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Greeting's Everyone!!

I have been reading the Sumo forums for a few weeks now and decided to join,this is a really great site that has a lot of info about Sumo that I can learn.I compete in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and practice Judo as well and through the study of throwing techniques and wrestling I became interested in Sumo.I first became hooked after watching Chiyonofuji and saw how intense and amazing the sport is!

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Hello Shinkage, welcome to the forum! (Welcome...)

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Welcome aboard! I had no interest in sumo whatsoever and, like you, saw a video that turned me into an instant fan. I believe it was a compilation that had makuuchi division fights filmed live in the gym. Their was a particular bout which had a lot of thrusting and back and forth action. I was immediately hooked.

Unfortunately, my interest came after asashoryu had already retired 😔

Apologies for poor grammar or structure and if that emoticon is lame as this was typed on my iPod touch.

Edited by iron bug

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i didn't know where to write about this, so i'm putting it here. just letting everyone know that i changed my shikona from Sekokenzan to Senkoho (not that anyone knows who i am ;) )

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i didn't know where to write about this, so i'm putting it here. just letting everyone know that i changed my shikona from Sekokenzan to Senkoho (not that anyone knows who i am ;) )

Welcome back. :-) (Polish or Chinese flag for the games?)

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Polish :-) i hope my year in China isn't going to make me abandon my sense of national identity :)

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Huh. Just noticed that there aren't any Chinese flags on the superbanzuke, and only occasionally on, say, Fantasy Sumo.

I'm sure there's some folks playing from there, and not sure if 勝 Katsu plays any of the games (or if he identifies with China).

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Polish :-) i hope my year in China isn't going to make me abandon my sense of national identity :)

Where in Chynah? I'm in Baydjing (misspelling bcz of the Great Fire Wall)

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Tsingtao (i'm continuing your misspelling, though i don't really think it's necessary :-))

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Tsingtao (i'm continuing your misspelling, though i don't really think it's necessary :-))

I've been here for 6 years. I began msplling because I rather vocal on issues like Soshulizm, I felt it would be best...of course, now, it's a habit. ;)

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Hi. I'm new on this forum. I'm iterested in sumo for several years. Now I'm here ;-)

I'm looking for the best Ko (epic actions) in sumo (japan). Could someone help me?

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Hi. I'm new on this forum. I'm iterested in sumo for several years. Now I'm here ;-)

I'm looking for the best Ko (epic actions) in sumo (japan). Could someone help me?

Hi Kaczka,

Welcome. :) When you say best Ko, do you mean videos of Ko?, records of who had Ko?, individual rikishi who are Ko-tastic?

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Hey folks. New here, but I've been following sumo for about 6 years now. Araibira keeps hyping the forums on his FB and youtube pages, so I figured I'd come see what the fun was about.

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Hi there! I'm a big sumo fan, going back to the great days when Channel 4 broadcast sumo in the UK. Remain a big fan of Chiyonofuji and Hokutenyu. Nowadays I like to see Baruto doing well.


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Konichiwa! I am living in Aomori-ken and am relatively new to sumo. I would watch it on occasion with Bugman and also at the airports where I saw people crowded around the TV screen. I only seriously started following it about this time last year and was able to attend the January basho where I was very impressed by Baruto's performance -- enough to list him as my favorite. I also attended the summer tour exhibition this year. I was happy to be able to watch Harumafuji earn his Yokozuna title -- again at the airport. I may have been the most enthusiastic of all the those around me at the time. Looking forward to the upcoming basho...

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I hope Baruto can get back on track and have a go at yokozuna promotion.


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Hi, I just joined up here today. I've been a fan of sumo for a few years now, and keeping daily records by myself of results, and posting them to various blogs and facebooks that no-one ever reads! So after doing that for a couple of years, I thought I would like to not be so lonely in my enjoyment of sumo, and here I am.

My favourite alltime is Mainoumi, pure inspiration for all us little guys out there. I recently managed to get an authentic tegata of his, which was a great day for me. Currently Okinoumi is my favourite as he's the first top representative of my homeland Shimane prefecture for almost 100 years, doing Shimane proud!

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I would watch it on occasion with Bugman

There's another Bugman out there that watches Sumo?! I should have chosen a more original name i guess, ah well.

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Hey! I thought he meant you!

Well I hope he joins up as well - he'll have to call himself beetle or aphid or something...

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Hey! I thought he meant you!

Nope, Ack! seems to have mistaken me for someone else with the same name, i do find it odd but then i suppose Bugman is pretty generic, i had been thinking of changing it to something more Japanese and in keeping with Sumo, as when i first joined up i just used my nickname instead of a proper Shikona, but unfortunately being totally un-fluent (is that even a word?) in Japanese and with only Google translate as a tool to go with, i decided against it in case i end up with something even sillier :)

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Of course we also have Iron Bug. Perhaps there is some kind of relationship between fondness for bugs and fondness for sumo?

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Of course we also have Iron Bug. Perhaps there is some kind of relationship between fondness for bugs and fondness for sumo?

Well there is that game that Japanese kids play with using giant horned beetles that looks like sumo. I think they even have robotic beetles to do it with now.

What about Mushiyama (bug mountain) as a shikona? Or Mushinoyama

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