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Day 13 results and day 14 pairings, Makuuchi and Juryo

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Kisenosato's win over Kakuryu made sure the yusho will be either his or Hakuho's and the yokozuna followed up with a win over Kotoshogiku, setting up only the fifth ever pairing between two undefeated rikishi on day 14.

The sanyaku clearout continues with Tochiozan finally falling to make-koshi, Goeido one loss away and Kotooshu still not free from the kadoban tag. Takayasu clinched kachi-koshi with the win over Goeido and looks like the best candidate to get a sanyaku slot, which sounds only fair after he didn't get one with a 12-3 from M7 in Hatsu. Other emerging candidates are Tokitenku and Gagamaru from further down who already are at 9 and 10 wins.

Juryo yusho leader Kagamio finally lost another bout while all pursuers won, giving a tight yusho race at a high level with Kotoyuki and Tokushoryu catching up with him at 11-2, and Tamawashi and Tamaasuka one win behind at 10-3. At this rate it looks like the latter four will get a promotion to makuuchi.

Day 13JuryoMs7e    Osunaarashi (7-0)       yorikiri        J13e    Akiseyama (5-8)J11e    Kizenryu (6-7)          kekaeshi        Ms2e    Sakigake (3-4)J9w     Oniarashi (7-6)         oshidashi       J10e    Tokushinho (6-7)J8w     Tanzo (4-9)             yorikiri        J12w    Chiyoarashi (6-7)J8e     Tochinowaka (9-4)       tsukiotoshi     J14w    Homasho (8-5)J6e     Tokushoryu (11-2)       tsukidashi      J11w    Kimurayama (3-10)J5w     Nionoumi (6-7)          oshidashi       J10w    Takanoyama (6-7)J5e     Satoyama (4-9)          tsukiotoshi     J7w     Tochihiryu (5-8)J4w     Sotairyu (5-8)          okuridashi      J9e     Wakakoyu (5-8)J6w     Tenkaiho (7-6)          yorikiri        J4e     Asasekiryu (5-8)J3w     Kotoyuki (11-2)         tsukitaoshi     J14e    Chiyoo (6-7)J2w     Tamaasuka (10-3)        yorikiri        J13w    Kagamio (11-2)J7e     Sagatsukasa (4-9)       oshidashi       J2e     Takanoiwa (6-7)J1e     Tamawashi (10-3)        oshitaoshi      J12e    Kitaharima (6-7)MakuuchiM16w    Daikiho (2-11)          hatakikomi      J1w     Asahisho (3-10)J3e     Oiwato (7-6)            oshidashi       M15w    Homarefuji (4-9)M15e    Chiyonokuni (8-5)       yorikiri        M16e    Azumaryu (6-7)M13w    Masunoyama (7-6)        yorikiri        M14w    Chiyootori (5-8)M14e    Kaisei (7-6)            tsukidashi      M12e    Wakanosato (5-8)M13e    Daido (7-6)             hatakikomi      M11e    Shotenro (5-8)M9w     Ikioi (8-5)             sukuinage       M10w    Toyohibiki (6-7)M8w     Sadanofuji (5-8)        tsukidashi      M7w     Jokoryu (3-10)M9e     Kyokutenho (7-6)        kotenage        M7e     Fujiazuma (6-7)M11w    Gagamaru (10-3)         oshidashi       M6e     Yoshikaze (6-7)M4w     Toyonoshima (7-6)       yorikiri        M10e    Chiyotairyu (9-4)M3e     Takarafuji (4-9)        oshitaoshi      M6w     Takekaze (7-6)M2e     Kitataiki (2-11)        yorikiri        M4e     Aoiyama (5-8)M1w     Aminishiki (4-9)        uwatedashinage  M2w     Tochinoshin (2-11)M8e     Tokitenku (9-4)         hatakikomi      M1e     Myogiryu (9-4)K1w     Okinoumi (3-10)         yoritaoshi      M3w     Aran (4-9)M5e     Shohozan (7-6)          oshidashi       K1e     Tochiozan (5-8)M5w     Takayasu (8-5)          hatakikomi      S1e     Goeido (6-7)O1e     Kisenosato (13-0)       yorikiri        O1w     Kakuryu (10-3)Y1w     Harumafuji (10-3)       oshitaoshi      O2w     Kotooshu (7-6)Y1e     Hakuho (13-0)           shitatedashinageO2e     Kotoshogiku (9-4)Day 14JuryoJ14e    Chiyoo (6-7)                            Ms3e    Endo (4-2)J12e    Kitaharima (6-7)                        Ms2w    Kotomisen (3-3)J11e    Kizenryu (6-7)                          J8w     Tanzo (4-9)J7e     Sagatsukasa (4-9)                       J13e    Akiseyama (5-8)J6e     Tokushoryu (11-2)                       J12w    Chiyoarashi (6-7)J14w    Homasho (8-5)                           J6w     Tenkaiho (7-6)J5e     Satoyama (4-9)                          J10w    Takanoyama (6-7)J9e     Wakakoyu (5-8)                          J5w     Nionoumi (6-7)J4e     Asasekiryu (5-8)                        J10e    Tokushinho (6-7)J7w     Tochihiryu (5-8)                        J4w     Sotairyu (5-8)J3e     Oiwato (7-6)                            J9w     Oniarashi (7-6)J8e     Tochinowaka (9-4)                       J3w     Kotoyuki (11-2)J1e     Tamawashi (10-3)                        J13w    Kagamio (11-2)J11w    Kimurayama (3-10)                       J1w     Asahisho (3-10)MakuuchiJ2w     Tamaasuka (10-3)                        M15w    Homarefuji (4-9)M14e    Kaisei (7-6)                            M16e    Azumaryu (6-7)J2e     Takanoiwa (6-7)                         M14w    Chiyootori (5-8)M12e    Wakanosato (5-8)                        M15e    Chiyonokuni (8-5)M13e    Daido (7-6)                             M10w    Toyohibiki (6-7)M8e     Tokitenku (9-4)                         M13w    Masunoyama (7-6)M7e     Fujiazuma (6-7)                         M11e    Shotenro (5-8)M9w     Ikioi (8-5)                             M6w     Takekaze (7-6)M4e     Aoiyama (5-8)                           M9e     Kyokutenho (7-6)M6e     Yoshikaze (6-7)                         M3w     Aran (4-9)M2e     Kitataiki (2-11)                        M16w    Daikiho (2-11)M8w     Sadanofuji (5-8)                        M2w     Tochinoshin (2-11)M1e     Myogiryu (9-4)                          M11w    Gagamaru (10-3)M7w     Jokoryu (3-10)                          M1w     Aminishiki (4-9)K1e     Tochiozan (5-8)                         M5w     Takayasu (8-5)M3e     Takarafuji (4-9)                        K1w     Okinoumi (3-10)S1e     Goeido (6-7)                            M10e    Chiyotairyu (9-4)M5e     Shohozan (7-6)                          O2w     Kotooshu (7-6)O2e     Kotoshogiku (9-4)                       M4w     Toyonoshima (7-6)Y1e     Hakuho (13-0)                           O1e     Kisenosato (13-0)O1w     Kakuryu (10-3)                          Y1w     Harumafuji (10-3)
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I'm happy for Kizenryu. Saved himself with a nice kekaeshi. Now I hope that Tanzo gets one more win. I like their style of sumo and I think (and hope) they should be able to keep themselves in Juryo for a while.

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