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Day 15 results, yusho and sansho

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Happy faces all around as Hakuho is riding his win streak (now 32 wins) close to his personal best of 33 wins to clinch his second consecutive zensho yusho while Kaio gets his 1000th career win fittingly on SENshuraku against obliging Kotooshu. Baruto lost to Kotomitsuki but the shin-ozeki still posted the best ozeki score at 10-5 as the four established ozeki all finished 9-6, so the Estonian will be #2 on the next banzuke and slotted to face Hakuho on senshuraku.

Komusubi Tochiozan fought well in the last days to avoid make-koshi only to lose to Tokitenku and give room for a second sanyaku promotion, which should go to Hakuba and kanto-sho winning Tochinoshin, with Asasekiryu at M1e despite the win over sekiwake Kisenosato today. Aran had the easy jun-yusho in the end, beating Hokutoriki to finish with 12-3 and also getting a kanto-sho after posting a dysmal 1-14 last basho.

Bushuyama uwatenage'd Sadanofuji back to makushita to avoid a five rikishi kettei-sen and win the juryo yusho outright, his second one. Tamaasuka won against Futeno and will be back in makuuchi along with Bushuyama and debuting Gagamaru. If Iwakiyama is sent down as a fourth demotion (likely) then Shotenro will get a surprise promotion - surprising because he was 4-7 after day 11, but he recovered and beat Toyozakura today to finish 8-7. Speaking of strong finishes, Kanbayashi seems to now possess the mojo from Kirinowaka as he started 1-5, but finished 7-8 to just avoid demotion to makushita. Shin-juryo Matsutani had a rather weak finish but still has a respectable 9-6 record.

Day 15


J13w   Kanbayashi (7-8)	oshidashi	  Ms4w   Yoshiazuma (3-4)
J11e   Wakatenro (6-9)	 oshidashi	  Ms3e   Tsurugidake (4-3)
J10w   Hoshikaze (8-7)	 hikiotoshi	 J9e	Kasuganishiki (7-8)
J8e	Daido (10-5)		hikiotoshi	 J12e   Matsutani (9-6)
J11w   Yamamotoyama (8-7)  yorikiri	   J7w	Tokushinho (7-8)
J6w	Tosanoumi (7-8)	 katasukashi	J13e   Kirinowaka (2-13)
J5w	Bushuyama (11-4)	uwatenage	  J14e   Sadanofuji (7-8)
J14w   Kaiho (3-12)		sukuinage	  J5e	Masatsukasa (8-7)
J9w	Kyokunankai (6-9)   yorikiri	   J4w	Sokokurai (8-7)
J4e	Tamaasuka (10-5)	yorikiri	   J12w   Futeno (6-9)
J10e   Kiyoseumi (10-5)	hatakikomi	 J2w	Kotokasuga (8-7)
J2e	Shotenro (8-7)	  hikiotoshi	 J7e	Toyozakura (6-9)
J1w	Gagamaru (10-5)	 hikiotoshi	 J6e	Asofuji (6-9)
J1e	Sagatsukasa (7-8)   yorikiri	   J8w	Sakaizawa (8-7)


M16w   Tamanoshima (5-10)  oshidashi	  J3w	Chiyohakuho (6-9)
J3e	Kasugao (6-9)	   uwatenage	  M14e   Tochinonada (3-12)
M11w   Tokusegawa (9-6)	kotenage	   M16e   Koryu (5-10)
M12e   Takekaze (8-7)	  shitatenage	M11e   Mokonami (8-7)
M15w   Shimotori (10-5)	sukuinage	  M10w   Okinoumi (5-10)
M10e   Aran (12-3)		 yorikiri	   M14w   Hokutoriki (7-8)
M9w	Goeido (9-6)		yorikiri	   M13w   Takamisakari (8-7)
M15e   Wakakoyu (10-5)	 oshitaoshi	 M8w	Toyohibiki (8-7)
M13e   Yoshikaze (9-6)	 okuritaoshi	M8e	Kakizoe (7-8)
M3w	Wakanosato (6-9)	hatakikomi	 M12w   Kimurayama (7-8)
M9e	Tosayutaka (7-8)	yorikiri	   M3e	Kakuryu (6-9)

M2w	Tochinoshin (8-7)   tsuridashi	 M4e	Kitataiki (7-8)
M7w	Kyokutenho (9-6)	yorikiri	   M1w	Miyabiyama (5-10)
M1e	Toyonoshima (5-10)  hikiotoshi	 M7e	Tamawashi (3-12)
M6e	Tokitenku (8-7)	 hatakikomi	 K1w	Tochiozan (7-8)
M5w	Hakuba (10-5)	   hatakikomi	 K1e	Kotoshogiku (9-6)
S1w	Aminishiki (5-10)   hikiotoshi	 M6w	Kokkai (3-12)
M4w	Asasekiryu (9-6)	yorikiri	   S1e	Kisenosato (8-7)
O2e	Kotomitsuki (9-6)   shitatenage	O3w	Baruto (10-5)
O2w	Kaio (9-6)		  yorikiri	   O1w	Kotooshu (9-6)
Y1e	Hakuho (15-0)	   yorikiri	   O1e	Harumafuji (9-6)

List of Yusho:
Makuuchi:  Hakuho (14th)
Juryo:	 Bushuyama (2nd)
Makushita: Maeta
Sandanme:  Takunishiki
Jonidan:   Saishin
Jonokuchi: Ryuonami

List of Sansho:
Gino-sho:   not awarded
Shukun-sho: not awarded
Kanto-sho:  Tochinoshin (2nd), Aran (1st)

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while Kaio gets his 1000th career win fittingly on SENshuraku against obliging Kotooshu.

I was completely shocked that so many (per ISP and Toto) didn't think it would happen.

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while Kaio gets his 1000th career win

I've never heard he KK erupt with such loud applause.

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while Kaio gets his 1000th career win

I've never heard he KK erupt with such loud applause.

And "Kaio" chants even after the bout. Haven't seen this before (but I must admit, that I do not watch the live broadcast regularly).

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