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*session has expired*

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Games on the sumo server have always had this function where you if you dillydallied, your session expired and you had to log in again, it was annoying sometimes - mainly for toto, which took the longest, BUT has anyone else noticed the the shortening in time before your sessions expires this basho? its bloody annoying!!! (Welcome...)

you feel like a guy trying to diffuse a timebomb and the secs are ticking away, seems like you get less than a minute!

Just my two cents.

Edited by sekihiryu

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Games on the sumo server have always had this function where you if you dillydallied, your session expired and you had to log in again, it was annoying sometimes - mainly for toto, which took the longest, BUT has anyone else noticed the the shortening in time before your sessions expires this basho? its bloody annoying!!!(Welcome...)

Actually, when I made my picks last night, the first time I was thrown out very quickly (<5 min), but the second time around it stuck for more than 20 minutes. I think that's an indication that the first time wasn't an expired session, but the server and/or database going down briefly and forgetting who was logged in. IIRC Kofuji said he increased the expiry time a couple of basho ago.

Before you send your picks, you can open the login page again in a second tab or window in the same browser session to check whether your session is still active. If not, just log in on that second window, and then send your picks in the first one.

Edited by Asashosakari

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You also can log in after an expired session and simply hit the back button until reaching the page with your picks and hit send again. Quite simple and does work for me.

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This morning on chaingang it did it to me 3 times even though I was taking less than 10 seconds to pick...

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You also can log in after an expired session and simply hit the back button until reaching the page with your picks and hit send again. Quite simple and does work for me.

thats what I do, nevertheless it is irritating and several times in the past with toto, I couldnt log in again as the server had subsequently died.

such is life....

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for me all the troubles seem to come from sekitoto...

again i cannot log in and the first troubles i relized shortly after the bouts, when all other games had grabbed the results, sekitoto did not have them....

for me sekitoto should be moved to another serverm because i guess it is the game that always causes the troubles

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Actually there have been no changes in the server time outs. You should have 20 minutes. The only other reason you might be seeing that is if you had very bad luck and were doing your picks when I happened to restart the application pools when I was seeing too many errors coming back. You might want to hit "Save Picks" more often (or at all) in Sekitori-Toto as that will extend your time out since you've had a conversation with the server.

If there's someone out there with the resources, I'd be happy if they took over. But I've been doing this for a decade and we've had other games hosts go AWOL after a few basho ... see Kashunowaka and Kojamuri ...

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