
Rikishi extra activities

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Kotoshogiku and Osh playing around with a new girl-group "Fist Factory"

Kobushi is also the name of a magnolia, should we hear more of them I'll use Kobushi Factory for them.

They got the best-newcomer award at the Japan Record Award 2015. http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/1586154.html


Edited by Akinomaki
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Kotoshogiku and Osh playing around with a new girl-group "Fist Factory"

Kobushi is also the name of a magnolia, should we hear more of them I'll use Kobushi Factory for them.

They got the best-newcomer award at the Japan Record Award 2015. http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/1586154.html


are they doing the dohyo-iri? lol

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After 4 basho absent the jd yusho in Kyushu, Haguroho from Joso-city, Ibaraki, in his hometown

Mitakeumi at Dewanoumi-beya

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Ex- Kyokutenho talking about retirement and losing weight. (From what I can surmise from the title. I can only read Kanji- Taiwanese person).

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Ex- Kyokutenho talking about retirement and losing weight. (From what I can surmise from the title. I can only read Kanji- Taiwanese person).

The headline quotes him as saying "I have gotten thinner, even though my weight has not changed."

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Ex- Kyokutenho talking about retirement and losing weight. (From what I can surmise from the title. I can only read Kanji- Taiwanese person).

The interviewer is makuuchi-kaku gyoji Kimura Ginjiro

Orion, just back from watching Mitakeumi and others training

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Orion, just back from watching Mitakeumi and others training

insights or predictions for mitakeumi or other makuuchi rikishis, for the coming basho?

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They've prepared a little song (Whistling...)

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he is so not into it

great to hear their voices, though


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They've prepared a little song (Whistling...)

Can anybody translate it?

I'm clutching my sides laughing at it anyway.

Kakuryu has a great basso profundo voice.

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I actually have the original version of this song on my Ipod!

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3rd part (Gagamaru) destroyed me. XD

It was too cute. Gaga always trying to find some semblance of rhythm.

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They've prepared a little song (Whistling...)

Can anybody translate it?
I guess they haven't changed the song, I listed all there is to know about it in the thread about the oyakata all stars version.


Well, at least Ikioi made a little change. Instead of "Hakkiyoi, hakkiyoi" he was singing "Hakkiyoi, Ikioi" at least once. ;-)

Edited by torquato
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Kotoshogiku's awkwardness.

Gagamaru's total lack of rhythm.

Ikioi giving it 100% showman-style.

This video is a treasure.

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Myrogiryu seems to be a fairly good natured person most of the time. All the rikishi seem to be, Harumafuji seems to be the mood-swinger of the group.. but he seems fairly happy here

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