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"No cigar prize."

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As many of you may know I won the "Sandame NCP" in bench sumo this basho but due to not having access to an email service,I am unable to make contact with Manamiwaka to accept the prize he mentions on the 'bench sumo mailing list-' Would someone be so kind as to send a message via the list to inform mr Manamiwaka that I will be pleased to accept his prize just as soon as I get access to my email again-

I would certainly not want to miss out on a prize I have worked so hard for and cannot understand why the 2 previous winners haven't collected it.

Thanks Manamiwaka and whoever responds to this message. :-D

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Hi Fujisan - I'll let Manimiwaka know - I'll copy your post here to the NPI mailing list.

Depending on how long you are likely to be without email access, if you want, you could send me a private message here at the Sumo Forum with your "snail mail" address, and I can then forward this on to Manimiwaka directly.



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Thanks Jomojo-

That may be the only option right now as it looks like my email is down for the forseeable future due to personal problems-

I will send my Smail address right now.......

Thanks again Jomojo... (Sign of approval)

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