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NSK new corporate status Hyogi-inkai and myoseki

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That's a super good explanation. Thanks! I think that back when the scandals happened, a newspaper article had reported a minister suggesting that the Association might lose it's exempted tax status, and it stuck in my head that the restructuring was still due to that. Adopting IFRS standards makes way more sense.

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The Cabinet Office, to which the application for the new status is handed to, wants the new highest decision organ, the new hyogi-inkai, to have not more than half of its members to be former rikishi.
The kyokai external riji Norio Munakata objects: "Having half filled with people who know nothing of it ? There are also the special characteristics of the sumo world (to be considered)."
So this is another open question remaining.

Edited by Akinomaki

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The rijikai and hyogi-inkai discussed the myoseki treatment without result. Next including a discussion in the toshiyori-soukai and the public service system reform measure committee a definite plan should be attained

The application for getting the new status will likely be delayed till after the Hatsu basho.

The application for getting the new status will likely be delayed til the doomsayers finally get the end-of-the-world date right :-P

... and even then it will be set to be the day after...

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The toshiyori-kai, the oyakata without a post as official in the sumo kyokai, discussed the myoseki question, especially about the oyakata kabu on loan. Voices against the sumo kyokai managing the myoseki were heard. And the discussions will go on.

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Tospo reports that active rikishi are rushing to buy a myoseki before the new system prohibits it.
The price seems to have dropped considerably. The application for the new system is expected to take place after the Hatsu basho.

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Special meeting of the toshiyori-kai on the 9th. The kabu on loan are to be prohibited (once more) under the new kyokai status. Agreed upon, with a 3 year transition period. By way of the rijikai it will be decided.
The finalization of the statutes of the corporation is still postponed, more discussion is needed with those oyakata firmly against prohibiting the money transfer.

Edited by Akinomaki

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Grabbing an older update:

On the 18th another meeting of the public interest co. reform plan committee took place. At last the penalties for money transfer when handing over a myoseki were agreed upon.

Including expulsion (jomei). But they also agreed on a plan to have the new owner pay a consultant fee or similar to the old one for advising in the heya. The kyokai has to be notified of it. The kyokai checks it and if it is found to be inappropriate, it is to be punished, but it's not clear were the border lies. Another loophole.

Mainichi claims that allowing "consulting fees" in the range of 500,000 yen per month is under discussion. The article also makes it sound as though the Kyokai will start managing all kabu directly right when the new system is in place, except those currently in lending arrangements to which the aforementioned three-year grace period will apply. Previously it appeared that each kabu would only fall under the Kyokai's control upon the next change of ownership. (I guess they realized it's a bit silly to have a transition phase that could last into the 2030s.) Edited by Asashosakari
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The new status reform committee completed the draft for the new
regulations concerning the myoseki on the 30th. The riji-kai on the 31st
has to discuss and accept it, the details will be announced afterwards.

Abolishing kabu on loan is surely in it.

Concerning the status of the oyakata in the new system there have been differences with the government side.

In the question of the toshiyori to be employees or not, the positions don't meet, as committee member Kouki Chuuma explained.

If employees, they can't become one of the influential councillors (Hyogiiin).

Edited by Akinomaki

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The rijikai convened today and has agreed to the proposals made by the new

very long named committee regarding the handling of miyoseki in the

future. Generally speaking, all stock will belong to the Kyokai and

anyone caught buying and selling privately will be "severely penalized".

This will come into effect in a time-frame of three years after the

Kyokai is recognized as a "Public Service Corporation".

Kintamayama reported about it yesterday in another thread, details were also published.

Draft about myoseki regulations approved by the hyogiinkai - nothing new, there is still much to do for the application to the new status.

- myoseki are managed by the NSK

- the right to recommend the successor is maintained. A toshiyori

qualifications examination committee will be newly established,

investigating the correctness of the succession and reporting to the


- money exchange in connection with myoseki succession or

recommendation is forbidden. In addition to cash, this includes

goods and other economic gains. Paying a consultant fee to the

former myoseki holder is approved.

- contents of the transactions with the former holder is to be

reported to the kyokai once a year (end of February assumed). It

will be deliberated in the crisis management committee and if money

exchange is detected, with a disciplinary dismissal or contract

cancellation an eviction from the sumo kyokai will take place.

- myoseki lending and borrowing is forbidden. Oyakata presently

borrowing a myoseki from an owner will get a 3 year postponement

period after changing to the new status.

Edited by Akinomaki

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I am assuming that the pre-intai acquisition of myoseki by active rikishi will also be disallowed?

If that is the case, and if the current situation where continuous presence in the sumo world is a requirement (in the sense that you cannot "wait" for a myoseki, you need to have one or you are out...) it will create a very complicated process of people having to time their intai according to the availability of positions in the Kyokai...

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And I'm still not clear on whether the consultant fee regulation will apply to all positions or just when taking over a heya along with the kabu. What's there to consult when you're succeeding a guy who, say, mainly spent his time working in a basho organizing department? Maybe we know too few details, but I'm really struggling to imagine how any of this (not just the consultant fee) is going to work in practice, at least if they're actually going to follow the regulations they're drafting right now and not just putting in all that stuff for show.

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Can't find a more appropriate thread that isn't a few years old, so here it goes: Takayasu Okushima, 73-year-old head of the Governance Committee that was established in the wake of the gambling scandal three years ago, has resigned from his post as of January 31, citing physical issues that do not allow him to continue to fulfill the demands of the position.

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The NSK for the application to the new public company status plans to change the contracts with the oyakata from employment to delegation. With this move they want to keep their right to elect their own riji, but It is not clear if that will meet with approval. If the whole request is denied by the Cabinet Office the NSK will automatically dissolve.
In the new system, the external trustees (new type hyogi-in) designate the riji. The oyakata have to be trustees to elect riji themselves, for that they have to become externals.
But at present the oyakata get a salary from the kyokai till retirement at the age of 65 and the disciplinary measures include dismissal (of an employee), meaning they are internal members.
Thus they want to change the status to externals, entrusted with the task of rearing rikishi, who can also be hyogi-in.

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The meeting on the 17th of the committee for the NSK system reform was canceled. After reaching results in the coordination with the Cabinet Office and the Mombusho it is no longer necessary to have a meeting.
They had aimed at applying in June last year, but disputes have prolonged the whole thing. Now they plan for end of July. End of November is the time limit.
The application draft was discussed today at the Hyogiin-kai (presently the oyakata assembly) and then put together at the riji-kai.
Oyakata as externals can be in the new Hyogiin-kai (which can appoint and discharge riji), as a condition not under the command of the riji-kai, no longer doing the business of the kyokai and without salary. The new Hyogiin-kai to be comprised of 5 to 7 people, the oyakata in it not exceeding the number of externals.
The riji-kai with about 15 members, oyakata riji likely to be 10.
According to public accountant and kanji Kamiyama, the contracts with the oyakata will neither be employment nor delegation, but a nameless contract, apart from civil law regulations.

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Some remaining details from later articles:
The oyakata for the new hyogiinkai are planned to be recommended at the meeting of the present hyogiinkai on July, 5th and determined at the rijikai on the 14th.
The conversion to the new public-interest corporation status is planned for January, 1st.

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At the hyogi-in-kai on the 5th, 6 candidates for the new hyogi-in-kai next year were elected.

From the oyakata: Minatogawa (Daitetsu), Otake (Dairyu), Yamahibiki (Ganyu) – they won't get their oyakata salary then any more, but a remuneration as hyogi-in – maybe more than the salary.

Outsiders: former YDC chief Takuhiko Tsuruta (85), Takamasa Senge (70, chief priest of the Izumo taisha), public accountant association kanji (auditor) Hikue Konishi (67).

The remaining outsider will be elected till the 9th, when the selection committee will officially determine the candidates (and then the riji-kai).

Kitanoumi-rijicho was there, fit: “I rested a week.”

Edited by Akinomaki

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former YDC chief Takuhiko Tsuruta (85)

Hurray! Just I was about to start missing him and his wisdom too much :-P

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Kitanoumi-rijicho, said to have some chronic internal disease and being constantly in need of treatment in a hospital, just having been there for a week. There was the cancer last year. Now there are no optimistic aspects to his physical condition. But this basho is important, with Kisenosato's yokozuna run, he can't afford a kyujo.

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Present hyogi-in are 102, all oyakata plus Shikimori Inosuke, Kotoshogiku and Kisenosato.

The elected oyakata are from the majority blocks Dewanoumi- (Yamahibiki), Nishonoseki-ichimon (Minatogawa) and Takanohana-group (Otake).

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Otake's an odd choice, I didn't think the new style hyogi-in position would be compatible with having shisho responsibilities.

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For the 14th (day before shonichi) at last the application for obtaining the new public-interest corporation status is planned. Earlier that day a special meeting of the hyogi-in-kai and riji-kai will take place, where the matter should be acknowledged.

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The NSK has applied formally today for getting the new status at the website of the Cabinet Office.
The company statutes were accepted unanimously by the riji-kai and hyogi-in-kai.

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The new public-interest corporation status - the government had changed the conditions and all former koueki-houjin 公益法人 had to apply to remain that, end of November is the limit.

The NSK wanted to limit the number of outsiders in the new Hyogi-in kai to 3, equal to the oyakata, but was told to have one more.
One of the members there is former Ganyu, deshi of the riji-cho – some view it as a lack of objectivity/not enough detached from the kyokai.

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At the the riji-kai today also the draft for the bundled control by the NSK of the toshiyori myoseki was acknowledged: they are to be submitted till December, 20th.

On the 15th the handing over reception opens, the oyakata get a deposit receipt for it.

Change to the new public interest corporation status is planned to happen on January 1st, bundled myoseki control is an important issue for demonstrating the will of having transparency of the kyokai organization.

When the change to the new status is implemented, new myoseki certificates will be issued to the oyakata.

Connected people remark that the process is also intended for checking if one is a kabu on loan.

When an oyakata fails to hand it over till the final date, some undefined measures by the kyokai may be taken.

Edited by Akinomaki

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