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Day 12 results and day 13 pairings

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Hakuho had no trouble at all to beat shin-ozeki Baruto in a few seconds and has a three win cushion with three days to go as Aran lost to Asasekiryu. Joining Aran in second place are Harumafuji (who also had an easy and fast oshidashi against Kaio) and Hakuba who managed to beat Kotooshu in convincing fashion. The other Sadogatake ozeki Kotomitsuki also lost to a maegashira as he looked really bad trying an ill-advised pull against Kitataiki. Kisenosato and Kotoshogiku improved to 7-5, the latter making sure that sekiwake Aminishiki will be out of sanyaku next basho. Koryu and Tochinonada lost today and are pretty sure to join Tamanoshima and possibly Iwakiyama on the way down to juryo.

Kiyoseumi lost to Masatsukasa and has to share the juryo lead with Matsutani again. Bushuyama and Daido missed out with losses, the latter one slumping to a 1-4 tune in his last five bouts. Gagamaru clinched the kachi-koshi against Tosanoumi to climb within one win of the yusho lead, but more importantly all but secure a makuuchi debut next basho. Kirinowaka and Kaiho at 2-10 both are sure to be demoted, while a few more rikishi needs a win (Futeno, Wakatenro) or two (Kanbayashi, Sadanofuji). Hoshikaze and Yamamotoyama won to improve to 6-6 and stay out of demotion danger.

Day 12


J13w   Kanbayashi (5-7)	oshidashi	  J12w   Futeno (6-6)
J11e   Wakatenro (5-7)	 oshidashi	  J13e   Kirinowaka (2-10)
J9e	Kasuganishiki (6-6) hatakikomi	 J14e   Sadanofuji (6-6)
J10w   Hoshikaze (6-6)	 uwatenage	  J9w	Kyokunankai (5-7)
J7e	Toyozakura (5-7)	hikiotoshi	 J14w   Kaiho (2-10)
J12e   Matsutani (9-3)	 oshidashi	  J7w	Tokushinho (6-6)
J5e	Masatsukasa (6-6)   oshidashi	  J10e   Kiyoseumi (9-3)
J4e	Tamaasuka (7-5)	 yorikiri	   J8e	Daido (8-4)
J4w	Sokokurai (7-5)	 yorikiri	   J8w	Sakaizawa (7-5)
J11w   Yamamotoyama (6-6)  yorikiri	   J3e	Kasugao (3-9)
J6e	Asofuji (5-7)	   oshidashi	  J3w	Chiyohakuho (5-7)
J2e	Shotenro (5-7)	  yorikiri	   J2w	Kotokasuga (6-6)
J1e	Sagatsukasa (5-7)   hikiotoshi	 J5w	Bushuyama (8-4)
J1w	Gagamaru (8-4)	  oshitaoshi	 J6w	Tosanoumi (5-7)


M12e   Takekaze (6-6)	  yorikiri	   M16w   Tamanoshima (3-9)
M13w   Takamisakari (8-4)  yorikiri	   M12w   Kimurayama (6-6)
M13e   Yoshikaze (8-4)	 hikiotoshi	 M11e   Mokonami (7-5)
M10w   Okinoumi (4-8)	  kotenage	   M16e   Koryu (4-8)
M15e   Wakakoyu (7-5)	  hatakikomi	 M9e	Tosayutaka (5-7)
M9w	Goeido (6-6)		uwatedashinage M14e   Tochinonada (3-9)
M8w	Toyohibiki (6-6)	oshidashi	  M14w   Hokutoriki (6-6)
M7w	Kyokutenho (7-5)	yorikiri	   M15w   Shimotori (8-4)
M6e	Tokitenku (6-6)	 yorikiri	   M11w   Tokusegawa (7-5)
M4w	Asasekiryu (8-4)	yorikiri	   M10e   Aran (9-3)

M8e	Kakizoe (7-5)	   tsukiotoshi	M3e	Kakuryu (5-7)
M3w	Wakanosato (3-9)	sukuinage	  M7e	Tamawashi (2-10)
M1w	Miyabiyama (5-7)	hatakikomi	 M6w	Kokkai (3-9)
K1w	Tochiozan (5-7)	 oshidashi	  M1e	Toyonoshima (3-9)
S1e	Kisenosato (7-5)	oshidashi	  M2w	Tochinoshin (6-6)
K1e	Kotoshogiku (7-5)   kotenage	   S1w	Aminishiki (3-9)
O1e	Harumafuji (9-3)	oshidashi	  O2w	Kaio (6-6)
M4e	Kitataiki (7-5)	 oshidashi	  O2e	Kotomitsuki (7-5)
M5w	Hakuba (9-3)		yorikiri	   O1w	Kotooshu (8-4)
Y1e	Hakuho (12-0)	   oshidashi	  O3w	Baruto (8-4)

Day 13


Ms5e   Sadanoumi (5-1)					J13w   Kanbayashi (5-7)
J11e   Wakatenro (5-7)					Ms2e   Kaisei (4-2)
J12w   Futeno (6-6)					   J10w   Hoshikaze (6-6)
J10e   Kiyoseumi (9-3)					J11w   Yamamotoyama (6-6)
J14e   Sadanofuji (6-6)				   J8w	Sakaizawa (7-5)
J14w   Kaiho (2-10)					   J6w	Tosanoumi (5-7)
J6e	Asofuji (5-7)					  J9e	Kasuganishiki (6-6)
J13e   Kirinowaka (2-10)				  J5w	Bushuyama (8-4)
J5e	Masatsukasa (6-6)				  J8e	Daido (8-4)
J4e	Tamaasuka (7-5)					J4w	Sokokurai (7-5)
J3e	Kasugao (3-9)					  J7e	Toyozakura (5-7)
J7w	Tokushinho (6-6)				   J2w	Kotokasuga (6-6)
J2e	Shotenro (5-7)					 J3w	Chiyohakuho (5-7)
J12e   Matsutani (9-3)					J1w	Gagamaru (8-4)
J1e	Sagatsukasa (5-7)				  J9w	Kyokunankai (5-7)


M15e   Wakakoyu (7-5)					 M16e   Koryu (4-8)
M13w   Takamisakari (8-4)				 M11w   Tokusegawa (7-5)
M11e   Mokonami (7-5)					 M14w   Hokutoriki (6-6)
M13e   Yoshikaze (8-4)					M10w   Okinoumi (4-8)
M15w   Shimotori (8-4)					M9w	Goeido (6-6)
M9e	Tosayutaka (5-7)				   M16w   Tamanoshima (3-9)
M12w   Kimurayama (6-6)				   M8w	Toyohibiki (6-6)
M7e	Tamawashi (2-10)				   M14e   Tochinonada (3-9)
M6e	Tokitenku (6-6)					M12e   Takekaze (6-6)
M10e   Aran (9-3)						 M5w	Hakuba (9-3)

M8e	Kakizoe (7-5)					  M3w	Wakanosato (3-9)
M7w	Kyokutenho (7-5)				   M2w	Tochinoshin (6-6)
M1e	Toyonoshima (3-9)				  M6w	Kokkai (3-9)
M4e	Kitataiki (7-5)					K1w	Tochiozan (5-7)
K1e	Kotoshogiku (7-5)				  M4w	Asasekiryu (8-4)
M1w	Miyabiyama (5-7)				   S1w	Aminishiki (3-9)
O1e	Harumafuji (9-3)				   O1w	Kotooshu (8-4)
S1e	Kisenosato (7-5)				   O3w	Baruto (8-4)
M3e	Kakuryu (5-7)					  O2w	Kaio (6-6)
Y1e	Hakuho (12-0)					  O2e	Kotomitsuki (7-5)

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Really enjoyed the Kyokutenho-Shimotori bout. As some would describe it - proper "Nnnnngggghhh" sumo :) Great to see Kasugao making the obvious error against YMY. Impressed yet again with Asasekiryu who overpowered the powerful Aran. On this form it's hard to believe he hasn't been sanyaku since Aki '08. Tochiozan made very short work of Toyonoshima! Kotoshogiku strengthened his sekiwake spot beating the guy he's likely to be replacing. Hakuba continues to have me thinking where the hell has he been til now ! Stands up to Kotooshu and beats him fair and square. Though Osh nearly benefitted from an opponent throwing himself out twice in a row as Hakuba ended the bout on his ear :) And sadly it was a bit of an anti-climax for me as Hakuho blasted Baruto out in no time.

Oh and Asashosakari is right about Wakatenro getting KK if today's bout is anything to go by. Kirinowaka's 'attempt' was the most pathetic I've seen for a long time (though granted I've been away for a while too (Laughing...) ).

Edited by Bealzbob

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