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Day 8 results and day 9 pairings, Makuuchi and Juryo

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The yokozuna and ozeki are back to a combined six wins for the day as Kotooshu's slow henka was enough to untrack Tochiozan. The Bulgarian then followed up with rather strong yoritaoshi, in the process flattening a few spectators in the first rows. This of course means that the leader group hasn't changed. Tokitenkku, Ikioi and Toyohibiki have the best records below ozeki at 6-2, while Myogiryu is 5-3 now thanks to a fusensho against ex-ozeki Baruto who can actually walk but is kyujo with a cruciate ligament injury which never sounds good.

The juryo leader group also didn't change and is strong in numbers with Tokushoryu at 8-0 followed by Tamaasuka, Kotoyuki and Kagamio at 7-1. Tamawashi is the only other rikishi in the yusho hunt now at 6-2. Sagatsukasa is doing surprisingly bad as he the only rikishi at 1-7, even Kimurayama has two wins now.

Day 8JuryoJ13w    Kagamio (7-1)           uwatenage       J10e    Tokushinho (4-4)J11w    Kimurayama (2-6)        oshidashi       J9e     Wakakoyu (3-5)J13e    Akiseyama (4-4)         yoritaoshi      J9w     Oniarashi (5-3)J8e     Tochinowaka (5-3)       yorikiri        J14e    Chiyoo (4-4)J14w    Homasho (4-4)           hikiotoshi      J8w     Tanzo (2-6)J12w    Chiyoarashi (4-4)       oshidashi       J7e     Sagatsukasa (1-7)J7w     Tochihiryu (4-4)        tsukidashi      J10w    Takanoyama (5-3)J6e     Tokushoryu (8-0)        yoritaoshi      J12e    Kitaharima (3-5)J6w     Tenkaiho (4-4)          yorikiri        J11e    Kizenryu (3-5)J3w     Kotoyuki (7-1)          tsukidashi      J4e     Asasekiryu (2-6)J2e     Takanoiwa (5-3)         hatakikomi      J3e     Oiwato (2-6)J2w     Tamaasuka (7-1)         tsukiotoshi     J5w     Nionoumi (3-5)J1e     Tamawashi (6-2)         kotenage        J4w     Sotairyu (2-6)J1w     Asahisho (3-5)          hikiotoshi      J5e     Satoyama (3-5)MakuuchiM15e    Chiyonokuni (4-4)       tsukiotoshi     M13w    Masunoyama (4-4)M16w    Daikiho (1-7)           oshidashi       M11e    Shotenro (5-3)M12w    Kyokushuho (5-3)        shitatenage     M11w    Gagamaru (5-3)M10w    Toyohibiki (6-2)        tsukidashi      M14w    Chiyootori (5-3)M9e     Kyokutenho (4-4)        uwatenage       M16e    Azumaryu (3-5)M9w     Ikioi (6-2)             isamiashi       M14e    Kaisei (5-3)M15w    Homarefuji (3-5)        oshidashi       M8w     Sadanofuji (1-7)M7e     Fujiazuma (4-4)         tsukidashi      M13e    Daido (4-4)M7w     Jokoryu (1-7)           yorikiri        M12e    Wakanosato (2-6)M10e    Chiyotairyu (5-3)       hikiotoshi      M6e     Yoshikaze (3-5)M8e     Tokitenku (6-2)         yorikiri        M5e     Shohozan (5-3)M6w     Takekaze (5-3)          hikiotoshi      M4e     Aoiyama (5-3)M5w     Takayasu (4-4)          yorikiri        M3e     Takarafuji (0-8)M1w     Aminishiki (2-6)        yorikiri        M2e     Kitataiki (1-7)M1e     Myogiryu (5-3)          fusen           S1w     Baruto (3-5)O2e     Kotoshogiku (6-2)       yorikiri        M2w     Tochinoshin (0-8)O1w     Kakuryu (8-0)           uwatedashinage  K1w     Okinoumi (1-7)O1e     Kisenosato (8-0)        oshidashi       S1e     Goeido (5-3)O2w     Kotooshu (5-3)          yorikiri        K1e     Tochiozan (2-6)Y1e     Hakuho (8-0)            yoritaoshi      M3w     Aran (3-5)Y1w     Harumafuji (6-2)        oshitaoshi      M4w     Toyonoshima (4-4)Day 9JuryoMs2w    Kotomisen (3-1)                         J14w    Homasho (4-4)J12e    Kitaharima (3-5)                        J14e    Chiyoo (4-4)J13e    Akiseyama (4-4)                         J10w    Takanoyama (5-3)J10e    Tokushinho (4-4)                        J12w    Chiyoarashi (4-4)J9e     Wakakoyu (3-5)                          J11e    Kizenryu (3-5)J13w    Kagamio (7-1)                           J7w     Tochihiryu (4-4)J7e     Sagatsukasa (1-7)                       J11w    Kimurayama (2-6)J6e     Tokushoryu (8-0)                        J9w     Oniarashi (5-3)J5w     Nionoumi (3-5)                          J4w     Sotairyu (2-6)J5e     Satoyama (3-5)                          J3w     Kotoyuki (7-1)J3e     Oiwato (2-6)                            J8w     Tanzo (2-6)J8e     Tochinowaka (5-3)                       J2w     Tamaasuka (7-1)J2e     Takanoiwa (5-3)                         J4e     Asasekiryu (2-6)J6w     Tenkaiho (4-4)                          J1w     Asahisho (3-5)MakuuchiM16e    Azumaryu (3-5)                          J1e     Tamawashi (6-2)M15w    Homarefuji (3-5)                        M13w    Masunoyama (4-4)M14e    Kaisei (5-3)                            M11w    Gagamaru (5-3)M10e    Chiyotairyu (5-3)                       M12w    Kyokushuho (5-3)M13e    Daido (4-4)                             M9w     Ikioi (6-2)M9e     Kyokutenho (4-4)                        M12e    Wakanosato (2-6)M16w    Daikiho (1-7)                           M8w     Sadanofuji (1-7)M8e     Tokitenku (6-2)                         M15e    Chiyonokuni (4-4)M7e     Fujiazuma (4-4)                         M14w    Chiyootori (5-3)M6e     Yoshikaze (3-5)                         M11e    Shotenro (5-3)M7w     Jokoryu (1-7)                           M5w     Takayasu (4-4)M5e     Shohozan (5-3)                          M10w    Toyohibiki (6-2)M6w     Takekaze (5-3)                          M3w     Aran (3-5)M3e     Takarafuji (0-8)                        M2w     Tochinoshin (0-8)M1w     Aminishiki (2-6)                        K1w     Okinoumi (1-7)K1e     Tochiozan (2-6)                         M1e     Myogiryu (5-3)M2e     Kitataiki (1-7)                         O2w     Kotooshu (5-3)O2e     Kotoshogiku (6-2)                       O1w     Kakuryu (8-0)O1e     Kisenosato (8-0)                        M4w     Toyonoshima (4-4)S1e     Goeido (5-3)                            Y1w     Harumafuji (6-2)Y1e     Hakuho (8-0)                            M4e     Aoiyama (5-3)
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even Kimurayama has two wins now.

At the expense of Wakakoyu who's headed towards his 6th straight MK. He's only 29 but he's starting to trigger my intai sensors - there's this ominous mix of still-present fighting spirit and severe inability to turn it into successful sumo. Kimurayama proved today that you don't even need any mawashi grip, you just need to get close enough to interrupt the tsuki-oshi barrage and Wakakoyu just won't have enough power to do anything in a chest to chest position.

Maybe something wrong with his legs? He's got this odd "floating" look as he's getting pushed around, as though he can't generate enough resistive force. (This is where I really should defer to Kaikitsune or adere who actually know what they're talking about in such matters...)

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