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YDC convenes

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Personally I could care less what one athelete does to celebrate or not celebrate. However, if the governing body of his sport says you can't do it he should be sanctioned.

I find the "American" football comments funny simply because, up until professional football, celebrations can be penalized. Having played for 11 years I never found the celebrations interesting. If I scored or made an outstanding tackle I was almost embarrassed by the applause. I couldn't have done it alone, why should I be singled out for recognition. Even in individual sports like Sumo, a great Rikishi can't be great without good practice partners and trainers. One's accomplishments never belong to the individual alone... or to be more accurate, one's accomplishments are rarely one's alone. They are often the result of input from many sources.

To add another ingredient to the pot, what if Rikishi started pointing to Heaven to thank a god for their win...

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Let those same people travel to the USA, and watch an NFL game, and watch the players who score touchdowns, and what foolishness they then demonstrate. That YDC member would be traumatized for life.

In the NFL they have their own Ms. Uchidate, Mike Pereira, who has pointed out several times that players who score touchdowns should not demonstrate such foolishness - many penalties are given for excessive celebration as a matter of fact. Here is an example of a "taunting" penalty from this week...

(sorry for off-topic)

Still mostly off-topic, but couldn't resist since this vid from today shows another great connaisseur who strongly voices his disapproval of celebration trends in the NFL: James Caan (they start talking about celebrations after around 1 min 36). Just to show that what is considered acceptable and not acceptable in different contexts - including considerations of "dignified behaviour" - seems to not be as clear-cut as it would sound from the initial opposition that was made in this thread between sumo and the NFL.

Edited by Azumashida

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