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Day 11 results and day 12 pairings, Makuuchi and Juryo

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The two leaders Hakuho and Kisenosato and pursuer Kakuryu had no trouble winning their bouts today, while the next two pursuers met each other, with Harumafuji staying two wins behind Hakuho and Kotoshogiku dropping out of the yusho race. Tomorrow we are guaranteed to have more decisive action in the yusho race with the four leaders involved in the last two bouts of the day.

Tochiozan and to a lesser extent Goeido look like in big danger of make-koshi but both have only opponents left which are beatable, the toughest one for Tochiozan might be Toyonoshima tomorrow already. Myogiryu clinched kachi-koshi already and is sure to get into sanyaku next basho while the other lead maegashira Aminishiki fell to make-koshi. All four shin-nyumaku lost today with Homarefuji make-koshi now.

In juryo there was only the second and third bout this basho between two of the four leaders, and Kagamio won against Kotoyuki with the trendy tottari (fifth in sekitori bouts already this basho) while Tokushoryu beat Tamaasuka. The torikumi tomorrow is designed to keep the yusho race close with the two new leaders facing each other and the two pursuers getting laughers against Kimurayama and Sagatsukasa. Lead juryo Tamawashi is watching two wins behind, getting kachi-koshi and ensuring makuuchi return today.

Day 11JuryoMs3e    Endo (4-2)              yoritaoshi      J13e    Akiseyama (5-6)Ms1w    Yoshiazuma (4-2)        hatakikomi      J11w    Kimurayama (3-8)J14w    Homasho (7-4)           tsukiotoshi     J11e    Kizenryu (5-6)J12e    Kitaharima (6-5)        oshidashi       J10w    Takanoyama (5-6)J9e     Wakakoyu (4-7)          okuridashi      J12w    Chiyoarashi (6-5)J14e    Chiyoo (5-6)            oshidashi       J7e     Sagatsukasa (2-9)J5w     Nionoumi (4-7)          okuritaoshi     J10e    Tokushinho (5-6)J8e     Tochinowaka (7-4)       oshidashi       J5e     Satoyama (3-8)J9w     Oniarashi (6-5)         hikiotoshi      J4w     Sotairyu (3-8)J4e     Asasekiryu (5-6)        yorikiri        J8w     Tanzo (2-9)J13w    Kagamio (10-1)          tottari         J3w     Kotoyuki (9-2)J3e     Oiwato (5-6)            yoritaoshi      J6w     Tenkaiho (6-5)J6e     Tokushoryu (10-1)       yorikiri        J2w     Tamaasuka (9-2)J7w     Tochihiryu (5-6)        hikiotoshi      J1w     Asahisho (3-8)MakuuchiJ2e     Takanoiwa (6-5)         yorikiri        M16e    Azumaryu (5-6)J1e     Tamawashi (8-3)         okuridashi      M15w    Homarefuji (3-8)M11w    Gagamaru (8-3)          kotenage        M14w    Chiyootori (5-6)M15e    Chiyonokuni (6-5)       hikkake         M11e    Shotenro (5-6)M13w    Masunoyama (6-5)        yorikiri        M10w    Toyohibiki (6-5)M10e    Chiyotairyu (8-3)       yorikiri        M14e    Kaisei (5-6)M9e     Kyokutenho (6-5)        yorikiri        M13e    Daido (6-5)M12e    Wakanosato (5-6)        kotenage        M8e     Tokitenku (8-3)M7w     Jokoryu (3-8)           okuridashi      M16w    Daikiho (1-10)M6e     Yoshikaze (6-5)         oshidashi       M9w     Ikioi (6-5)M5w     Takayasu (6-5)          tsukiotoshi     M7e     Fujiazuma (6-5)M8w     Sadanofuji (3-8)        oshidashi       M3e     Takarafuji (2-9)M6w     Takekaze (6-5)          oshidashi       M1w     Aminishiki (3-8)M1e     Myogiryu (8-3)          oshidashi       M5e     Shohozan (6-5)M2w     Tochinoshin (1-10)      uwatenage       K1w     Okinoumi (1-10)K1e     Tochiozan (4-7)         okuridashi      M2e     Kitataiki (1-10)M4w     Toyonoshima (6-5)       tsukiotoshi     S1e     Goeido (5-6)O1w     Kakuryu (10-1)          hatakikomi      M4e     Aoiyama (5-6)O1e     Kisenosato (11-0)       tsukidashi      M3w     Aran (4-7)Y1w     Harumafuji (9-2)        uwatenage       O2e     Kotoshogiku (8-3)Y1e     Hakuho (11-0)           uwatenage       O2w     Kotooshu (6-5)Day 12JuryoJ13e    Akiseyama (5-6)                         J14e    Chiyoo (5-6)J10e    Tokushinho (5-6)                        J12e    Kitaharima (6-5)J14w    Homasho (7-4)                           J9w     Oniarashi (6-5)J9e     Wakakoyu (4-7)                          J7w     Tochihiryu (5-6)J6e     Tokushoryu (10-1)                       J13w    Kagamio (10-1)J11e    Kizenryu (5-6)                          J5w     Nionoumi (4-7)J4e     Asasekiryu (5-6)                        J10w    Takanoyama (5-6)J12w    Chiyoarashi (6-5)                       J4w     Sotairyu (3-8)J3e     Oiwato (5-6)                            J5e     Satoyama (3-8)J11w    Kimurayama (3-8)                        J3w     Kotoyuki (9-2)J2e     Takanoiwa (6-5)                         J8w     Tanzo (2-9)J7e     Sagatsukasa (2-9)                       J2w     Tamaasuka (9-2)J1e     Tamawashi (8-3)                         J6w     Tenkaiho (6-5)J8e     Tochinowaka (7-4)                       J1w     Asahisho (3-8)MakuuchiM16w    Daikiho (1-10)                          M15w    Homarefuji (3-8)M13e    Daido (6-5)                             M11w    Gagamaru (8-3)M16e    Azumaryu (5-6)                          M10w    Toyohibiki (6-5)M9e     Kyokutenho (6-5)                        M10e    Chiyotairyu (8-3)M8e     Tokitenku (8-3)                         M9w     Ikioi (6-5)M13w    Masunoyama (6-5)                        M8w     Sadanofuji (3-8)M7e     Fujiazuma (6-5)                         M15e    Chiyonokuni (6-5)M6e     Yoshikaze (6-5)                         M14e    Kaisei (5-6)M14w    Chiyootori (5-6)                        M6w     Takekaze (6-5)M11e    Shotenro (5-6)                          M5w     Takayasu (6-5)M3e     Takarafuji (2-9)                        M12e    Wakanosato (5-6)M7w     Jokoryu (3-8)                           M2w     Tochinoshin (1-10)M1e     Myogiryu (8-3)                          M1w     Aminishiki (3-8)K1e     Tochiozan (4-7)                         M4w     Toyonoshima (6-5)M2e     Kitataiki (1-10)                        K1w     Okinoumi (1-10)S1e     Goeido (5-6)                            M5e     Shohozan (6-5)O2e     Kotoshogiku (8-3)                       M3w     Aran (4-7)M4e     Aoiyama (5-6)                           O2w     Kotooshu (6-5)Y1e     Hakuho (11-0)                           O1w     Kakuryu (10-1)O1e     Kisenosato (11-0)                       Y1w     Harumafuji (9-2)
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