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Guess Kisenosato's Aite

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[After the success of having many 'guest gyojis' last basho, I would like to continue this for this and future basho. Anyone who has time is invited to be the gyoji on any day.]

Announcing the September 2010 edition of a game.

All you have to do is guess Komusubi East Kisenosato's opponents each day, before the torikumi comes out. If you guess correctly, you get a shiroboshi. This is surprisingly more fun (or frustrating) and challenging than it should be. It also gets you to think a bit more about the 'inner-workings' of sumo.

Here is the current banzuke:-

Yaochoyama (Y1E 5-10) Y1

O1 Profomisakari (O1W 4-11)

Jakusotsu (S1W 7-8) S1 Jejima (S2E 5-10)

Gernobono (S3E 5-10) S2 Holleshoryu (S1E Kosho)

Maguroyama (S2W kosho) S3 Oshirokita (S3W Kosho)

XiaoTan (K1E 4-11) K1 Kotoviki (M1E 4-11)

shimodahito (K2E Kosho) K2

Chisaiyama (K1W 3-12) M1 Kofuji (M1W Kosho)

Sokkenaiyama (M2E Kosho) M2 Hidariashiyama (K2W 3-10-2)

Kameumi (K3E 1-12-2) M3 Asashosakari (mz 8-7)

Kuroimori (mz 2-13) M4 Andonishiki (mz 1-1-13)

[Jakusotsu will be promoted to Ozeki if he gets an OQ record in September.]

The rules are as follows:-

1. Guess Komusubi East Kisenosato's opponents on each day of the basho.

2. Entries need to be in before 11:30 am Japan time on the previous day, except for the days 1 and 2 entries which need to be in before 11:30 am Japan time on the Friday prior to the start of the basho. If it turns out that the daily toriukumi is printed before these times, then any entry proved to have come afterwards is not allowed for that day (so enter early to be safe).

3. Tie-breakers to decide the Yusho.... We look at the result of the day 15 prediction, then day 14, and so on back to day 1. If still a tie, then the highest ranked on the banzuke can claim the Yusho.

4. If Kisenosato goes kyujo during the basho, we switch to K1W Kakuryu (S1W Tochiozan, then S1E Aran kept further in reserve, if needed due to a mass spate of kyujos) for the day after his fusensho loss (I.e. we can still guess who gets the freebie).

5. Players that are leading the Yusho race (especially in the final few days of the basho), are requested / expected to get their picks in very early (before all the other players, if possible) - in order to avoid suspicions of 'tactical picking'.

Special prizes (many thanks to Yaochoyama):

1. Outstanding performance (shukun-sho) - the one who correctly picks the aite the most consecutive days. You have to have a minimum of three to win this prize.

2. Fighting spirit (kanto-sho) - the one who limits their incorrect aite picks to the shortest number of consecutive days (literally the one whose longest losing streak is the shortest). Any losing streak of 5 or more days would disqualify you from this prize.

3. Technique (gino-sho) - the one who is best at making correct picks when no one, or hardly anyone else does. A point system is used as follows and you need at least 3 points to claim this prize:

3 points if you're the only win to make the correct pick

2 points if you're one of two to make the correct pick

1 point if you're one of three to make the correct pick

New players (I am not worthy...) are very, very welcome to join this game.

Edited by Jejima

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Day 1 - O1E Harumafuji

Day 2 - O2W Kaio

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Okay here we go again:

Day 1: O1e Harumafuji

Day 2: O2e Baruto

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I'm going the same with

1. O1E Harumafuji

2. O2E Baruto

I won't get to the basho til Day 6 and so I want Kise to fight everyone I like the first 5 days so I do not have to cheer against him!! (I am not worthy...)

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Harumph, here we go again:

Day 1: O1E Harumafuji

Day 2: Anybody's guess

- let's make that Kotooshu


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Damn near forgot about getting my 1st two days in early!

Day 1: Harumafuji

Day 2: Kaio

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The deadline for days 1 and 2 is fast approaching..... :-)

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One last bump as deadline for days one and two is nigh.....

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moanin boys,

in Nagoya, I only made it till day 2 - let`s hope for a complete basho this time and start with the popular

Day 1 - Harumafuji

Day 2 - Kaio


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On Day 1, popular choice O1E Harumafuji will be Kisenosato's first Ozeki aite of the basho. Loads of shiroboshi to dish out.

Yaochoyama (Y1E 1-0) Y1

O1 Profomisakari (O1W 0-1)

Jakusotsu (S1E 1-0) S1 Jejima (S1W 1-0)

Gernobono (S2E 1-0) S2 Holleshoryu (S2W 0-0-1)

Maguroyama (S3E 1-0) S3 Oshirokita (S3W 1-0)

XiaoTan (K1E 1-0) K1 Kotoviki (K1W 1-0)

shimodahito (K2E 0-0-1) K2

Chisaiyama (M1E 1-0) M1 Kofuji (M1W 0-0-1)

Sokkenaiyama (M2E 0-0-1) M2 Hidariashiyama (M2W 1-0)

Kameumi (M3E 1-0) M3 Asashosakari (M3W 1-0)

Kuroimori (M4E 1-0) M4 Andonishiki (M4W 1-0)

On Day 2, Kisenosato avoids the bandwagon Kaio, and gets O2E Baruto instead. A couple of us got this correct, so Kotoviki and Kuroimori are the early front-runners, and are invited to make early picks for day 3.

Yaochoyama (Y1E 1-1) Y1

O1 Profomisakari (O1W 0-2)

Jakusotsu (S1E 1-1) S1 Jejima (S1W 1-1)

Gernobono (S2E 1-1) S2 Holleshoryu (S2W 0-0-2)

Maguroyama (S3E 1-1) S3 Oshirokita (S3W 1-1)

XiaoTan (K1E 1-1) K1 Kotoviki (K1W 2-0)

shimodahito (K2E 0-0-2) K2

Chisaiyama (M1E 1-1) M1 Kofuji (M1W 0-0-2)

Sokkenaiyama (M2E 0-0-2) M2 Hidariashiyama (M2W 1-1)

Kameumi (M3E 1-1) M3 Asashosakari (M3W 1-1)

Kuroimori (M4E 2-0) M4 Andonishiki (M4W 1-1)

Kisenosato's aites: 1. O1E Harumafuji, 2. O2E Baruto,

Edited by Jejima

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Well, it is the early bird that catches the worm - but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese...

Anyway, I go ahead and take

S1e Aran

for Day 3

Edited by kuroimori

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