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Wii releases sumo game ( well, pretty much..)

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Looking at review screenshots, it appears to be an English version of this.

Edit: Yeah, speaking of reviews, this one looks pretty comprehensive.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Might be amusing, but boy, what a stupid name.

I'll probably give it a whirl soon.

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Okay, I shelled out the 10 bucks and gave it a try.

It's quite amusing for a while, but I fear it might get old quick, as the sumo bouts are basically button mashing. One button is for tsuppari and the other one for grips. You then twist the controller to try various throws. Which kimarite comes up seems to depend on so many factors that it basically feels random. There are at least around two dozen kimarite, I think, and some silly non-kimarite too. A german Yokozuna named "Sausage" managed to defeat me by "vertical suplex". Need to bulk up before I can take on that guy.... (Holiday feeling...)

Interestingly enough, the banzuke committee promotes you even for a 5-10 record -- fortunately, they're not doing that in real sumo, or we'd have an Ozeki 5 West. :-D

Edited by Oimeru

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i like the game, quite fun for all ages. My 5 and 8 year old playing in the other room as i type

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