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Day 9 lower division results

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Kyokushuho, Homarefuji (in a juryo visit) and Akiseyama already secured kachi-koshi today, which normally wouldn't be enough for the latter two towards a juryo promotion but with two top makushita kyujo, Higonojo going make-koshi today and five very likely demotions from juryo their chances are pretty good already. Tochiyashiki won against Masakaze and both are still in the promotion race as well, as is Azumaryu and of course Ryuden who beat Seiro to become the highest ranked makushita yusho leader. Buseizan also is 5-0 but Wakaaoba lost to 20-year-old Onami from sandanme who will return to makushita after his 3-4 debut last basho.

Onami is joined by five more 5-0 rikishi in sandanme, among them Osunaarashi who got turned around skillfully by Oazuma and got crushed with a yoritaoshi, but luckily for him Oazuma put out his foot at the same time leading to a tori-naoshi where the Egyptian stayed in front to get a clear win.


Jk15w Kasugasato (5-0) yorikiri Jk17e Ishiharayama (4-1)

Jk15e Kozakura (3-2) shitatenage Jk12e Miyakojima (2-3)

Jk11e Komatsu (2-3) yoritaoshi Jk9e Kotouruga (1-4)

Jk6w Takachihonomine (4-1) fusen Jk18e Takahashi (3-2)

Jk5e Nakano (3-2) okuridashi Jk7w Daishohama (2-3)

Jk5w Haruminato (2-3) oshitaoshi Jk3w Fukukasuga (1-4)

Jk14e Mihamaumi (2-3) hikiotoshi Jk1e Yamada (0-5)


Jd104e Aoki (3-2) hikiotoshi Jd105w Hidano (2-3)

Jd101w Daiho (4-1) uwatenage Jd104w Koseki (3-2)

Jd99e Hyugaryu (4-1) yorikiri Jd100w Ichiki (3-2)

Jk4w Sotenryu (5-0) yorikiri Jd97e Hisatsukasa (4-1)

Jd95e Nakashima (4-1) yorikiri Jd97w Itadaki (3-2)

Jd93w Morigaki (4-1) oshidashi Jd93e Kotofubuki (3-2)

Jd90e Miyake (2-3) okuridashi Jd91e Kototaiko (1-4)

Jd92e Kotoyoshikane (3-2) kotenage Jd88e Hasegawa (2-3)

Jd86w Wakagenji (3-2) uwatenage Jd87e Matsuki (2-3)

Jd83w Oshio (2-3) uchigake Jd89e Kotokonjo (1-4)

Jd84w Takasaito (3-2) hatakikomi Jd81w Kotodaiki (2-3)

Jd82e Tsubomi (4-1) yorikiri Jd80e Fujihisashi (3-2)

Jd81e Kai (3-2) oshidashi Jd76w Kotomanabe (2-3)

Jd74e Masutenryu (3-2) yorikiri Jd72w Mihara (2-3)

Jd71e Hokutonami (4-1) yoritaoshi Jd75w Kozan (3-2)

Jd74w Kitasatsuma (2-3) hatakikomi Jd70e Daiisshin (1-4)

Jd65w Daikoyama (2-3) yorikiri Jd68e Daishiryu (1-4)

Jd66w Ako (3-2) okuridashi Jd64w Tosahayato (2-3)

Jd63e Imafuku (4-1) oshidashi Jd69w Motokiyama (3-2)

Jd61e Tsubakifuji (3-2) oshidashi Jd64e Tomiyama (2-3)

Jd59w Yamamoto (2-3) shitatenage Jd61w Dewanojo (1-4)

Jd57w Daigonishiki (4-1) kimedashi Jd58e Amanowaka (3-2)

Jd56w Tamashinzan (2-3) oshitaoshi Jd55w Morinoyama (1-4)

Jd52w Hokutoryu (1-4) hatakikomi Jd63w Dewataikai (0-5)

Jd53e Sakabe (3-2) oshidashi Jd50w Yato (2-3)

Jd49w Hayashi (4-1) kotenage Jd52e Hayate (3-2)

Jd47e Torinzan (3-2) oshidashi Jd48e Tsugarunada (2-3)

Jd42e Kaito (5-0) yorikiri Jd51e Ranbo (4-1)

Jd46w Masunoumi (3-2) yorikiri Jd41e Masuryu (2-3)

Jd40e Hokuyozan (2-3) yorikiri Jd46e Wakahizen (1-4)

Jd43e Azumasho (4-1) yoritaoshi Jd39e Nakazono (3-2)

Jd36w Tsugaruumi (3-2) okuridashi Jd36e Tomonofuji (2-3)

Jd33e Okuniyama (2-3) oshitaoshi Jd37w Taketoba (1-4)

Jd31w Hokanyama (4-1) yorikiri Jd35e Kawashita (3-2)

Jd28w Hoshikabuto (2-3) hatakikomi Jd29w Kotokudo (1-4)

Jd27e Wakakoki (3-2) kotenage Jd31e Ebisumaru (2-3)

Jd25e Kotomatsuo (3-2) tsukiotoshi Jd24e Hirose (2-3)

Jd20w Tochinobori (4-1) okuridashi Jd24w Daishokai (3-2)

Jd17w Shinzan (3-2) yorikiri Jd19w Kinokawa (2-3)

Jd16e Wakayamada (4-1) uwatenage Jd20e Mutsukaze (3-2)

Jd22e Hakkairyu (1-4) yorikiri Jd14w Hamaazuma (0-5)

Jd12w Komatensho (2-3) sukuinage Jd17e Zendaisho (1-4)

Jd11e Iwasaki (5-0) oshidashi Jd34w Asanojo (4-1)

Jd10e Kasugashima (4-1) oshidashi Jd13e Ryokizan (3-2)

Jd9w Rikito (3-2) hikiotoshi Jd7w Hatachijo (2-3)

Jd8e Araumago (4-1) oshidashi Jd5w Fukushima (3-2)

Jd6w Rikishin (1-4) yorikiri Jd2w Higonohana (0-5)


Jd3e Daishoko (4-1) oshidashi Sd100w Suekawa (3-2)

Sd98e Tsurunoumi (4-1) katasukashi Sd100e Kakutaiki (3-2)

Sd96w Hokutoyo (2-3) hikiotoshi Sd98w Kirizakura (1-4)

Sd95e Ryuozan (4-1) kotenage Sd97w Takakasuga (3-2)

Sd92e Dangan (3-2) oshidashi Sd93e Chiyohayate (2-3)

Sd94e Gonoumi (2-3) oshidashi Sd90w Kosenho (1-4)

Sd91e Daitenpaku (3-2) tsukidashi Sd88e Sumanoumi (2-3)

Sd85e Kotomyozan (3-2) tsukiotoshi Sd87e Hokutogo (2-3)

Sd84e Hokutohana (1-4) yorikiri Sd92w Hakunoryu (0-5)

Sd82w Fukunokuni (2-3) oshidashi Sd86w Isoazuma (1-4)

Sd81e Nishiyama (2-3) isamiashi Sd79w Azumasakari (1-4)

Sd77w Kenho (3-2) oshidashi Sd77e Dainin (2-3)

Sd75e Osunaarashi (5-0) oshidashi Sd88w Oazuma (4-1)

Sd72e Tochitaiga (2-3) yorikiri Sd75w Koshinonami (1-4)

Sd72w Asanotosa (4-1) yorikiri Sd71e Tamakaizan (3-2)

Sd73e Wakahikari (3-2) oshidashi Sd69e Daijo (2-3)

Sd66e Kiriarashi (3-2) oshidashi Sd67w Tosahikari (2-3)

Sd64e Daishowaka (3-2) yorikiri Sd65e Minatosho (2-3)

Sd62e Uno (2-3) yorikiri Sd65w Daichi (1-4)

Sd59e Shinohara (3-2) uwatenage Sd61w Ohara (2-3)

Sd57e Isshinryu (3-2) yorikiri Sd61e Hanasegawa (2-3)

Sd58e Koriyama (4-1) hatakikomi Sd56e Satonofuji (3-2)

Sd55e Chiyonoshin (3-2) oshidashi Sd52w Kasugamine (2-3)

Sd52e Oruri (2-3) uwatenage Sd51e Kotodairyu (1-4)

Sd50w Sadanishiki (3-2) yoritaoshi Sd48w Miura (2-3)

Sd69w Owaka (5-0) oshidashi Sd47w Mankajo (4-1)

Sd45e Hatogasaki (4-1) hikiotoshi Sd49w Tokinowaka (3-2)

Sd43w Hakunishiki (5-0) oshidashi Sd62w Kotokuzan (4-1)

Sd43e Orora (4-1) hatakikomi Sd42e Teraosho (3-2)

Sd38w Aonosho (3-2) oshidashi Sd40e Sadanokuni (2-3)

Sd39e Goshi (4-1) uwatenage Sd35e Ominato (3-2)

Sd34e Daieisho (3-2) hikiotoshi Sd38e Toyononami (2-3)

Sd39w Kototsubasa (1-4) katasukashi Sd31e Toofuji (0-5)

Sd32e Haruhikari (4-1) oshidashi Sd30w Kamiyutaka (3-2)

Sd29e Kotoninsei (3-2) hatakikomi Sd30e Shibahara (2-3)

Sd26e Yakunoshima (3-2) oshidashi Sd27e Kotodaishin (2-3)

Sd25e Hagane (5-0) yorikiri Sd37w Akinoyama (4-1)

Sd21w Hamaeiko (4-1) yorikiri Sd23e Daigofuji (3-2)

Sd24w Sadanohama (3-2) oshitaoshi Sd19w Kasugaryu (2-3)

Sd26w Okuma (1-4) yorikiri Sd17e Toho (0-5)

Sd20e Shiroryu (4-1) oshidashi Sd15w Terutsuyoshi (3-2)

Sd19e Komanokuni (2-3) oshidashi Sd13e Gorikiyama (1-4)

Sd16w Fujinoumi (5-0) uwatenage Sd11w Chiyoshoma (4-1)

Sd10e Mitoyutaka (4-1) oshidashi Sd14e Bungonishiki (3-2)

Sd9w Kotokino (2-3) yorikiri Sd7e Chiyoraizan (1-4)

Sd10w Kisomitsuru (3-2) oshidashi Sd6e Ikinoshima (2-3)

Sd2e Hokudozan (3-2) yorikiri Sd4e Yotsuguruma (2-3)

Sd7w Aratoshi (4-1) tsukiotoshi Sd1e Kansei (3-2)


Sd2w Sakaguchi (4-1) yoritaoshi Ms59w Katsunofuji (3-2)

Ms58w Notozakura (4-1) oshitaoshi Ms58e Torugawa (3-2)

Ms57e Aiyama (3-2) yorikiri Ms56e Kyokuhozan (2-3)

Sd5w Onami (5-0) uwatenage Ms54e Wakaaoba (4-1)

Ms51e Notoazuma (3-2) hikiotoshi Ms51w Takunishiki (2-3)

Ms50e Rendaiyama (2-3) yorikiri Ms53w Ryusei (1-4)

Ms47w Yamatofuji (3-2) hatakikomi Ms46w Dewahayate (2-3)

Ms45e Ryuonami (4-1) yorikiri Ms49w Kotokobai (3-2)

Ms46e Nishiuchi (2-3) oshidashi Ms43w Kabutoiwa (1-4)

Ms54w Kisenowaka (1-4) tsuridashi Ms41w Yoshinokuni (0-5)

Ms44w Masunosho (2-3) sukuinage Ms40e Tsurubayashi (1-4)

Ms36w Hokaho (4-1) uwatenage Ms41e Hokuo (3-2)

Ms38e Akinokawa (2-3) yorikiri Ms31w Takakiho (1-4)

Ms34w Tokachiumi (2-3) yorikiri Ms31e Wakakasuga (1-4)

Ms29e Migikataagari (1-4) oshitaoshi Ms35w Yamashita (0-5)

Ms28e Sasakiyama (3-2) hikiotoshi Ms26e Shoketsu (2-3)

Ms24w Chiyoarashi (4-1) oshidashi Ms27e Kotomisen (3-2)

Ms23e Kasugakuni (3-2) yoritaoshi Ms21w Wakamisho (2-3)

Ms32w Buseizan (5-0) oshidashi Ms19e Fujimoto (4-1)

Ms15w Shoho (4-1) oshitaoshi Ms13e Watanabe (3-2)

Ms9w Chiyoo (2-3) yorikiri Ms13w Nishikigi (1-4)

Ms12e Ryuden (5-0) oshidashi Ms9e Seiro (4-1)

Ms8w Shironoryu (2-3) shitatenage Ms12w Sakigake (1-4)

Ms7e Suzaku (1-4) hatakikomi Ms20w Ota (0-5)

Ms5w Akiseyama (4-1) watashikomi Ms10w Shosei (3-2)

Ms5e Azumaryu (3-2) yorikiri Ms6w Bushuyama (2-3)

Ms4e Tochiyashiki (3-2) oshidashi Ms2w Masakaze (2-3)

Ms7w Kaonishiki (2-3) uwatenage Ms2e Higonojo (1-4)

Ms1e Kyokushuho (4-1) oshidashi Ms6e Tochihiryu (3-2)


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Ryuden survived another scare today. But as they say, luck's the residue of design (sometimes anyway) - he's showing both really good posture and really good footwork this basho, so he's surviving in positions he'd still easily lose from even half a year ago. And the big threats helpfully keep being dropped in other matches, today's victim being Fujimoto (who looked really good in his first four matches, better than I've ever seen him) at the hands of Buseizan, after Fujimoto was nice enough to eliminate dangerous (and seemingly finally recovered) Chiyoarashi in his previous bout. Buseizan, even at 5-0, doesn't really look any different to me from the Ms20-caliber rikishi he normally is, so that probably leaves Chiyomaru as the biggest obstacle now. If Fukugoriki knocks off Chiyomaru tomorrow, I'll be ready to start believing in destiny.

A Fukugoriki win would also throw the zensho races into some disarray - there will be only 3 unbeaten rikishi in makushita, and Fukugoriki is from the same stable as the high-ranked sandanme 5-0'er, Onami at Sd5w. So that would prevent the usual lineup of 5-0 matches, and I'm not sure they'd drop down further to Sd16w Fujinoumi. Given the increased level of scheduling creativity among the current shimpan group something completely different might be the result. (Not that it matters...Fukugoriki is probably well into snowball territory against Chiyomaru.)

BTW, speaking of Fujinoumi - just in case I'm the last remaining forum member to pay attention to the half-American Saito twins, I simply must mention that he's secured his makushita debut with today's win. No idea how much further he can realistically go (he's already turning 26 after Kyushu, having joined right before the age limit, so he's not any type of prospect), but I will say that he actually looks like somebody who's learning well and keeps improving. Given that his sports background is in American football and not any grappling sport, maybe he'll be the ultimate late-bloomer. (His brother Fujinohana on the other hand remains at some distance both in skill and ranking. Not sure he really has any distinctive weaknesses - he just seems to do everything a little bit worse than Fujinoumi.)

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I haven't had the time to watch Ryuden's 5th win yet, but I was about to comment on how has improved. He is more solid, answering quickier to twists in his bouts. After spending some time on that plateau, he is now giving signs of readiness for another challenge.

As to the twins, at first Fujinohana caught my attention as the best of the two. His progress was faster and his sumo stronger and if one of the two would have chance, it would be him. With time, however, Fujinoumi has learned more and added more depth to his sumo, while Fujinohana keeps on doing more of the same. The kimarite breakdown reveals this difference to some extent. A while ago I came to the conclusion that unlike most of these late starters, no-hopers who take cover in ozumo after failed attempts at whatever, these two would have been good prospects had they started earlier, say, at the age of 18 or 19. Still worth watching, though.

Edited by shumitto
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And, it needs to be said - I fully expected the twins to quit well before two years were over. Kudos to them for making a real go of it.

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