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Forum Update Discussion

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My avatar was lost in the upgrade, and attempts to upload the photo failed (no reason for failure to upload displayed). Attempt to link to an url also failed, again with no reason displayed. Image is the same as the lost avatar.

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Linking to an image is likely to fail, but uploading should work. Try deleting your (non-existant) profile photo and then re-uploading.

Edit: Oh, and make sure the image format is either .gif, .jpg or .png. Just in case.

Edited by Exil

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So no animated gif's are allowed anymore? My avatar looks terribly now :-(

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Linking to an image is likely to fail, but uploading should work. Try deleting your (non-existant) profile photo and then re-uploading.

Edit: Oh, and make sure the image format is either .gif, .jpg or .png. Just in case.

Thank you. I tried as you suggested, but setting a new photo still failed. I resized the image to 50% of original and was successful. The former version of the software handled the original size without problems.

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So no animated gif's are allowed anymore? My avatar looks terribly now :-(


Thank you. I tried as you suggested, but setting a new photo still failed. I resized the image to 50% of original and was successful. The former version of the software handled the original size without problems.

Maybe the settings have changed. (Eh?) Anyways, photos are limited to 200x300 and 100 kB.

Also, if you were wondering what happened to your user profile photos, it seems we only get one image now. It's called personal photo and it doubles as your avatar. The other pics got deleted in the process.

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Gh! Ugly! (Releasing bad air...)

OK, I'll get used to it evetually.

Edited by Manekineko
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tried to give manekino's posting a "like", but got an error message i reached the quota for today

it was my first attempt and it was turned down in the process

Edited by Gernobono

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So no animated gif's are allowed anymore? My avatar looks terribly now :-(


Thanks (Applauding...)

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I wonder which bright (pun intended) IP.Board developer had the idea that light-grey on white and nearly-white would look good and readable for all these template texts such as the secondary topic lines...

And bah, rep buttons, the bane of every serious forum. And in the most banally Facebook-ish way possible, too.

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Well. No wonder my in box was stuffed with update notices for every recent thread I've been in.

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Hmm, what's the point of showing me a bunch of my previously-deleted PMs with a big "deleted" icon? Strangely enough, some of them were deleted longer ago than others that don't show up now. I mean, it's nice that I can still read them, I suppose, but I did delete them intentionally.

(I do like that Received and Sent are combined into a single list now.)

Oh, auto-saving of posts while they're being composed - that's nice.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Another question: Is 100x100 the new maximum avatar size or is that just a result of some conversion process in moving to the new forum version? Hakuho and Tanikaze look a bit headless in mine now, and I wonder if I just need to reupload it to get the old dimensions, or actually have to crop it differently.

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I'm missing the birthday announcements.

Member birthdays or calendar events? The calendar is now a separate application. I'll look into setting it up.

tried to give manekino's posting a "like", but got an error message i reached the quota for today

it was my first attempt and it was turned down in the process

Should be fixed now. Regular and Active members now get 5 'likes' per 24 hours. Um, yay? ;-)

I wonder which bright (pun intended) IP.Board developer had the idea that light-grey on white and nearly-white would look good and readable for all these template texts such as the secondary topic lines...

And bah, rep buttons, the bane of every serious forum. And in the most banally Facebook-ish way possible, too.

That'd probably be Rikki. Let's see how these new features work out. It's always a possibility to disable them later.

Hmm, what's the point of showing me a bunch of my previously-deleted PMs with a big "deleted" icon? Strangely enough, some of them were deleted longer ago than others that don't show up now. I mean, it's nice that I can still read them, I suppose, but I did delete them intentionally.

PMs are now Conversations, basically private threads. The upgrade converted all PMs into Conversations. If someone had a message from you in their inbox, you now see it, too. And that's not how the threads are supposed to work, BTW. Try a new Conversation to get the proper effect.

Another question: Is 100x100 the new maximum avatar size or is that just a result of some conversion process in moving to the new forum version? Hakuho and Tanikaze look a bit headless in mine now, and I wonder if I just need to reupload it to get the old dimensions, or actually have to crop it differently.

Default value of the new version. I'll look into that one as well.

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Thanks Exil. :-) More questions/issues:

1) Is there any way to be sent to the extended reply options automatically when I click on "Quote", a new setting I'm overlooking perhaps? Having more features in the fast reply box is nice, but the one I'd really need (preview) isn't there, so I'm bound to go to "more reply options" nearly all the time in this setup, and it's annoying to have to click a button for that every time.

2) The 18 or so smilies that show up by default are a pretty odd assembly, including basically none of the most used. (At least the "Show all" popup hasn't changed.)

3) Before I go abusing the test forum - do the BBCode table tags still work as before? (IIRC they weren't part of the standard package, so not sure they're there now in the new installation.) Also, is standard HTML code now being interpreted without needing a special setting? And if yes, in which form - like the old "automatic" method or the "raw" one?

Edit: Ah, just found the "Special BBCode" button, so scratch that question.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Manual search appears to have become a casualty of the switch-over. As I've become quite dependent on e.g. a search for "Kaio" also finding "KaioU", is there any way to get that back?

Edit: In case the linked thread and the reference to "manual search" doesn't make any sense to newer members, here's the precursor thread.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Thanks Exil. :-) More questions/issues:

1) Is there any way to be sent to the extended reply options automatically when I click on "Quote", a new setting I'm overlooking perhaps? Having more features in the fast reply box is nice, but the one I'd really need (preview) isn't there, so I'm bound to go to "more reply options" nearly all the time in this setup, and it's annoying to have to click a button for that every time.

You're welcome. Not that I can see. There isn't a board setting for that, and I can't find a user preference for it, either.

2) The 18 or so smilies that show up by default are a pretty odd assembly, including basically none of the most used. (At least the "Show all" popup hasn't changed.)

Better? :-) ;-) :-| :-O :-D

3) Before I go abusing the test forum - do the BBCode table tags still work as before? (IIRC they weren't part of the standard package, so not sure they're there now in the new installation.) Also, is standard HTML code now being interpreted without needing a special setting? And if yes, in which form - like the old "automatic" method or the "raw" one?

Edit: Ah, just found the "Special BBCode" button, so scratch that question.

Tables should work as before (haven't tested -- I'll leave that to you;-)). Raw HTML embedding is gone, but the new post editor is supposedly more content-savvy. There's also a new media embedding feature, but I'm not sure how it works.

Edit: Oh, so that's how it works.

Edited by Exil

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Manual search appears to have become a casualty of the switch-over. As I've become quite dependent on e.g. a search for "Kaio" also finding "KaioU", is there any way to get that back? Edit: In case the linked thread and the reference to "manual search" doesn't make any sense to newer members, here's the precursor thread.

Ah, so it seems. Fixed as well.

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I'm missing the birthday announcements.

Member birthdays or calendar events? The calendar is now a separate application. I'll look into setting it up.

Member birthdays. I briefly changed my own birthday to today, but it didn't show up anywhere on the main page.

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When I click on my shikona at the top, I only get a partial dropdown of the Your Profile menu. You can get to your profile by clicking on the shown part of the avatar, but I think there are some missing options there.

Edit: Sometimes I get the full dropdown and sometimes I don't. Seems to be an IE8 problem. It works very well in Firefox.

Edited by Asojima

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When I click on my shikona at the top, I only get a partial dropdown of the Your Profile menu. You can get to your profile by clicking on the shown part of the avatar, but I think there are some missing options there. Edit: Sometimes I get the full dropdown and sometimes I don't. Seems to be an IE8 problem. It works very well in Firefox.

Something to do with the compatibility view settings, perhaps? IP.Board should be fully IE7+ compatible.

Edited by Exil

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Right clicking a photo no longer allows to copy the image URL. Editing the post brings up the image. So we can't copy a URL anymore?

Other than that I find the upgrade awesome and am finding cool stuff every hour..

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When I click on my shikona at the top, I only get a partial dropdown of the Your Profile menu. You can get to your profile by clicking on the shown part of the avatar, but I think there are some missing options there. Edit: Sometimes I get the full dropdown and sometimes I don't. Seems to be an IE8 problem. It works very well in Firefox.

Something to do with the compatibility view settings, perhaps? IP.Board should be fully IE7+ compatible.

Yeah. If I turn IE8 compatibility OFF for SF, it works right.

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