
New kesho mawashi

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On 06/03/2024 at 23:17, Akinomaki said:
On 02/02/2024 at 15:11, Akinomaki said:

Takerufuji today returned to Aomori to receive congratulations and report his juryo yusho - first at the sumo dojo of his middle school in Tsugaru

in the evening with the oyakata at the inauguration of his personal koenkai in Goshogawara, with about 250 supporters, the mayor is the head of the koenkai

he'll get 2 kesho mawashi with local design - Goshogawara tachi-neputa and Tsugaru railway, the design was presented at the event 


The first of the 2 new for Takerufuji for makuuchi promotion was presented today to the public, from the Goshogawara local electric company Miwa-denko, that supports him http://www.miwadenko.jp/?news=尊富士関を応援します。

Today Takerufuji used the 2nd new one, with Goshogawara tachi-neputa from the local Goshogawara koenkai


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The heya koenkai may disband if it takes too long till revival, but the personal koenkai go on: Hakuoho gets a new kesho mawashi from his local Tottori pref. Kurayoshi city koenkai - fitting for the season, his hometown and his shikona. His comment: "Putting on the kesho mawashi from you all gives me a full load of fighting spirit and it cheers me up. I will pile up wins" http://www.nnn.co.jp/articles/-/274136


the mayor and dad present it at the stage of the Kurayoshi Sakura festival

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Posted (edited)
On 07/04/2024 at 09:52, Akinomaki said:

Hakuoho gets a new kesho mawashi from his local Tottori pref. Kurayoshi city koenkai - fitting for the season, his hometown and his shikona.

the mayor and dad present it at the stage of the Kurayoshi Sakura festival

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It's the first kesho mawashi from his new local koenkai, formed in February last year. From the more than 7 million yen collected from about 1100 mainly pref. locals plus aid from the city, also 3 kimono for Hakuoho will be made.

Not the koenkai, but the city is named as donor on the kesho mawashi, as PR for Kurayoshi. For a while it is on display at a Hakuoho exhibition corner.

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Posted (edited)

A new kesho mawashi from the heya's main sponsor for now Kotozakura - the yokozuna one of a shin-gi-tai set like Taiho, Chiyonofuji, Wakanohana II and Hakuho had, those for the attendants are planned. 6 kesho mawashi are prepared for the new Kotozakura, and yokozuna promotion is expected soon. http://www.zakzak.co.jp/article/20240501-SHLOULV3QJLPVCMN7TF4UXAVJY/


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any images of Shin-Juryo Kazekeno yet?

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2 hours ago, Itachiyama said:

any images of Shin-Juryo Kazekeno yet?

At the Juryo promotion and heya creation celebration party, he was presented with 2 kesho-mawashi.

1 with the kanji for wind 風 from the heya’s support association and 1 traditional from Chuo University.


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Posted (edited)

A new kesho mawashi for Onokatsu from his high school Niinagakuen Asahigaoka in Odawara, Kanagawa. The koenkai to support the sumo club and the OBs was formed in April - he is the first to make it to sekitori. About 100 were at the presentation yesterday at the campus, including the mayor and members of the city council. http://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2024/05/08/kiji/20240508s00005000131000c.html


If this will become the standard design of the high school remains to be seen: showing Odawara castle, the city flower plum blossoms and the school building, the whole scene as seen from Odawara station.

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Posted (edited)

Tochitaikai (Tsukahara) as the 28th got the Saitama Sakae standard kesho mawashi today at the school, accompanied by the heya's Kiyomigata and Mihogaseki, who was the first sekitori from Saitama Sakae high.


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Tochitaikai was in hospital at the beginning of April due to a duodenal ulcer and then lost 10kg, but now has recovered.

At the moment 9 OBs are in makuuchi, 5 in juryo - exactly 20% of the 70 sekitori own a kesho mawashi of this type

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Posted (edited)
On 08/05/2024 at 08:28, Akinomaki said:

A new kesho mawashi for Onokatsu from his high school Niinagakuen Asahigaoka in Odawara, Kanagawa. The koenkai to support the sumo club and the OBs was formed in April - he is the first to make it to sekitori.

If this will become the standard design of the high school remains to be seen: showing Odawara castle, the city flower plum blossoms and the school building, the whole scene as seen from Odawara station.

About 150 from the school were at the party to celebrate the juryo promotion of Onokatsu, who is the 4th from the school to join ozumo and with Kyokukaiyu one of the 2 first Mongolians at the high school. If only the Mongolians make it to sekitori, this may become the standard design: the blue background colour represents both the waters of Sagami Bay at Odawara and the Sky of Mongolia.

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Posted (edited)
On 05/09/2023 at 13:23, Akinomaki said:
On 08/05/2022 at 18:19, Akinomaki said:

The Tokitsukaze pair Shodai and Yutakayama today came to the dohyo-iri with kesho mawashi from confectionery maker Fujiya, showing their characters Peko and Poko. The connection to Fujiya is that several graduates of Yutakayama's university Tonodai are employed there.


Now the heya's Tokihayate got a Fujiya kesho mawashi, he's from Tonodai like his 2 sempai  - with  Peko & Poko chan's dog Dog


That was for juryo return.

For makuuchi promotion, Tokihayate has a new Fujiya kesho mawashi, the design is Peko-chan's tongue (some say that of Dog)



Shodai uses his Peko-chan kesho mawashi as well - today both on the east


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Atamifuji today used a new kawaii kesho mawashi he got before the basho from Atami Onsen, 3 tourism related organizations http://www.atamispa.com/news/897


it shows their PR character Atsuo (Atami is written atsui umi) and the Atami geisha union official mascot Mamekko https://www.atami-geigi.jp/mamekko.html


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Posted (edited)

Tochitaikai was at the NHK new juryo interview with the standard club kesho mawashi of the Iruma youth sumo club 入間少年相撲クラブ, as the 3rd to get this one - not just school clubs have one.


The first was Hokutofuji, the second Tochimusashi (Tochikamiyama has quit, who had a good chance for one). It's from the club's OB support club Iruma (kakuriki/)sumo-kai 入間角力会, formed when Hokutofuji made it to sekitori, and shows their symbol 夢 dream - in old style kanji


used by the JCI Iruma


and at the Iruma mandou matsuri 万燈祭り


And the motto Iruma no doyho-damashi 入間の土俵 dohyo-spirit

It's maybe a good kanji joke - Tochitaikai at his visit to Iruma recently told he wants to become a devil on the dohyo  o 土俵の (famous for that was Wakanohana I) = relentless in training and pushing himself to the limit




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Posted (edited)

Kazekeno for juryo promotion got a kesho mawashi from his hometown Seiyo 西予, Ehime - home of Otoi-ozumo, donated by the local sumo association. It shows a variation of the o-sumo-san version of the city's mascot character Seibou http://www.seibou.jp/


on a background of the school colour of his Nomura high school, which represents the abundant nature of the Seiyo region.



It arrived at the heya on the 19th and he started to use it the next day http://www.ehime-np.co.jp/article/news202405220290

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Posted (edited)

Tokihayate for makuuchi promotion will get a kesho mawashi from his hometown Kurihara, from the local koenkai, to be completed in June and ready for the Nagoya basho. It shows the view of Mt. Kurikoma from the sumo ground of his Kurikoma middle school, he requested a design with Mt. Kurikoma. With the image of Spring, a "Koma-form" of snow stretching towards the summit and yellow flowers.


- he needs (at least) one more win to stay in makuuchi though

- his hometown is still wrongly spelled Kurehara in the database http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Rikishi.aspx?r=12542

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Posted (edited)

Kayo today at Kaiyo high received the standard marine blue kesho mawashi for juryo promotion, last for ex-heya mates Shirokuma and Onosato.


Nakamura-oyakata was with him at the school.

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Posted (edited)
On 24/05/2024 at 09:51, Akinomaki said:

Tokihayate for makuuchi promotion will get a kesho mawashi from his hometown Kurihara, from the local koenkai, to be completed in June and ready for the Nagoya basho. It shows the view of Mt. Kurikoma from the sumo ground of his Kurikoma middle school, he requested a design with Mt. Kurikoma. With the image of Spring, a "Koma-form" of snow stretching towards the summit and yellow flowers. 

- he needs (at least) one more win to stay in makuuchi though

- his hometown is still wrongly spelled Kurehara in the database http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Rikishi.aspx?r=12542

He didn't stay - now Tokihayate has to show the new kesho mawashi he received on the 29th (while still in makuuchi) at the juryo dohyo-iri - with this he wants to aim for the yusho and the return o

the ceremony at the heya in Tokyo - presented by the mayor, who is the head of the local koenkai


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Posted (edited)
On 08/09/2023 at 12:54, Akinomaki said:

Onosato in Saitama got a new kesho mawashi from heya sponsor AI komuten - provider of lodgings


Shirokuma yesterday at the heya encouragement rally got the same kesho mawashi from heya sponsor AI komuten - provider of the lodgings for Nagoya in Anjo


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Posted (edited)

After last Nishikifuji, Kiryuku gets the school kesho mawashi from Sanbongi agric. high school in Towada, Aomori (though he's from Kashiwa, Chiba, with a proper sumo stronghold high school). He was at the alumni meeting at the school yesterday to report his juryo promotion and got the gift certificate o

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Posted (edited)

Shirokuma for makuuchi promotion today at the party to celebrate the promotion and the juryo yusho home in Sukagawa got a kesho mawashi from his Sukagawa koenkai. As the design the local fire festival TaimatsuAkashi, one of the biggest fire festivals in Japan with a history of over 430 years.





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On 31/08/2024 at 15:16, Akinomaki said:

Shirokuma for makuuchi promotion today at the party to celebrate the promotion and the juryo yusho home in Sukagawa got a kesho mawashi from his Sukagawa koenkai. As the design the local fire festival TaimatsuAkashi, one of the biggest fire festivals in Japan with a history of over 430 years.

Local NHK news clip and local news from the presentation, with about 200 koenkai members at the party

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The koenkai had called for contributions and 2.99 million yen were donated from all over the country to make the kesho mawashi

always with bear pose now


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Takerufuji is in the news with his new black kesho mawashi - Terunofuji has one that seemed black, with his shikona on it, but this one is really raven/crow black - with a crow on it and his shikona, by the construction company Ace Corporation. https://times.abema.tv/articles/-/10141970?page=1




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6 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Takerufuji is in the news with his new black kesho mawashi - Terunofuji has one that seemed black, with his shikona on it, but this one is really raven/crow black - with a crow on it and his shikona, by the construction company Ace Corporation. https://times.abema.tv/articles/-/10141970?page=1



From a distance it seems quite underwhelming, but up close I think it actually looks quite stellar. 

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28 minutes ago, Tochinofuji said:

From a distance it seems quite underwhelming, but up close I think it actually looks quite stellar. 

Also shown: Mt. Fuji, Pope Paul VI, a hippogriff, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Betty Boop, a four-leaf-clover, and the front four of the 1982 NFL Pittsburgh Steelers.  [Of course, they're a little hard to see since they're stitched in black thread]

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I think I've become more cowardly in my old age, because where I once thought the colour black looked cool, it now just reminds me of grim stuff, and don't even mention skulls!

My favourite mawashi was one i saw many years ago, it was a cute little whale that was surfacing and blowing its spout, though to my shame I forgot the name of the rikishi that owned it.

Edit: Toyonoshima!  It just 'resurfaced'



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