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Day 15 lower division results

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Yoshiazuma and Tsurugidake got denied in their attempts to force more demotions from juryo, but Tsurugidake might still get a promotion as later in juryo Sadanofuji and Futeno lost to make for four nominal demotions, and the fourth slot for promotion (after Masuraumi, Hochiyama and Kaisei) is up between Ms3e Tsurugidake 4-3 and Ms5e Sadanoumi 5-2 which is a favourable position for the Ms3e. Takanoyama is out of chance for a lucky promotion as he missed his first ever 6-1 score in makushita with the loss to Chinese Nakanokuni. Still, I think Futeno might be the lucky guy here and stay in juryo even with the 6-9 from J12w if the powers to be think that 4-3 from Ms3e is not worthy enough for a promotion, especially after losing the exchange bout on day 15.

Two more 6-1 scores were posted in makushita from 19 years old Masunoyama and Terashita who now is 27-2 since returning from injury in jonokuchi. Sandanme also had a few talents get to 6-1 today with 18 years old Chiyoarashi and 20 years old Asahisho strongly returning to makushita, while 22 years old Mongolian Torugawa will get to the end of makushita to debut after the 6-1 at Sd50.

Finally Saishin beat Sasakiyama in the jonidan yusho playoff after losing to him in his first honbasho bout. So the one 18 years old still has the undefeated honbasho career going, but the other 18 years old came away with arguably the better prize, the jonidan yusho. In jonokuchi Tatsu and Tateno won to finish 6-1, one win behind yusho winner Ryuonami.


Jk26w  Daiyushi (3-4)	  yorikiri	   Jk28e  Kotoharada (2-5)
Jk24w  Kotoarai (3-4)	  oshidashi	  Jk23e  Sakaguchiyama (2-5)
Jk22e  Fukamiyama (5-2)	hatakikomi	 Jk26e  Osato (4-3)
Jk19w  Tanahashi (5-2)	 oshidashi	  Jk24e  Daichi (4-3)
Jk15w  Nagao (5-2)		 oshidashi	  Jk17e  Masunosho (4-3)
Jk13e  Tateno (6-1)		yorikiri	   Jk23w  Ryujofuji (5-2)
Jk7e   Aoimaru (2-0-5)	 yoritaoshi	 Jk34e  Satake (1-6)
Jk15e  Motohashi (3-4)	 tsukidashi	 Jk4w   Takaora (2-5)


Jd122e Moriurara (3-4)	 unknown		Jd121e Shikinokawa (2-5)
Jd120e Azumahana (2-5)	 unknown		Jk2e   Kaikisho (1-6)
Jd116w Matsugahama (3-4)   unknown		Jd120w Kototakahashi (2-5)
Jk11w  Tatsu (6-1)		 unknown		Jd113e Kotonishikawa (5-2)
Jd112e Wakahizen (5-2)	 unknown		Jd116e Iwabuchi (4-3)
Jd110w Suekawa (6-1)	   unknown		Jd123w Daiseishin (5-2)
Jd104w Higonohana (3-4)	unknown		Jd107e Masukoma (2-5)
Jd104e Hasugeyama (2-5)	unknown		Jd114w Hisasengan (1-6)
Jd106w Tenkaizan (3-4)	 unknown		Jd102e Asaryuho (2-5)
Jd100w Mitozakura (5-2)	unknown		Jd103e Ohara (4-3)
Jd92w  Tochinobori (5-2)   unknown		Jd95w  Kaidonami (4-3)
Jd93w  Amanowaka (3-4)	 unknown		Jd91w  Daikoyama (2-5)
Jd89w  Oigarashi (3-4)	 fusen		  Jd94e  Aoijo (2-5)
Jd85e  Tokiarashi (3-4)	unknown		Jd80w  Kirimaru (2-5)
Jd78w  Amamidake (3-4)	 unknown		Jd75e  Sadanosato (2-5)
Jd74e  Sekiho (6-1)		unknown		Jd78e  Shobushi (5-2)
Jd83w  Koseki (2-5)		unknown		Jd72w  Otsukuba (1-6)
Jd71w  Kiriarashi (5-2)	unknown		Jd76e  Komatensho (4-3)
Jd73e  Nakayama (3-4)	  unknown		Jd69w  Masuamami (2-5)
Jd72e  Nekomata (2-5)	  unknown		Jd64e  Hokutoryu (1-6)
Jd66e  Tamakaizan (6-1)	unknown		Jd61w  Tomisakae (5-2)
Jd58e  Tsurubayashi (5-2)  unknown		Jd56w  Marikomaru (4-3)
Jd62w  Azumasato (5-2)	 unknown		Jd56e  Tenryo (4-3)
Jd55w  Ebisumaru (2-5)	 unknown		Jd62e  Kotookazaki (1-6)
Jd52w  Koshinonami (3-4)   unknown		Jd57w  Ishihara (2-5)
Jd46e  Tomonofuji (5-2)	unknown		Jd53w  Fukai (4-3)
Jd51w  Hisatsukasa (3-4)   unknown		Jd45w  Sadanoshu (2-5)
Jd43w  Karyutsukasa (5-2)  unknown		Jd44e  Ohifuji (4-3)
Jd43e  Obamaumi (3-4)	  unknown		Jd51e  Hatachidake (2-5)
Jd38w  Yudai (6-1)		 unknown		Jd41e  Kiryu (5-2)
Jd37e  Daitenyu (3-4)	  unknown		Jd33e  Misakiyama (2-5)
Jd32e  Teraoryu (5-2)	  unknown		Jd36w  Hamaminato (4-3)
Jd35w  Asakubo (5-2)	   unknown		Jd31w  Daitenpaku (4-3)
Jd30w  Tanemaru (5-2)	  unknown		Jd28e  Kinokawa (4-3)
Jd22w  Sato (6-1)		  unknown		Jd26e  Hokudozan (5-2)
Jd19e  Tochinokuni (5-2)   unknown		Jd17e  Shoma (4-3)
Jd21w  Notozakura (6-1)	unknown		Jd14w  Masumiura (5-2)
Jd11w  Kaminoyama (3-4)	unknown		Jd18w  Tagen (2-5)
Jd5e   Burinosato (3-4)	unknown		Jd10e  Arikawa (2-5)
Jd7w   Hokutofuji (5-2)	unknown		Jd3w   Tochitaiga (4-3)
Jd6w   Tokushuzan (6-1)	unknown		Jd2e   Umenokawa (5-2)


Jd7e   Daigoki (2-5)	   unknown		Sd99e  Tokishibata (1-6)
Jd1e   Kaisho (5-2)		unknown		Sd96w  Chiyoshuho (4-3)
Sd95e  Tochinoshima (5-2)  unknown		Jd2w   Yamaryu (4-3)
Sd93w  Teraomaru (5-2)	 unknown		Sd88w  Akinokawa (4-3)
Sd80e  Chiyonishiki (3-4)  unknown		Sd82w  Wakayuki (2-5)
Sd79e  Katagiri (6-1)	  unknown		Sd97e  Kosenho (5-2)
Sd77e  Daiseiho (5-2)	  unknown		Sd83w  Raiko (4-3)
Sd76w  Tsurunoumi (5-2)	unknown		Sd86w  Miura (4-3)
Sd75e  Dainin (2-5)		unknown		Sd95w  Kyokuhozan (1-6)
Sd84w  Hanakaze (2-5)	  unknown		Sd74w  Notoazuma (1-6)
Sd77w  Yakunoshima (3-4)   unknown		Sd71w  Chiyoraizan (2-5)
Sd73e  Owaka (3-4)		 unknown		Sd71e  Tosa (2-5)
Sd59w  Nishitani (3-4)	 unknown		Sd62e  Ayanokaze (2-5)
Sd56w  Nishiuchi (5-2)	 unknown		Sd57w  Kyokutaisei (4-3)
Sd53e  Kaisenryu (3-4)	 unknown		Sd55w  Kotokensei (2-5)
Sd50e  Torugawa (6-1)	  unknown		Sd63e  Saito (5-2)
Sd49w  Shinyu (3-4)		unknown		Sd48w  Matsuhara (2-5)
Sd48e  Amatsu (5-2)		unknown		Sd45e  Tokinowaka (4-3)
Sd44e  Enatsukasa (5-2)	unknown		Sd47e  Kihakuriki (4-3)
Sd40w  Masuhikari (5-2)	unknown		Sd38w  Ryusei (4-3)
Sd36w  Chiyonohana (3-4)   unknown		Sd40e  Isoazuma (2-5)
Sd34w  Fukugoriki (5-2)	unknown		Sd33w  Sasayama (4-3)
Sd39e  Asahisho (6-1)	  unknown		Sd32w  Masunofuji (5-2)
Sd30e  Toho (2-5)		  unknown		Sd39w  Kotokobai (1-6)
Sd28e  Maegunzan (3-4)	 unknown		Sd31w  Isenohana (2-5)
Sd34e  Kisomitsuru (5-2)   unknown		Sd26e  Higoarashi (4-3)
Sd22w  Kotoninsei (3-4)	unknown		Sd23w  Chiyohakuryu (2-5)
Sd15e  Wakakengo (5-2)	 unknown		Sd16w  Kawanari (4-3)
Sd13e  Byakko (5-2)		unknown		Sd9w   Daishoki (4-3)
Sd13w  Chiyoarashi (6-1)   unknown		Sd7w   Fujimoto (5-2)
Sd6e   Akinomine (3-4)	 unknown		Sd11e  Yoshinokuni (2-5)
Sd4w   Matsumidori (6-1)   unknown		Sd15w  Seiro (5-2)


Ms60w  Tenroku (3-4)	   unknown		Ms58e  Omiryu (2-5)
Sd10e  Takatoshi (2-5)	 unknown		Ms55w  Orora (1-6)
Ms54e  Aozora (5-2)		unknown		Ms53e  Kobo (4-3)
Ms59e  Takageppo (2-5)	 unknown		Ms48w  Ota (1-6)
Ms44w  Terashita (6-1)	 unknown		Ms48e  Yotsuguruma (5-2)
Ms43e  Tochiyashiki (3-4)  unknown		Ms46e  Nankairiki (2-5)
Ms42w  Tenichi (2-5)	   unknown		Ms39w  Hokuo (1-6)
Ms39e  Azumaryu (5-2)	  unknown		Ms44e  Suzaku (4-3)
Ms41w  Fukunohana (5-2)	unknown		Ms37w  Wakamifuji (4-3)
Ms40w  Kotoyuki (3-4)	  unknown		Ms36w  Daiyubu (2-5)
Ms38e  Tokizakura (3-4)	unknown		Ms35e  Hitachigo (2-5)
Ms29w  Kamei (3-4)		 unknown		Ms26e  Takanoiwa (2-5)
Ms25e  Masunoyama (6-1)	unknown		Ms30w  Ikioi (5-2)
Ms24w  Tamadaiki (3-4)	 unknown		Ms26w  Dewaotori (2-5)
Ms20w  Sotairyu (5-2)	  unknown		Ms23e  Rikiryu (4-3)
Ms17e  Yanagawa (2-5)	  unknown		Ms31w  Hananosato (1-6)
Ms15e  Oniarashi (4-3)	 unknown		Ms16e  Daishoumi (3-4)
Ms16w  Fujiazuma (5-2)	 unknown		Ms13w  Towanoyama (4-3)
Ms12e  Homarefuji (3-4)	unknown		Ms15w  Satoyama (2-5)
Ms9w   Nakanokuni (6-1)	unknown		Ms6e   Takanoyama (5-2)
Ms4e   Kotoyutaka (2-5)	unknown		Ms12w  Raido (1-6)


J13w   Kanbayashi (7-8)	oshidashi	  Ms4w   Yoshiazuma (3-4)
J11e   Wakatenro (6-9)	 oshidashi	  Ms3e   Tsurugidake (4-3)

Jonidan yusho kettei-sen


Jd49w  Saishin			 unknown		Jd20e  Sasakiyama

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I go with the Futeno stays in-hypothesis.

Add his popularity through blogging - the Kyokai won't wanna demote him.

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Call me crazy, I'll go with Tsurugidake.

And call me even crazier, but: If a juryo does stay, it's going to be Sadanofuji, not Futeno.

Edited by Asashosakari

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I go with the Futeno stays in-hypothesis.

Add his popularity through blogging - the Kyokai won't wanna demote him.

I wonder if the fact that Dewanoumi beya would have no sekitori for the first time in over a century if Futeno went down would influence any decision. Would the banzuke-makers be under any pressure from the Dewanoumi ichimon to give him a break?

Edited by ryafuji

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