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[And a big F**k you! to the board developers for being unable to a) acknowledge the problem and b) find a simple code solution for what we can achieve by pressing F5]

Since I do a), I might just have done b). The solution does need further testing to see if it'll work with different browsers, different forum modules, or set things on fire, etc. but there may still be hope.

I am not allowed to "like" anyone's posts. A pop-up tells me that I've reached my quota of positive feedback for the day (which is, apparently, nil)...

Your account was marked inactive, which is why you couldn't use the like system, among other things. I updated your member group, feel free to like things again.

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I thought about morphing Jakusotsu on to someone like Muhammad Ali (The Greatest) but I couldn't face the idea of going to Jakusotsu's ichimon to install it.

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A couple of things to report. First, is anybody else experiencing the return of the dreaded login bug? For the last two days I have been logged in when visiting the forum for the first time in a new browser session. Previously, this stopped happening for me around the same time that Orion reported about it at the top of page 5. It did NOT start happening again with the most recent update, only for the last two days. Nothing has changed at my end, no cookies eaten or caches cleared. Browser still IE9.

Secondly, something weird just happened when I went to make this post. The usual editor screen was replaced by the one in the screenshot below. I have never seen it on the forum before. As you can see there is a topic tags box, no controls in the text area, and two file upload boxes. I didn't actually make that post using it, since I wasn't sure it would work properly, so I just took a screenshot and tried again, and that time I got the usual editor screen.


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A couple of things to report. First, is anybody else experiencing the return of the dreaded login bug? For the last two days I have been logged in when visiting the forum for the first time in a new browser session. Previously, this stopped happening for me around the same time that Orion reported about it at the top of page 5. It did NOT start happening again with the most recent update, only for the last two days. Nothing has changed at my end, no cookies eaten or caches cleared. Browser still IE9.

Hm, it might be the old cookies messing things up. Delete sumoforum.net cookies from all computers and see if that fixes it.

Secondly, something weird just happened when I went to make this post. The usual editor screen was replaced by the one in the screenshot below. I have never seen it on the forum before. As you can see there is a topic tags box, no controls in the text area, and two file upload boxes. I didn't actually make that post using it, since I wasn't sure it would work properly, so I just took a screenshot and tried again, and that time I got the usual editor screen.

The editor is loaded separately and that is more or less what the page looks like before it loads. From the looks of it you experienced either a network hiccup or a server hiccup and the editor didn't load. A simple reload of the page should fix it.

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Hm, it might be the old cookies messing things up. Delete sumoforum.net cookies from all computers and see if that fixes it.

Done, and all is well again. :-)


The editor is loaded separately and that is more or less what the page looks like before it loads. From the looks of it you experienced either a network hiccup or a server hiccup and the editor didn't load. A simple reload of the page should fix it.

Good to know, thanks Exil!

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Praises to Exil are overdue for restoring thread positioning!

(I am not worthy...)

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We are now running version 3.4.4. Expect bug fixes. Also, bugs.

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Has something changed in how BBCode is interpreted? That the forum software insists on placing linebreaks around [ center ] [ /center ] blocks is nothing new, that's been the case in all 3.x versions (I think), but suddenly those linebreaks show up in the output as well and all centered cells look very ugly.

I can remove the linebreaks by hand and re-save the post to make the ugliness go away, but it doesn't remove it for good - the next time I'm editing the post the linebreaks are back and I need to remove everything again even if I just want to change some other little thing.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Has something changed in how BBCode is interpreted? That the forum software insists on placing linebreaks around [ center ] [ /center ] blocks is nothing new, that's been the case in all 3.x versions (I think), but suddenly those linebreaks show up in the output as well and all centered cells look very ugly.

I can remove the linebreaks by hand and re-save the post to make the ugliness go away, but it doesn't remove it for good - the next time I'm editing the post the linebreaks are back and I need to remove everything again even if I just want to change some other little thing.

The recurring ugliness is not new. It has been there since the initial ugliness began. I have quit using center in any table that I might want to edit later.

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The recurring ugliness is not new. It has been there since the initial ugliness began. I have quit using center in any table that I might want to edit later.

Hmm, I'm at a loss then. On the LKS table a few days ago and the collegiate sekitori table that I just edited I've definitely encountered some center-related issues that I didn't see before with the same code. Edited by Asashosakari

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The recurring ugliness is not new. It has been there since the initial ugliness began. I have quit using center in any table that I might want to edit later.

Hmm, I'm at a loss then. On the LKS table a few days ago and the collegiate sekitori table that I just edited I've definitely encountered some center-related issues that I didn't see before with the same code.
My problem was mainly in headers that spanned multiple columns. Didn't investigate very fully. Just cussed a lot and then quit using it.

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Has something changed in how BBCode is interpreted? That the forum software insists on placing linebreaks around [ center ] [ /center ] blocks is nothing new, that's been the case in all 3.x versions (I think), but suddenly those linebreaks show up in the output as well and all centered cells look very ugly.

I can remove the linebreaks by hand and re-save the post to make the ugliness go away, but it doesn't remove it for good - the next time I'm editing the post the linebreaks are back and I need to remove everything again even if I just want to change some other little thing.

At the moment I can only confirm that I haven't made any updates since April. Sounds like a bug, though, I'll rummage through the bug tracker to see if I can find anything.

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At the moment I can only confirm that I haven't made any updates since April.

That's why I suspect something has changed in that update, my last tables prior to this week were posted in March and I don't recall any issues with previews or edits changing the table code. At least on the output side; the source code has been changing around center tags for a while now as mentioned, but I'm not bothered by that as long as it displays right.

Thanks for looking into it.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Maybe I'm the last to know - there's a limit of two embedded [ youtube ] videos per post? Geez...

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Speaking of which: I notice quite unstable behavior of the vids recently. To be precise, vids tend to stop and stutter much more often than I remember from the past. This happens only in the embedded context. If I use the youtube link to watch it there, everything is smooth as can be.

W7/64 FF21

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That's why I suspect something has changed in that update, my last tables prior to this week were posted in March and I don't recall any issues with previews or edits changing the table code. At least on the output side; the source code has been changing around center tags for a while now as mentioned, but I'm not bothered by that as long as it displays right.

Wait, does the software change things even when you're not using preview? If it's just preview, I'm pretty sure it's intended behavior -- that is, the finished post actually corresponding to the code in the preview window. And I bet the fix will be to avoid using preview. ;-)

Maybe I'm the last to know - there's a limit of two embedded [ youtube ] videos per post? Geez...

I am willing to listen to suggestions for a more practical limit -- keeping in mind that 1) there isn't a per-user-group setting, and 2) dozens of videos on a page will have a negative effect on user experience.

Speaking of which: I notice quite unstable behavior of the vids recently. To be precise, vids tend to stop and stutter much more often than I remember from the past. This happens only in the embedded context. If I use the youtube link to watch it there, everything is smooth as can be.

I've been experiencing the same kind of choppiness, except on Youtube proper. Embedding shouldn't really affect the way the videos play, as long as there isn't a whole lot of stuff loading in the background.

I blame Youtube cache servers.

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That's why I suspect something has changed in that update, my last tables prior to this week were posted in March and I don't recall any issues with previews or edits changing the table code. At least on the output side; the source code has been changing around center tags for a while now as mentioned, but I'm not bothered by that as long as it displays right.

Wait, does the software change things even when you're not using preview? If it's just preview, I'm pretty sure it's intended behavior -- that is, the finished post actually corresponding to the code in the preview window. And I bet the fix will be to avoid using preview. ;-)

Using preview can be avoided - or rather, having the post ruined by preview can be avoided by Ctrl+A/C'ing the post before previewing it, then pasting the pristine version afterwards. Sadly, no such luxury when editing a post unless I keep local copies of everything I'm posting, since the mere act of opening the post for editing already wrecks the code.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Using preview can be avoided - or rather, having the post ruined by preview can be avoided by Ctrl+A/C'ing the post before previewing it, then pasting the pristine version afterwards. Sadly, no such luxury when editing a post unless I keep local copies of everything I'm posting, since the mere act of opening the post for editing already wrecks the code.

True. Hm, I'll have to think about this. It might be difficult to work around, though.

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It seems we have a return to the "sign out but come back as signed in" problem.

Or should I say that I have a return.

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It seems we have a return to the "sign out but come back as signed in" problem.

I haven't seen any bug reports concerning the resurgence of this bug, so I suggest -- as I seem to do quite often ;-) -- that you clear all cookies from sumoforum.net. You might still have pre-3.4.2 cookies on your computer, which are the likely cause of your problems.

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It seems we have a return to the "sign out but come back as signed in" problem.

I haven't seen any bug reports concerning the resurgence of this bug, so I suggest -- as I seem to do quite often ;-) -- that you clear all cookies from sumoforum.net. You might still have pre-3.4.2 cookies on your computer, which are the likely cause of your problems.

I followed your advice, but didn't come across any malicious cookies. So, I thought, it isn't really a problem and decided just to live with it.

This morning however when I turned the machine on, a pop up appeared offering the latest version of Flash Player. It may be the biggest coincidence, but when I logged onto the forum, I had to sign in :-D. Been working properly all day too.

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Apparently Tospo pictures now can be displayed without problems and the links survive a switch to the BBcode editor, which can now also display links containing kanji.

Or can more people don't see the pic of HF in between these lines ?

Edited by Akinomaki

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