Jakusotsu 5,756 Posted July 22, 2013 I am very happy to announce the first promotion to Yokozuna in this rather young game. Kitakichiyama became the first Ozeki last November after a string of two consecutive jun-yusho, and the very same feat (10-5 in Natsu and 12-3 in Nagoya) will grant him the highest rank now. Congratulations, Yokozuna Kitakichiyama, for a well-deserved promotion! (Dohyo-iri...) (Applauding...) (I am not worthy...) Again, the KK border had to be lowered in Juryo and Makushita. 7-8 is considered KK there for banzuke purposes. (If the high-scoring in the upper Makuuchi echelons continues, I might have to consider a reduction of wins next time.) Kitakachiyama (O1e 12-3) Y Mariyasu (S2e 9-6) S1 Pandaazuma (S3w 9-6) Randomitsuki (S1e 8-7) S2 Flohru (K1w 10-5) ScreechingOwl (K2e 10-5) S3 Gaijingai (K2w 10-5) Ganzohnesushi (K1e 9-6) K1 Taka (M2w 12-3) Fujiyama (M3w 12-2-1) K2 Susanoo (S1w 7-7-1) Kyokuhagyo (M1w 9-6) M1 Doitsuyama (S2w 6-8-1) Metzinowaka (M2e Kosho) M2 Asashosakari (M8e 11-4) Konosato (M8w 10-5) M3 Achiyama (M5e 8-7) Gernobono (M3e 7-8) M4 Fuseigou (M6w 8-7) Kaiomitsuki (M13e 11-4) M5 Frinkanohana (M1e 5-10) Kuroimori (M9e 9-6) M6 Zenjimoto (M7w 8-7) Sebunshu (M9w 9-6) M7 Heikotoriki (M4e 6-9) Hogashi (M4w 6-9) M8 Fujisan (M11w 9-6) Vikanohara (M15e 11-4) M9 Oskanohana (M5w 6-9) Chocshoporyu (M12w 8-7) M10 Jejima (M10w Kosho) Nomadwolf (M16w 10-5) M11 Andonishiki (M14e 9-6) Tainosen (M12e Kosho) M12 Bunijiman (M6e 5-10) Kaiowaka (M14w 8-7) M13 Leonishiki (M13w Kosho) Jakusotsu (M7e 5-10) M14 Yassier (M10e 6-9) Andoreasu (M16e 8-7) M15 Aome (J4e 9-6) Gawasukotto (J4w 9-6) M16 Kotononami (J1w 7-8) J1 Taxinohana (J7w 9-6) GONZABUROW (J3e 7-8) J2 Holleshoryu (J6e 8-7) Wamahada (J2w 6-9) J3 Maguroyama (J3w Kosho) Chisaiyama (J8e 8-7) J4 Mariohana (J10e 8-7) Shiyonofuji (M11e Kyujo) J5 Saruyama (J8w 7-7-1) Kamogawa (J9e 7-8) J6 Qijuryu (J2e 4-4-7) Rikishimiezi (J7e Kosho) J7 Shimodahito (J13w 8-7) Taikanute (J11e 7-8) J8 Ruziklao (J6w 5-10) Yokotanoharry (M15w Kyujo) J9 Fatakiyama (J5w 4-11) Chishafuwaku (ms2e 8-7) J10 Takanorappa (J9w 6-9) Kintamayama (J10w 5-10) J11 Mischashimaru (J13e 6-9) Profomisakari (J11w 5-10) J12 Mmikasazuma (J14e 6-8-1) Kasamatsuri (J12e 5-10) J13 Manatsumai (J12w 5-9-1) Marimo (new 7-8) J14 Anjoboshi (J1e Kyujo) Hana-ichi (ms1e 5-10) ms1 Fuheika (ms1w Kosho) Neko (J5e Kyujo) ms2 Ganryu (J14w Kyujo) Banzuke-gai: Schnappamawashi (ms2w) Urmato (ms3e) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jakusotsu 5,756 Posted September 29, 2013 The leader stumbled on Senshuraku, but his pursuers did so, too. Yusho: M3w Achiyama (11-4) (Yusho winner...) Kanto-sho: J11w Mischashimaru (27) - happy birthday! Gino-sho: K1e Ganzohnesushi (12-12) M9e Vikanohara (12-12) Shukun-sho: J1w Taxinohana (8.298) Congrats to the winner! Thank you for playing, see ya in November. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vikanohara 171 Posted September 30, 2013 Last time the Kanto-sho, now Gino-sho, woohoo ! (Second prize...) I gave up a possible Jun-Yusho for it, but couldn't know that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites