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Banzuke Surfing Nagoya 2013 (8th Wave)

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No respect for Masunosho's superior position, tsk. ;-)

Must be my personal bias to think that the West were superior...

It's corrected now.

Edited by Randomitsuki

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Standings after day 6:

Asashosakari's joy about leading the wave evaporated pretty fast. Achiyama and Itachi have now taken the virtual lead in front of Azumashida.

Rank Shikona              Surfs                     Position          Standing        
1.   Asashosakari*        Masunosho                 Ms23e             0-3             
2.   Ganzohnesushi***     Byakko                    Ms23w             1-2             
3.   Achiyama             Iwasaki                   Ms26e             3-0             
4.   Itachi               Iwasaki/Amuru             Ms26e/Ms41e       3-0/3-0         
5.   Wamahada***          Hakiai                    Ms31w             2-1             
6.   Azumashida***        Hokaho                    Ms32w             3-0             
7.   Vikanohara*          Amuru                     Ms41e             3-0             
8.   charliki             Amuru                     Ms41e             3-0             
9.   Randomitsuki*        Tatsu                     Ms44e             2-1             
10.  Doitsuyama***        Ishiura                   Sd17w             3-0             
11.  Jakusotsu***         Ryuden                    Sd30w             1-2             
12.  Fukurou***           Kotootori                 Sd36w             2-1             
13.  Senkoho**            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             2-1             
14.  kuroimori            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             2-1             
15.  Andoreasu***         Kinunonami                Sd41e             1-2             
16.  Fujisan***           DNP (2nd)                 Sd50e             N/A             
17.  Terarno              Onosho                    Sd55e             3-0             
18.  Jejima**             Kaiho                     Sd87e             3-0             
19.  Mmikasazuma**        DNP (1st)                 Jd4w              N/A             
20.  Kaiowaka***          Shineiyama                Jd7w              3-0             
21.  Holleshoryu*         Shineiyama                Jd7w              3-0             
22.  tzutzy**             DNP (2nd)                 Jd8e              N/A             
23.  Yamasanzan**         DNP (2nd)                 Jd35w             N/A             
24.  Kotoviki***          Sakabe                    Jd38e             2-1             
25.  Takanorappa***       Toyoizumi                 Jk4e              0-0-3           
26.  Koorifuu***          Ikeru                     Jk19w             3-0             

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Standings after day 10:

Asashosakari and Ganzohnesushi led this wave, but while they are on course for MK, all other Makushita players sport nice 4-1 records (using five different surfboards!).

At the moment, Achiyama and Itachi lead in front of Wamahada.

Rank Shikona              Surfs                     Position          Standing        
1.   Asashosakari*        Masunosho                 Ms23e             1-4             
2.   Ganzohnesushi***     Byakko                    Ms23w             2-3             
3.   Achiyama             Iwasaki                   Ms26e             4-1             
4.   Itachi               Iwasaki/Amuru             Ms26e/Ms41e       4-1/4-1         
5.   Wamahada***          Hakiai                    Ms31w             4-1             
6.   Azumashida***        Hokaho                    Ms32w             4-1             
7.   Vikanohara*          Amuru                     Ms41e             4-1             
8.   charliki             Amuru                     Ms41e             4-1             
9.   Randomitsuki*        Tatsu                     Ms44e             4-1             
10.  Doitsuyama***        Ishiura                   Sd17w             5-0             
11.  Jakusotsu***         Ryuden                    Sd30w             1-2-2           
12.  Fukurou***           Kotootori                 Sd36w             4-1             
13.  Senkoho**            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             3-2             
14.  kuroimori            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             3-2             
15.  Andoreasu***         Kinunonami                Sd41e             3-2             
16.  Fujisan***           DNP (2nd)                 Sd50e             N/A             
17.  Terarno              Onosho                    Sd55e             5-0             
18.  Jejima**             Kaiho                     Sd87e             3-2             
19.  Mmikasazuma**        DNP (1st)                 Jd4w              N/A             
20.  Kaiowaka***          Shineiyama                Jd7w              4-1             
21.  Holleshoryu*         Shineiyama                Jd7w              4-1             
22.  tzutzy**             DNP (2nd)                 Jd8e              N/A             
23.  Yamasanzan**         DNP (2nd)                 Jd35w             N/A             
24.  Kotoviki***          Sakabe                    Jd38e             3-2             
25.  Takanorappa***       Toyoizumi                 Jk4e              0-0-5           
26.  Koorifuu***          Ikeru                     Jk19w             5-0             

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Final Standings Nagoya Basho and Rank Estimates Aki Basho:

Now that was a weird wave. Ganzohnesushi's Byakko converted a 2-3 into a 4-3. Lots of surfboards who were 4-1 dropped to 4-3 (Iwasakai, Hakiai, Hokaho, Tatsu). The only pick who pummeled his way successfully through the home stretch was Amuru. As a consequence, Vikanohara, charliki and Itachi moved to the top.

Rank Shikona              Surfs                     Position          Standing        Rank Estimate
1.   Vikanohara*          Amuru                     Ms41e             6-1             Ms15e        
2.   charliki             Amuru                     Ms41e             6-1             Ms15e        
3.   Itachi               Iwasaki/Amuru             Ms26e/Ms41e       4-3/6-1         Ms15e        
4.   Ganzohnesushi***     Byakko                    Ms23w             4-3             Ms17w        
5.   Achiyama             Iwasaki                   Ms26e             4-3             Ms20e        
6.   Wamahada***          Hakiai                    Ms31w             4-3             Ms25w        
7.   Azumashida***        Hokaho                    Ms32w             4-3             Ms26w        
8.   Randomitsuki*        Tatsu                     Ms44e             4-3             Ms35e        
9.   Asashosakari*        Masunosho                 Ms23e             2-5             Ms39e        
10.  Doitsuyama***        Ishiura                   Sd17w             6-1             Ms40w        
11.  Terarno              Onosho                    Sd55e             6-1             Sd3e         
12.  Fukurou***           Kotootori                 Sd36w             5-2             Sd11w        
13.  Senkoho**            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             5-2             Sd14w        
14.  kuroimori            Hitenryu                  Sd39w             5-2             Sd14w        
15.  Andoreasu***         Kinunonami                Sd41e             5-2             Sd16e        
16.  Kaiowaka***          Shineiyama                Jd7w              6-1             Sd47w        
17.  Holleshoryu*         Shineiyama                Jd7w              6-1             Sd47w        
18.  Fujisan***           DNP (2nd)                 Sd50e             N/A             Sd50e        
19.  Jakusotsu***         Ryuden                    Sd30w             1-2-4           Sd65w        
20.  Jejima**             Kaiho                     Sd87e             3-4             Jd2e         
21.  Mmikasazuma**        DNP (1st)                 Jd4w              N/A             Jd4w         
22.  tzutzy**             DNP (2nd)                 Jd8e              N/A             Jd8e         
23.  Kotoviki***          Sakabe                    Jd38e             4-3             Jd13e        
24.  Koorifuu***          Ikeru                     Jk19w             7-0             Jd24w        
25.  Yamasanzan**         DNP (2nd)                 Jd35w             N/A             Jd35w        
26.  Takanorappa***       Toyoizumi                 Jk4e              0-0-7           bg           

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