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Day 9 results and day 10 pairings

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Shin-ozeki Baruto clinched kachi-koshi, beating veteran ozeki Kaio to stay one win behind yokozuna Hakuho who also had big problems with Kakuryu but came through to get the win in the end. Harumafuji easily beat Wakanosato and is 7-2 now riding a seven win streak. Kotomitsuki also is streaking at five wins, turning a 1-3 to 6-3 and joining stablemate Kotooshu who is modelling his hoshitori with a win-win-loss pattern. Hakuba, Aran and Shimotori won to get the chance for kachi-koshi tomorrow.

Juryo almost had a complete wipe-out of the west side as the east side went 13-1 today with only Toyozakura losing to Kotokasuga. Gagamaru was the only rikishi of the yusho leaders on the west side which means that Daido and Kiyoseumi clinched kachi-koshi at 8-1 with Matsutani one win behind and Gagamaru, Bushuyama and Futeno one more back. At the bottom of juryo Kaiho needs to win out now to avoid demotion while fellow juryo-jiri Sadanofuji is 4-5 after a 3-0 start. Kirinowaka is mounting his comeback now, beating Yamamotoyama for his second consecutive win after the 0-7 beginning. Kasugao is 2-7 too, but after a 2-0 start.

Day 9


J13e   Kirinowaka (2-7)	okuridashi	 J11w   Yamamotoyama (3-6)
J11e   Wakatenro (4-5)	 yoritaoshi	 J14w   Kaiho (2-7)
J13w   Kanbayashi (3-6)	oshidashi	  J10w   Hoshikaze (3-6)
J12w   Futeno (6-3)		yorikiri	   J8w	Sakaizawa (5-4)
J8e	Daido (8-1)		 tsukiotoshi	J14e   Sadanofuji (4-5)
J12e   Matsutani (7-2)	 tsukidashi	 J6w	Tosanoumi (4-5)
J5e	Masatsukasa (4-5)   yorikiri	   J9w	Kyokunankai (4-5)
J10e   Kiyoseumi (8-1)	 uwatedashinage J4w	Sokokurai (5-4)
J4e	Tamaasuka (5-4)	 yorikiri	   J9e	Kasuganishiki (4-5)
J7w	Tokushinho (4-5)	yorikiri	   J3w	Chiyohakuho (4-5)
J2w	Kotokasuga (5-4)	okuritaoshi	J7e	Toyozakura (4-5)
J2e	Shotenro (4-5)	  oshidashi	  J3e	Kasugao (2-7)
J5w	Bushuyama (6-3)	 uwatenage	  J1w	Gagamaru (6-3)
J1e	Sagatsukasa (3-6)   oshitaoshi	 J6e	Asofuji (3-6)


M15w   Shimotori (7-2)	 uwatenage	  M14e   Tochinonada (2-7)
M13w   Takamisakari (6-3)  hikiotoshi	 M13e   Yoshikaze (6-3)
M12e   Takekaze (5-4)	  katasukashi	M16e   Koryu (4-5)
M11w   Tokusegawa (5-4)	yorikiri	   M16w   Tamanoshima (3-6)
M10e   Aran (7-2)		  oshidashi	  M15e   Wakakoyu (5-4)
M14w   Hokutoriki (5-4)	oshidashi	  M9e	Tosayutaka (4-5)
M7w	Kyokutenho (6-3)	yorikiri	   M11e   Mokonami (6-3)
M12w   Kimurayama (4-5)	oshidashi	  M7e	Tamawashi (2-7)
M8e	Kakizoe (4-5)	   tsukiotoshi	M6w	Kokkai (2-7)
M6e	Tokitenku (4-5)	 yorikiri	   M10w   Okinoumi (1-8)

M5w	Hakuba (7-2)		sukuinage	  M9w	Goeido (4-5)
M4e	Kitataiki (5-4)	 oshidashi	  M8w	Toyohibiki (4-5)
M1w	Miyabiyama (4-5)	hikiotoshi	 M2w	Tochinoshin (5-4)
K1e	Kotoshogiku (4-5)   yorikiri	   M1e	Toyonoshima (2-7)
S1w	Aminishiki (3-6)	oshidashi	  S1e	Kisenosato (5-4)
O2e	Kotomitsuki (6-3)   yorikiri	   K1w	Tochiozan (3-6)
M4w	Asasekiryu (6-3)	uwatenage	  O1w	Kotooshu (6-3)
O1e	Harumafuji (7-2)	okuritaoshi	M3w	Wakanosato (1-8)
O3w	Baruto (8-1)		oshidashi	  O2w	Kaio (5-4)
Y1e	Hakuho (9-0)		oshidashi	  M3e	Kakuryu (3-6)

Day 10


J11e   Wakatenro (4-5)					J11w   Yamamotoyama (3-6)
J13e   Kirinowaka (2-7)				   J10w   Hoshikaze (3-6)
J9e	Kasuganishiki (4-5)				J13w   Kanbayashi (3-6)
J14e   Sadanofuji (4-5)				   J9w	Kyokunankai (4-5)
J6e	Asofuji (3-6)					  J14w   Kaiho (2-7)
J12w   Futeno (6-3)					   J5w	Bushuyama (6-3)
J4e	Tamaasuka (5-4)					J10e   Kiyoseumi (8-1)
J12e   Matsutani (7-2)					J4w	Sokokurai (5-4)
J3e	Kasugao (2-7)					  J7w	Tokushinho (4-5)
J8w	Sakaizawa (5-4)					J3w	Chiyohakuho (4-5)
J2e	Shotenro (4-5)					 J6w	Tosanoumi (4-5)
J5e	Masatsukasa (4-5)				  J2w	Kotokasuga (5-4)
J1e	Sagatsukasa (3-6)				  J7e	Toyozakura (4-5)
J8e	Daido (8-1)						J1w	Gagamaru (6-3)


M15e   Wakakoyu (5-4)					 M13w   Takamisakari (6-3)
M16e   Koryu (4-5)						M12w   Kimurayama (4-5)
M11e   Mokonami (6-3)					 M15w   Shimotori (7-2)
M14w   Hokutoriki (5-4)				   M11w   Tokusegawa (5-4)
M10e   Aran (7-2)						 M13e   Yoshikaze (6-3)
M14e   Tochinonada (2-7)				  M10w   Okinoumi (1-8)
M16w   Tamanoshima (3-6)				  M9w	Goeido (4-5)
M8e	Kakizoe (4-5)					  M12e   Takekaze (5-4)
M7e	Tamawashi (2-7)					M9e	Tosayutaka (4-5)
M4e	Kitataiki (5-4)					M7w	Kyokutenho (6-3)

M8w	Toyohibiki (4-5)				   M4w	Asasekiryu (6-3)
M3e	Kakuryu (3-6)					  M6w	Kokkai (2-7)
M6e	Tokitenku (4-5)					M3w	Wakanosato (1-8)
K1e	Kotoshogiku (4-5)				  M2w	Tochinoshin (5-4)
M1w	Miyabiyama (4-5)				   K1w	Tochiozan (3-6)
M1e	Toyonoshima (2-7)				  S1w	Aminishiki (3-6)
O2e	Kotomitsuki (6-3)				  O2w	Kaio (5-4)
O1e	Harumafuji (7-2)				   M5w	Hakuba (7-2)
O3w	Baruto (8-1)					   O1w	Kotooshu (6-3)
Y1e	Hakuho (9-0)					   S1e	Kisenosato (5-4)

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Asasekiryu's uwatenage of Kotooshu was picture-perfect! ;-)

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Sholdn't the gyoji have stopped the Hakuho v Kakuryu bout? Hakuho's mawashi was coming undone.

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Sholdn't the gyoji have stopped the Hakuho v Kakuryu bout? Hakuho's mawashi was coming undone.

Indeed! I thought we were going to see the 2nd bout ever lost for that particular kimarite!

Edited by Harry

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Good win for Baruto. Good tachi-ai from him (for a change), tries to grab belt but Kaio counters it, but gets a win anyway. I hope he shows more tsuppari sumo like last basho, tries to be more agressive.

Asasekiryu's uwatenage was indeed perfect ;-) Kotooshu was out-sumoed.

Same for Miyabiyama, outworked Tochinoshin. Great sumo.

Bad loss for Kisenosato. He is very agressive this basho, sometimes it pays off, sometimes not. But 5-4 is not bad for him, he already has met most of highrank rikishi, i think only Hakuho, Baruto left from highrank. Should get KK easly at the end.

Hakuho against Kakuryu was a treat. Great bouts today. Hakuho showed who is the yokozuna.

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Sholdn't the gyoji have stopped the Hakuho v Kakuryu bout? Hakuho's mawashi was coming undone.

I think he was waiting for them to "rest" before pausing the bout, but there wasn't a chance.

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