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Day 11 lower division results

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Czech Takanoyama improved to 5-1 with a win over lead makushita Hochiyama, and a few results went in his favour regarding his position on the next banzuke. Lead makushita Masuraumi lost in juryo and must win his last bout to get the kachi-koshi while Ms2w Takarafuji already is make-koshi, losing to Jumonji. Even Sadanoumi can finish behind Takanoyama as he fell out of the yusho race with a sukuinage loss to Kyokushuho, so Sadanoumi and Takanoyama will probably meet for the final bout. On the minus side, Brazilian Kaisei is kachi-koshi with a win against Kirinowaka, probably finishing not worse than #3 in the promotion race. Ms3e Tsurugidake also achieved a somewhat surprising kachi-koshi, beating Yoshiazuma.

Kyokushuho will meet Maeta for the makushita yusho decider as the 200 kg rikishi won against Bungonishiki to secure six wins for the second time in three basho. Tochitenko beat another 200 kg rikishi with 20 years old Mankajo and with 4-2 he is enjoying his third successive kachi-koshi and is guaranteed a 120th makushita basho in Nagoya. Oh, and Bulgarian Aoiyama stopped his losses with a win against Araumi from the lower half of makushita.

The sandanme yusho race had no surprises today with Takunishiki, Kei and Ikinoshima advancing to 6-0. Takunishiki against Kei probably will be the yusho decider here as Ikinoshima should be set up against the top jonidan rikishi at 6-0 who happens to be career-undefeated Sasakiyama. Barring some (not impossible) surprises from the torikumi makers Saishin and Enshunada, the other two rikishi at 6-0 in jonidan will meet to determine the yusho winner or playoff opponent for Sasakiyama (or even Suekawa who is up tomorrow).

The torikumi makers avoided a bout between Hashimoto and Ryuonami, the two jonokuchi leaders, and Hashimoto went ahead for now, beating Tamahikari. Mongolian Ryuonami will try tomorrow to pull even against 19 years old 5-0 jonidan Suekawa, who bounced back nicely from a four basho make-koshi streak.


Jk30e  Kato (2-4)		  yorikiri	   Jk34e  Satake (1-5)
Jk28w  Hisasakamoto (4-2)  kubinage	   Jk32w  Sawada (3-3)
Jk32e  Uchida (5-1)		oshidashi	  Jk24e  Daichi (4-2)
Jk22e  Fukamiyama (4-2)	oshidashi	  Jk27e  Kotoomura (3-3)
Jk18w  Azumasho (4-2)	  oshidashi	  Jk21e  Masutenryu (3-3)
Jk16w  Sugimoto (4-2)	  oshidashi	  Jk18e  Mukai (3-3)
Jk14e  Nishiyama (3-3)	 yorikiri	   Jk28e  Kotoharada (2-4)
Jk13e  Tateno (5-1)		yoritaoshi	 Jk19w  Tanahashi (4-2)
Jk15w  Nagao (4-2)		 oshidashi	  Jk12e  Kudo (3-3)
Jk10w  Yoshifuji (3-3)	 oshidashi	  Jk24w  Kotoarai (2-4)
Jk7e   Aoimaru (1-0)	   yorikiri	   Jk20e  Murashita (0-6)
Jk17w  Hashimoto (6-0)	 hatakikomi	 Jk6e   Tamahikari (4-2)
Jk4e   Barikimaru (1-0)	oshidashi	  Jk5e   Tatsunishiki (0-6)
Jk5w   Kanai (4-2)		 yorikiri	   Jk3e   Sakuma (3-3)


Jd123e Wakatoohashi (3-3)  yoritaoshi	 Jk1w   Kawabata (2-4)
Jk1e   Kasachikara (3-3)   yorikiri	   Jd122e Moriurara (2-4)
Jd123w Daiseishin (5-1)	yorikiri	   Jd119w Daishiryu (4-2)
Jd117w Fukusegawa (3-3)	uwatenage	  Jd119e Shuho (2-4)
Jd114e Hakubizan (2-4)	 yorikiri	   Jd120e Azumahana (1-5)
Jd113e Kotonishikawa (5-1) tsukiotoshi	Jd116e Iwabuchi (4-2)
Jd112w Hokuyozan (4-2)	 yorikiri	   Jd110e Asaamami (3-3)
Jd109e Motokiyama (5-1)	sukuinage	  Jd112e Wakahizen (4-2)
Jd111e Kanryu (3-3)		yorikiri	   Jd107w Kawahara (2-4)
Jd103w Hayatefuji (4-2)	yoritaoshi	 Jd105e Kainofuji (3-3)
Jd101w Shintaku (3-3)	  oshidashi	  Jd106w Tenkaizan (2-4)
Jd99w  Nara (3-3)		  hatakikomi	 Jd102e Asaryuho (2-4)
Jd104w Higonohana (2-4)	yorikiri	   Jd97w  Shimasegawa (1-5)
Jd96w  Minezakura (5-1)	hikiotoshi	 Jd106e Aonosho (4-2)
Jd95w  Kaidonami (4-2)	 oshitaoshi	 Jd94w  Chikarayama (3-3)
Jd90w  Hoshigane (5-1)	 kotenage	   Jd96e  Shijima (4-2)
Jd93e  Zendaisho (3-3)	 yorikiri	   Jd89w  Oigarashi (2-4)
Jd93w  Amanowaka (2-4)	 yoritaoshi	 Jd88e  Amakusa (1-5)
Jd87e  Tochitensho (4-2)   isamiashi	  Jd91e  Hazukiyama (3-3)
Jd85e  Tokiarashi (2-4)	yorikiri	   Jd83w  Koseki (1-5)
Jd86e  Tosahikari (5-1)	sukuinage	  Jd81w  Hoonami (4-2)
Jd98e  Enshunada (6-0)	 yoritaoshi	 Jd78e  Shobushi (5-1)
Jd83e  Kotowatanabe (3-3)  sukuinage	  Jd76w  Rokumonsen (2-4)
Jd77e  Hasegawa (3-3)	  yoritaoshi	 Jd75e  Sadanosato (2-4)
Jd74w  Kotokuzan (2-4)	 oshidashi	  Jd72e  Nekomata (1-5)
Jd70w  Matsuura (4-2)	  hatakikomi	 Jd75w  Wakamiura (3-3)
Jd68e  Kumao (3-3)		 sukuinage	  Jd69w  Masuamami (2-4)
Jd66e  Tamakaizan (5-1)	uwatenage	  Jd73w  Hisachikara (4-2)
Jd67w  Kisenishiki (4-2)   yorikiri	   Jd64w  Takahashi (3-3)
Jd62w  Azumasato (4-2)	 hatakikomi	 Jd60e  Ryushonami (3-3)
Jd59e  Hayabusa (3-3)	  yoritaoshi	 Jd60w  Ranbuzan (2-4)
Jd57w  Ishihara (2-4)	  yorikiri	   Jd64e  Hokutoryu (1-5)
Jd56w  Marikomaru (4-2)	hatakikomi	 Jd58w  Kotomyozan (3-3)
Jd54e  Byakko (1-5)		okuridashi	 Jd79w  Isanishiki (0-6)
Jd52e  Owada (5-1)		 uwatenage	  Jd55e  Wakanoryu (4-2)
Jd49w  Saishin (6-0)	   yoritaoshi	 Jd74e  Sekiho (5-1)
Jd48w  Fujinoumi (3-3)	 oshidashi	  Jd51e  Hatachidake (2-4)
Jd48e  Masuryu (5-1)	   yorikiri	   Jd46w  Hamaazuma (4-2)
Jd42e  Kaihazan (3-3)	  hatakikomi	 Jd43e  Obamaumi (2-4)
Jd45w  Sadanoshu (2-4)	 tsukiotoshi	Jd38e  Ikataumi (1-5)
Jd40e  Fujinohana (3-3)	sukuinage	  Jd37e  Daitenyu (2-4)
Jd43w  Karyutsukasa (4-2)  katasukashi	Jd36e  Kiritora (3-3)
Jd39w  Hokuto (2-4)		yorikiri	   Jd34w  Echizenyama (1-5)
Jd32e  Teraoryu (4-2)	  hikiotoshi	 Jd30e  Wakanishiki (3-3)
Jd27e  Saio (3-3)		  oshidashi	  Jd33e  Misakiyama (2-4)
Jd25w  Sasagawa (3-3)	  hikiotoshi	 Jd31e  Kasugashin (2-4)
Jd41e  Kiryu (5-1)		 oshidashi	  Jd23e  Takamine (4-2)
Jd22e  Mori (2-4)		  shitatenage	Jd29e  Adachi (1-5)
Jd20w  Kamakari (1-5)	  yorikiri	   Jd32w  Kurenishiki (0-6)
Jd20e  Sasakiyama (6-0)	yoritaoshi	 Jd26e  Hokudozan (5-1)
Jd19e  Tochinokuni (4-2)   oshidashi	  Jd24e  Wakahikari (3-3)
Jd17w  Onami (4-2)		 oshidashi	  Jd21e  Shibahara (3-3)
Jd18e  Yuzawa (3-3)		kirikaeshi	 Jd16e  Taketoba (2-4)
Jd11w  Kaminoyama (2-4)	yoritaoshi	 Jd15e  Tamakishin (1-5)
Jd13w  Shinnishiki (3-3)   yoritaoshi	 Jd10e  Arikawa (2-4)
Jd14w  Masumiura (5-1)	 tsukiotoshi	Jd7w   Hokutofuji (4-2)
Jd8w   Teraosho (3-3)	  isamiashi	  Jd5e   Burinosato (2-4)
Jd6w   Tokushuzan (5-1)	oshidashi	  Jd3w   Tochitaiga (4-2)
Jd12e  Kyokuhikari (1-5)   kotenage	   Jd1w   Kotosaito (0-6)


Sd100e Hamamiryu (3-3)	 okuridashi	 Jd4w   Daika (2-4)
Jd3e   Yutsukasa (3-3)	 kotenage	   Sd98w  Takada (2-4)
Sd95e  Tochinoshima (4-2)  oshidashi	  Sd96e  Hoshiazuma (3-3)
Sd93e  Daishokai (2-4)	 oshidashi	  Sd99e  Tokishibata (1-5)
Sd97e  Kosenho (5-1)	   oshidashi	  Sd90w  Takamisato (4-2)
Sd89e  Kirizakura (3-3)	okuridashi	 Sd92e  Tochiotoha (2-4)
Sd86e  Daishoko (2-4)	  oshidashi	  Sd95w  Kyokuhozan (1-5)
Sd91w  Hayasegawa (2-4)	yorikiri	   Sd84w  Hanakaze (1-5)
Sd87w  Chiyosakae (3-2)	oshitaoshi	 Sd80w  Kasuganami (2-4)
Sd78w  Sadanokuni (5-1)	oshidashi	  Sd86w  Miura (4-2)
Sd79e  Katagiri (5-1)	  oshidashi	  Sd77e  Daiseiho (4-2)
Sd76e  Fujinokaze (4-2)	yorikiri	   Sd81e  Kasugamine (3-3)
Sd82e  Komatsukasa (2-4)   hatakikomi	 Sd74w  Notoazuma (1-5)
Sd72e  Daijo (3-3)		 oshidashi	  Sd71e  Tosa (2-4)
Sd69w  Koriyama (3-3)	  oshidashi	  Sd71w  Chiyoraizan (2-4)
Sd73w  Kaorufuji (5-1)	 oshidashi	  Sd67e  Tochifudo (4-2)
Sd65e  Kasugaryu (5-1)	 kotenage	   Sd66w  Hidaka (4-2)
Sd91e  Ikinoshima (6-0)	hikiotoshi	 Sd63e  Saito (5-1)
Sd68e  Kawashita (3-3)	 tsukiotoshi	Sd62e  Ayanokaze (2-4)
Sd59e  Matsubayama (1-5)   tsuridashi	 Sd65w  Gonoumi (0-6)
Sd63w  Komanokuni (4-2)	yorikiri	   Sd57e  Satonofuji (3-3)
Sd58e  Hokazan (3-3)	   yorikiri	   Sd55e  Hokutoiwa (2-4)
Sd53w  Isanokuni (4-2)	 oshidashi	  Sd54e  Ogifuji (3-3)
Sd59w  Nishitani (2-4)	 oshidashi	  Sd52e  Chiyonoriku (1-5)
Sd50e  Torugawa (5-1)	  yorikiri	   Sd60e  Higo (4-2)
Sd46e  Kei (6-0)		   hatakikomi	 Sd83e  Tosahayato (5-1)
Sd42w  Goki (3-3)		  tsukiotoshi	Sd47w  Ryutei (2-4)
Sd44e  Enatsukasa (4-2)	sukuinage	  Sd41w  Fukudayama (3-3)
Sd39e  Asahisho (5-1)	  oshidashi	  Sd47e  Kihakuriki (4-2)
Sd40w  Masuhikari (4-2)	kimedashi	  Sd38e  Danyu (3-3)
Sd37w  Kotokashiwadani (3-3)yorikiri	  Sd36w  Chiyonohana (2-4)
Sd34w  Fukugoriki (4-2)	oshidashi	  Sd35w  Minanosato (3-3)
Sd32w  Masunofuji (5-1)	sukuinage	  Sd32e  Chiyootori (4-2)
Sd31e  Koshinoryu (3-3)	hatakikomi	 Sd36e  Tochikasuga (2-4)
Sd34e  Kisomitsuru (4-2)   oshidashi	  Sd29e  Dewahayate (3-3)
Sd27e  Okinofuji (2-4)	 yorikiri	   Sd30e  Toho (1-5)
Sd29w  Asanawa (5-1)	   oshidashi	  Sd25e  Daishoryu (4-2)
Sd27w  Toyohikari (3-3)	hatakikomi	 Sd22w  Kotoninsei (2-4)
Sd24w  Rendaiyama (4-2)	hatakikomi	 Sd21e  Kumagai (3-3)
Sd19w  Hamaeiko (1-5)	  shitatenage	Sd33e  Hokutotsuru (0-6)
Sd19e  Tamao (5-1)		 uwatenage	  Sd21w  Takakiho (4-2)
Sd17w  Kotokino (3-3)	  oshidashi	  Sd23w  Chiyohakuryu (2-4)
Sd23e  Takunishiki (6-0)   yorikiri	   Sd15w  Seiro (5-1)
Sd13e  Byakko (4-2)		shitatehineri  Sd16e  Migikataagari (3-3)
Sd15e  Wakakengo (4-2)	 yoritaoshi	 Sd12e  Aisaka (3-3)
Sd9w   Daishoki (4-2)	  yorikiri	   Sd10w  Tokio (3-3)
Sd11e  Yoshinokuni (2-4)   okurinage	  Sd6w   Miyamaru (1-5)
Sd5w   Tochinohama (4-2)   oshidashi	  Sd8e   Sadanishiki (3-3)
Sd4w   Matsumidori (5-1)   yoritaoshi	 Sd4e   Inoue (4-2)
Sd1w   Kotootori (3-3)	 uwatenage	  Sd3w   Chiyonoshin (2-4)


Sd3e   Masutoo (4-2)	   kimedashi	  Ms60e  Musoketsu (3-3)
Ms58w  Tochitenko (4-2)	hatakikomi	 Sd2w   Mankajo (3-3)
Ms56e  Gorikiyama (4-2)	uwatenage	  Ms57w  Sakigake (3-3)
Ms53e  Kobo (4-2)		  okuridashi	 Ms51w  Naoe (3-3)
Ms49e  Tokitsukasa (5-1)   hatakikomi	 Ms57e  Kihonoumi (4-2)
Ms48e  Yotsuguruma (5-1)   hatakikomi	 Ms54e  Aozora (4-2)
Ms55w  Orora (1-5)		 yorikiri	   Ms46w  Ryujinsakari (0-6)
Ms50w  Kagamio (4-2)	   yorikiri	   Ms45e  Hoshizakura (3-3)
Ms41w  Fukunohana (4-2)	oshidashi	  Ms42e  Hidenofuji (3-3)
Ms47e  Shoho (2-4)		 yorikiri	   Ms39w  Hokuo (1-5)
Ms38w  Taika (3-3)		 yoritaoshi	 Ms40w  Kotoyuki (2-4)
Ms35w  Maeta (6-0)		 yorikiri	   Ms52e  Bungonishiki (5-1)
Ms37w  Wakamifuji (4-2)	oshidashi	  Ms34w  Kotomisen (3-3)
Ms44w  Terashita (5-1)	 yoritaoshi	 Ms31e  Chokozan (4-2)
Ms30e  Sakaguchi (3-3)	 yorikiri	   Ms36w  Daiyubu (2-4)
Ms26w  Dewaotori (2-4)	 yorikiri	   Ms31w  Hananosato (1-5)
Ms25e  Masunoyama (5-1)	yorikiri	   Ms23e  Rikiryu (4-2)
Ms20w  Sotairyu (4-2)	  oshidashi	  Ms25w  Surugatsukasa (3-3)
Ms19w  Kitaharima (4-2)	oshidashi	  Ms22w  Kaonishiki (3-3)
Ms22e  Nionoumi (5-1)	  oshidashi	  Ms16w  Fujiazuma (4-2)
Ms10w  Takayasu (4-2)	  uwatenage	  Ms9e   Shirononami (3-3)
Ms8w   Satsumahibiki (3-3) yoritaoshi	 Ms7w   Takateru (2-4)
Ms9w   Nakanokuni (5-1)	hikiotoshi	 Ms7e   Shironoryu (4-2)
Ms5w   Aoiyama (1-5)	   oshidashi	  Ms33e  Araumi (0-6)
Ms32e  Kyokushuho (6-0)	sukuinage	  Ms5e   Sadanoumi (5-1)
Ms15w  Satoyama (2-4)	  uwatedashinage Ms4e   Kotoyutaka (1-5)
Ms3w   Ryuho (2-4)		 hatakikomi	 Ms12w  Raido (1-5)
Ms3e   Tsurugidake (4-2)   tsukiotoshi	Ms4w   Yoshiazuma (3-3)
Ms6w   Jumonji (3-3)	   hatakikomi	 Ms2w   Takarafuji (2-4)
Ms6e   Takanoyama (5-1)	hikkake		Ms1w   Hochiyama (4-2)


J13w   Kanbayashi (4-7)	hatakikomi	 Ms1e   Masuraumi (3-3)
Ms2e   Kaisei (4-2)		yorikiri	   J13e   Kirinowaka (2-9)

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I hope for Takanoyama's promotion in the Juryo's division but it's difficult. Hochiyama is over. Kaisei is over. Tsurugikade is over. Sadanoumi is over and maybe Masuraumi and Yoshiazuma also. Too many for an ms 6!

Edited by Pippooshu

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Could Takayasu be the real deal? 8th consecutive kk and a new highest rank on the next banzuke! Would be interesting to see some of his bouts, if they are available somewhere...

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I hope for Takanoyama's promotion in the Juryo's division but it's difficult. Hochiyama is over. Kaisei is over. Tsurugikade is over. Sadanoumi is over and maybe Masuraumi and Yoshiazuma also. Too many for an ms 6!

If he has to wait one more basho, that's not very much time considering how long he's been at this. And it's not asking too much for 2 consecutive makushita KKs, if you want him to have any staying power in juryo at all.

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Kaisei will not be promoted with only 4 wins, he needs one more - that's what I heard today.

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Would be interesting to see some of his bouts, if they are available somewhere...

Indeed, there are some of his bouts on youtube (looks like a fan constantly uploads them).

Takayasu on youtube

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I hope for Takanoyama's promotion in the Juryo's division but it's difficult. Hochiyama is over. Kaisei is over. Tsurugikade is over. Sadanoumi is over and maybe Masuraumi and Yoshiazuma also. Too many for an ms 6!

If he has to wait one more basho, that's not very much time considering how long he's been at this. And it's not asking too much for 2 consecutive makushita KKs, if you want him to have any staying power in juryo at all.

I know..You're right. But two times Takanoyama has lost a similar opportunity during past high makushita ranking bashoes. I'm afraid about his next basho... (Shaking head...)

Edited by Pippooshu

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Kaisei will not be promoted with only 4 wins, he needs one more - that's what I heard today.

I think that's just an indication that he's likely to fall to below 3rd in the order if he loses his final bout. Takes only two wins from the trio of Masuraumi/Tsurugidake/Sadanoumi for that to happen. And of course there's still the possibility that Kanbayashi goes on a tear and finishes 7-8.

I kinda wonder who would get promoted between, say, Ms3e Tsurugidake 5-2 and Ms5e Sadanoumi 6-1. Precedence would favour Sadanoumi, I think, but a possible veteran bonus (not to mention a Musashigawa-rijicho bonus) might favour Tsurugidake. The only things that are reasonably clear for now are that Hochiyama is going to juryo, and Yoshiazuma isn't.

Could Takayasu be the real deal? 8th consecutive kk and a new highest rank on the next banzuke!

He's sure distanced the other Heisei era rikishi for now... Speaking of which, new tracking thread coming up after the basho. (Okay, it's not going to be that special...)

Indeed, there are some of his bouts on youtube (looks like a fan constantly uploads them).

Neat, thanks for the heads-up!

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Sorry for my stupid question but in the sumotori's list I've discovered this strange case: two different Byakko for only one shikona. I think it changes the kanji? (Shaking head...)

Byakko East Sandanme 13 (Sandanme 11)

Byakko East Jonidan 54 (Sandanme 72)

Edited by Pippooshu

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Sorry for my stupid question but in the sumotori's list I've discovered this strange case: two different Byakko for only one shikona. I think it changes the kanji? (Shaking head...)

Byakko East Sandanme 13 (Sandanme 11)

Byakko East Jonidan 54 (Sandanme 72)

Well, the sandanme one is Byakko (short o), the lower ranked guy is Byakkooo (looong o), so it's not only different kanji but really a different name... This gets hidden in the chosen form of romanization which sometimes leads to confusion.

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Well, the sandanme one is Byakko (short o), the lower ranked guy is Byakkooo (looong o), so it's not only different kanji but really a different name... This gets hidden in the chosen form of romanization which sometimes leads to confusion.

BTW, as they did the last few times (Oka/Ouka and Mori/Mouri), the Kyokai web guys have again redubbed the long-o guy as Byakkou in his profile. In a related issue, I guess the shindeshi Nakashima will show up with a new shikona next time out. Okay, or the one who's already on the banzuke will. Or one of them will suddenly be listed as Nakajima, whatever. Either way there's a kana collision for now. (Not that they usually care about collisions with shindeshi names.)

Edited by Asashosakari

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Would be interesting to see some of his bouts, if they are available somewhere...

Indeed, there are some of his bouts on youtube (looks like a fan constantly uploads them).

Takayasu on youtube

Great, thanks!

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