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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Nagoya 2013

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Sadly, Ozeki Pandaazuma couldn't shake the kadoban tag and will be Sekiwake in July. Ten wins will move him back, but yusho winner Mariyasu might also make a good claim to step into his shoes.

Again, the KK border had to be lowered in Juryo and Makushita. 7-8 is considered KK there for banzuke purposes.

Kitakachiyama (O1E 10-5)    O     
Randomitsuki (S2E 9-6)      S1    Susanoo (S1W 8-7)
Mariyasu (K2W 12-3)         S2    Doitsuyama (K1E 10-5)
                            S3    Pandaazuma (O1W 5-10)
Ganzohnesushi (K2E 9-6)     K1    Flohru (K1W 8-7)
ScreechingOwl (M2E 10-5)    K2    Gaijingai (S1E 7-7-1)

Frinkanohana (M3W 9-5-1)    M1    Kyokuhagyo (M3E 8-7)
Metzinowaka (M6E 9-6)       M2    Taka (M2W Kosho)
Gernobono (S2W 4-11)        M3    Fujiyama (M1E 6-9)
Heikotoriki (M4E Kosho)     M4    Hogashi (M1W 6-9)
Achiyama (M8W 9-6)          M5    Oskanohana (M5E 7-8)
Bunijiman (M10E 9-4-2)      M6    Fuseigou (M11E 9-6)
Jakusotsu (M6W 7-8)         M7    Zenjimoto (M10W 8-6-1)
Asashosakari (M7W 7-8)      M8    Konosato (M4W 5-10)
Kuroimori (M7E 6-9)         M9    Sebunshu (J1E 10-5)
Yassier (M15E 8-7)          M10   Jejima (M15W 8-6-1)
Shiyonofuji (M9E 6-7-2)     M11   Fujisan (J3W 10-4-1)
Tainosen (M8E 5-10)         M12   Chocshoporyu (M12E 7-8)
Kaiomitsuki (J4E 8-7)       M13   Leonishiki (J8W 10-5)
Andonishiki (M13W 7-7-1)    M14   Kaiowaka (M9W 3-11-1)
Vikanohara (M14W 7-8)       M15   Yokotanoharry (M5W Kyujo)
Andoreasu (M14E 6-8-1)      M16   Nomadwolf (J7W 8-6-1)

Anjoboshi (M16W 7-5-3)      J1    Kotononami (M12W 4-10-1)
Qijuryu (M16E 6-4-5)        J2    Wamahada (J1W 6-9)
GONZABUROW (J5W 7-8)        J3    Maguroyama (J3E 6-9)
Aome (J13E 10-5)            J4    Gawasukotto (M13E 2-13)
Neko (J7E 7-7-1)            J5    Fatakiyama (M11W Kyujo)
Holleshoryu (J4W 5-10)      J6    Ruziklao (J2W 4-10-1)
Rikishimiezi (J14E 7-8)     J7    Taxinohana (ms1E 7-8)
Chisaiyama (J6E 5-9-1)      J8    Saruyama (J8E 6-6-3)
Kamogawa (ms2W 7-5-3)       J9    Takanorappa (J2E 2-12-1)
Mariohana (ms3W 7-7-1)      J10   Kintamayama (J10W 6-8-1)
Taikanute (J9W 5-9-1)       J11   Profomisakari (J11W Kosho)
Kasamatsuri (J10E 5-10)     J12   Manatsumai (J6W 3-12)
Mischashimaru (J11E 5-10)   J13   Shimodahito (J5E 1-13-1)
Mmikasazuma (J12W 4-10-1)   J14   Ganryu (J14W Kosho)

Hana-ichi (J12E 3-12)       ms1   Fuheika (ms2E 5-10)
Chishafuwaku (ms3E 5-10)    ms2   Schnappamawashi (J13W Kyujo)
Urmato (ms4E Kyujo)         ms3   
Tenshoryu (J9E)             
Hotaru (ms1W)               

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What the heck happened on Senshuraku?! Runaway leader Fujiyama failed to submit his picks, letting the pursuers pass him on tie-breakers. He shares the jun-yusho with Ozeki Kitakachiyama (who will probably have to say goodbye to that rank B-)).


M2w Taka (12-3) (Yusho winner...)


M15e Vikanohara (28)


Oe Kitakachiyama (13-13)


M8e Asashosakari (5.887)

Congrats to the winner from behind!

Thank you for playing, see ya in September.

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Finally my 2nd Kanto-sho ! :-)

Would be interesting to see the total sansho-points over all basho (or on average).

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Can I ask what banzuke penalty is placed on being kyujo? The rules only mention kosho.

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Can I ask what banzuke penalty is placed on being kyujo?

Just like in Ozumo.

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You know it's a weird basho when I'm winning a sansho for unusual selections...

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Can I ask what banzuke penalty is placed on being kyujo?

Just like in Ozumo.


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