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Might as well post a quick intro here...

No where near fluent in Japanese, but I have been trying to beat some kanji into my head and am up near 900. Had trouble making that limited kanji knowledge fit together into a decent screen name, but finally cobbled together 鬼武将. I'm sure there's some problem with it, but oh well, its good enough.

Huge fan of pretty much any sport or competition known to man (and some gnomes), and Sumo is apparently no different. Been following it since Haru '08, I think? Somewhere around there, anyways. Finally got around to joining for this basho, why not?

And for anyone wondering- Yes, that is Hello Kitty dressed as the tate-gyoji. If there is anything more Japanese than that, I think my head might explode. No idea how that combination came to be, but ;-). I think its supposed to be a charm on a bracelet (wait, what?), and I don't have much use for that, but who could resist the 招き猫 in referee's clothing? (Certainly not me) So I stuck it on a string on hung it by my computer in hopes it would be lucky. Baruto's results since becoming an Ozeki have apparently proven otherwise....

And I guess that's about it?

Random clown face: :-D

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I think its supposed to be a charm on a bracelet (wait, what?), and I don't have much use for that, but who could resist the 招き猫 in referee's clothing? (Certainly not me)

Welcome! I see you have the refined taste - I bought the exact same thing when I was in Japan, for obvious reasons. (I am not worthy...) BTW, if it really is the exact same thing, it's a phone strap (I think that's the word), meant to hang from your cell-phone to make it prettier/more individualistic.

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Hello Kitty as a gyoji? Well, that might help explain how she got to become yokozuna, too, that little cheater...

Seriously, welcome to the forum. (I am not worthy...)

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(I am not worthy...) to the forum!

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Welcome! I see you have the refined taste - I bought the exact same thing when I was in Japan, for obvious reasons. (I am not worthy...) BTW, if it really is the exact same thing, it's a phone strap (I think that's the word), meant to hang from your cell-phone to make it prettier/more individualistic.

Small world, and all that B-) This one must be a little different though. I have a couple of the phone straps with the little cord thingy, but this one has a lobster claw like a lot of jewelry-


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