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Hoshitori Game Kyushu 2007

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Hi Doitsuyama,

First of all, thank you for all the fantastic work you do for the


During day 13 of current Kyushu Basho, 4 rikishi of my Hoshitori

selection gained KK : Wakanoho, Ama, Hokutoriki and Roho ;

nevertheless I only got 30 points of bonus for these KK (and not 40 as


Of course, Ama is my substitute after the injury of Kotooshu...

Is it that substitutes don't bring bonus points, or was there a mistake

in the scoring ?

Thanks for your answer, and thanks again for all the fun you provide to

all of us sumo-fans !

Kind Regards

- Mysko -

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Of course, Ama is my substitute after the injury of Kotooshu...

Is it that substitutes don't bring bonus points, or was there a mistake

in the scoring ?

Substitutes only earn points and wins for the days that they are active. Your Kotooshu/Ama slot looks like this:

Kotooshu Day 1 to 7: 2-5

Ama Day 8 to 14: 5-2

Total: 7-7

So, no KK bonus or MK deduction yet.

Edited by Asashosakari

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Of course, Ama is my substitute after the injury of Kotooshu...

Is it that substitutes don't bring bonus points, or was there a mistake

in the scoring ?

Substitutes only earn points and wins for the days that they are active. Your Kotooshu/Ama slot looks like this:

Kotooshu Day 1 to 7: 2-5

Ama Day 8 to 14: 5-2

Total: 7-7

So, no KK bonus or MK deduction yet.

Thanks for answering, it's exactly this way.

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Of course, Ama is my substitute after the injury of Kotooshu...

Is it that substitutes don't bring bonus points, or was there a mistake

in the scoring ?

Substitutes only earn points and wins for the days that they are active. Your Kotooshu/Ama slot looks like this:

Kotooshu Day 1 to 7: 2-5

Ama Day 8 to 14: 5-2

Total: 7-7

So, no KK bonus or MK deduction yet.

Thanks for the clarification...

So let's hope Ama beats Wakanosato tomorrow, so that I get a KK bonus and not a MK malus !

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  58 -9   Shiroyama	 Sw   | 907  8-7 761  86  90 -30 |  56  46   0  10   0
 61 +7   Ruziklao	  M1   | 905  8-7 787  68  70 -20 |  69  59   0  10   0
 62 +7   Mabunkiyo	 J1   | 903  8-7 769  54 100 -20 |  69  49   0  20   0

Hmm... I think no one else has 4 rikishi on 7-7 before last day. My KK/MK bonus/malus might theoretically vary from +40 to -40 as there are no matchups on senshuraku between them. (Shaking head...)

Expecting the worst (Clapping wildly...) , hoping for the best... (Clapping wildly...)

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Geez, I knew my Day 15 score was going to be pretty bad, but from 10-5 to kadoban? Sigh...

I'm never picking Tochiozan again, I think.

Edited by Asashosakari

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