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Turn The Tide - Banzuke Natsu 2013

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Unfortunately, Doitsuyama hasn't been able to glean the kosho requests for Haru Basho (as the banzuke still isn't online yet), so I've granted kosho to every absent player who was active the basho before.

Again, the KK border had to be lowered in Juryo and Makushita. 7-8 is considered KK there for banzuke purposes.

Kitakachiyama (Ow 9-6)      O     Pandaazuma (Oe 7-8)
Gaijingai (S1e 10-5)        S1    Susanoo (S1w 10-5)
Randomitsuki (S2e 8-7)      S2    Gernobono (K2w 10-5)
Doitsuyama (K2e 8-7)        K1    Flohru (M1w 10-5)
Ganzohnesushi (M1e 9-6)     K2    Mariyasu (K1e Kosho)

Fujiyama (M4w 10-4-1)       M1    Hogashi (M2e 8-7)
ScreechingOwl (M3w 9-6)     M2    Taka (K1w 7-8)
Kyokuhagyo (S2w 6-9)        M3    Frinkanohana (M4e 8-7)
Heikotoriki (M8e 11-4)      M4    Konosato (M6e 9-6)
Oskanohana (M6w 9-6)        M5    Yokotanoharry (M5w Kosho)
Metzinowaka (M7w 9-6)       M6    Jakusotsu (M7e 8-7)
Kuroimori (M3e 7-8)         M7    Asashosakari (M11e 11-4)
Tainosen (M10e 9-5-1)       M8    Achiyama (M10w 9-6)
Shiyonofuji (M13e 10-5)     M9    Kaiowaka (M15e 10-5)
Bunijiman (M14e 9-6)        M10   Zenjimoto (M14w 9-6)
Fuseigou (M12e 8-7)         M11   Fatakiyama (M8w 6-9)
Chocshoporyu (M9e 6-9)      M12   Kotononami (M9w 6-9)
Gawasukotto (M5e 4-11)      M13   Andonishiki (M12w 7-6-2)
Andoreasu (M15w 8-7)        M14   Vikanohara (M13w 7-8)
Yassier (M11w 6-9)          M15   Jejima (J1e 9-6)
Qijuryu (M2w 1-8-6)         M16   Anjoboshi (J2e 8-7)

Sebunshu (J4e 9-6)          J1    Wamahada (J6e 10-5)
Takanorappa (M16e 7-7-1)    J2    Ruziklao (M16w 7-8)
Maguroyama (J1w 6-9)        J3    Fujisan (J2w 6-9)
Kaiomitsuki (J7e 8-7)       J4    Holleshoryu (J4w Kosho)
Shimodahito (J5w 7-7-1)     J5    GONZABUROW (J9w 8-6-1)
Chisaiyama (J8e 7-8)        J6    Manatsumai (J13w 8-7)
Neko (J10e 7-8)             J7    Nomadwolf (J6w 6-9)
Saruyama (J3w 4-10-1)       J8    Leonishiki (J7w 6-9)
Tenshoryu (J9e Kosho)       J9    Taikanute (J8w 6-9)
Kasamatsuri (J5e 4-10-1)    J10   Kintamayama (J3e 3-10-2)
Mischashimaru (J14e 7-8)    J11   Profomisakari (J11w 6-9)
Hana-ichi (J12e Kosho)      J12   Mmikasazuma (J10w 5-10)
Aome (J12w 5-10)            J13   Schnappamawashi (J13e 5-10)
Rikishimiezi (J11e 4-11)    J14   Ganryu (new 6-8-1)

Taxinohana (new 6-9)        ms1   Hotaru (ms1w Kosho)
Fuheika (ms2e 5-10)         ms2   Kamogawa (new 5-3-7)
Chishafuwaku (new 5-10)     ms3   Mariohana (new 1-14)
Urmato (new 0-1-14)         ms4   
Gusoyama (J14w)                   
Meyeryu (ms1e)                    
Marimo (ms2w)                     
Hari (ms3e)                       

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Fortunately all of the yusho contenders were able to make a pick on server outage day 14. In the end, Mariyasu trumped them all by a two-win margin.


K2w Mariyasu (12-3) (Yusho winner...)


M11e Fuseigou (27)


M3w Frinkanohana (11-11)

M6e Metzinowaka (11-11)

M15e Yassier (11-11)


M11e Fuseigou (6.144)

Congrats to the superior winner!

Thank you for playing, see ya in July.

Edited by Jakusotsu

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