)        K     Andoreasu (M4w 10-5)

Asashosakari (M1w 8-7)      M1    Achiyama (S1e 7-7-1)
Ganzohnesushi (M5e 9-6)     M2    Chishafuwaku (M5w 9-6)
Yassier (M1e 7-7-1)         M3    Taka (S2e 5-9-1)
Susanoo (M2e 7-8)           M4    Fujiyama (M2w 7-6-2)
Frinkanohana (M9w 9-6)      M5    Heikotoriki (M3e 6-9)
Wamahada (M10w 9-6)         M6    Sebunshu (M8e 8-7)
Kaiomitsuki (M8w 8-7)       M7    Nomadwolf (M14w 10-5)
Metzinowaka (M7e 7-8)       M8    Profomisakari (M7w 7-8)
Andonishiki (M11w 8-7)      M9    Kyokuhagyo (M6w 6-9)
Taxinohana (M9e 7-8)        M10   Oskanohana (M14e 9-6)
Leonishiki (M11e Kosho)     M11   Jakusotsu (M17e 10-4-1)
Jejima (M10e 6-9)           M12   Smoczayama (M12w Kosho)
Chisaiyama (M15w 8-7)       M13   GONZABUROW (J1w 9-6)
Kasamatsuri (M16e 8-7)      M14   Hogashi (J5e 10-5)
Fatakiyama (J3e 9-5-1)      M15   Konosato (J2e 8-7)
Tainosen (M15e 7-8)         M16   Gawasukotto (M13w 6-9)
Aome (M17w Kosho)           M17   

Gernobono (M12e 5-9-1)      J1    Ruziklao (J3w 7-7-1)
Fujisan (J4e 7-8)           J2    Chocshoporyu (J1e 6-9)
Doitsuyama (M6e Kyujo)      J3    Kaiowaka (J7w 8-7)
Tosahayate (M16w 5-10)      J4    Kotononami (M13e 2-13)
Bunijiman (J4w 6-6-3)       J5    Hayaikaze (J13e 8-6-1)
Bill (J10e 7-8)             J6    Haidouzo (mz 10-5)
Saruyama (J2w 3-10-2)       J7    Senkoho (mz 9-6)
Fuseigou (J6e 5-10)         J8    Holleshoryu (J6w 5-10)
Qijuryu (J9e Kosho)         J9    Gurowake (J8w 6-9)
Kintamayama (J9w 6-9)       J10   Reijinguoshan (mz 7-7-1)
Neko (J5w 3-9-3)            J11   Taikanute (J12e 6-9)
Manatsumai (J8e 4-11)       J12   Shimodahito (J7e 3-10-2)
Mmikasazuma (J13w 6-8-1)    J13   Fuheika (J11w 5-10)
Hadakanosato (J12w 5-10)    J14   Anjoboshi (J10w 4-10-1)

Takanorappa (ms1e 6-9)      ms1   Maguroyama (J11e 4-10-1)
Kamogawa (ms1w 5-9-1)       ms2   Mischashimaru (J14e 4-11)
Rikishimiezi (J14w 4-10-1)  ms3   Ayagawa (mz 4-7-4)
Hana-ichi (ms3w 3-12)       ms4   Harumataikai (ms2e Kyujo)
Vikanohara (ms3e)           

Zenjimoto (ms2w)            
Konizan (ms4e)              
Marushiki (ms4w)            
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Share on other sites was my goal. Very proud of the second promotion. Will keep the rank this time!!

On a more general note, it fascinates me that certain games seem to suit certain players. Worthy of discussion, I think.

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Will keep the rank this time!!

On a more general note, it fascinates me that certain games seem to suit certain players.

Nice self-jinx. B-)
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On a more general note, it fascinates me that certain games seem to suit certain players. Worthy of discussion, I think.

yes Simon and looking at your results I think football suits you best------(Fujisan starts the trash talking early with a low blow when his opponent least expects it)

see you on the dohyo Simon..........

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(unfortunately Pandaazuma's jinx seemed to work overtime)

Two players wanted to challenge the leader, but as all three of them won, Chocshoporyu won the yusho the "easy way" in this crazy basho.


J2w Chocshoporyu (10-5) (Yusho winner...)


ms2w Mischashimaru (36)


J2w Chocshoporyu (12-12)


S1e Kuroimori (5.234)

Congrats to the winner!

Thank you for playing, see ya next year.

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Hilarious jinx...I was actually laughing as my hapless muppets lost day after day!

Obviously I'll be going 0-15 next basho! ;)

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Obviously I'll be going 0-15 next basho! ;)

Nice try, mate, nice try. B-)

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