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Sumo Reference

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As you might know, I have collected a few bits of sumo data over time, and wanted to make them available to a broader audience. So I started with the endeavor to create a new website which has the goal to enable everyone to explore the data in useful ways.

I think I came up with a few useful pages on the new website which I dared to name "Sumo Reference". There will be more features to come in the future, but I was encouraged to make the website public, so here it is. If there are questions or suggestions, just add a reply to this topic.

My thanks go to all people who helped me in making that website possible.

Nice work. I will be checking your site often.

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Great job man. Thanks for all the work that must have required. (Showing respect...)

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This may be the greatest sumo site I've ever seen. Thank you so much for all the effort and time you've put into it.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! This will be very very useful indeed! (Carried away on a stretcher...)

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sweet zombie jesus

Which movie is that?? :-D

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sweet zombie jesus

Which movie is that?? :-D

When I hear "Sweet Zombie Jesus" I think of "Futurama". It was one of Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth's utterances.

"Good news, everyone!"

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Brilliant work!

Thanks for all the effort.

It truly is brilliant work, worthy of all the superlatives being heaped upon it and then some.

Thank you very much, Doitsuyama!

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That's not exactly extra letters... the French are quite famous for extra letters,

Better known as French letters.

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I think I came up with a few useful pages on the new website which I dared to name Sumo Reference.

I call it DOSUCOI in my bookmark- Doitsuyama's Sumo Chest Of information.

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I call it DOSUCOI in my bookmark- Doitsuyama's Sumo Chest Of information.

I simply call it DB.

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sweet zombie jesus

Which movie is that?? (Blinking...)

When I hear "Sweet Zombie Jesus" I think of "Futurama". It was one of Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth's utterances.

"Good news, everyone!"

on the nose. One of my favorite shows.

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Suggestion: In your "spare" time (LOL) would it be possible to change the Sort By boxes so that 2 levels of sort might be possible. Example I searched for all Rikishi ranked Yokozuna the sorted by Heya. The resulting list came out sorted by Heya but then it defaulted to Shikona as the secondary sort. If instead I could have selected Heya and Hatsu Dohyo I would have a list that would have given me a chronological list within Heya as opposed to alphabetical by Shikona. Not a ding just a request for a future enhancement.

There are more sort issues in the banzuke query output (like different sorting for groups and details in expanded groups - this one actually works in the torikumi search). Implementing your suggestions actually is easy, it's more the question how to maintain an easy user interface for the sorting. Clicking on column headers just is much better than selecting from various combo boxes. I will give that a thought. Maybe you (or someone else) can point me to an existing solution for a neat user interface for multi-level sorting?

Two ways, depending on how you've coded the script:

If you're querying the DB every time, you of course need to submit the sort arguments every time a new column is clicked. Instead of having a single sort argument, you could have several (sort1, sort2, etc). When the user clicks a new column, each sort argument gets pushed back one slot (sort1 becomes sort2) and the newly-clicked column becomes sort1.

If the data is persistent, it's a simple matter of using a stable algorithm, like a properly-implemented quicksort.

Either way, there's no new UI. The script just remembers your previous sorts as the lower levels.

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Either way, there's no new UI. The script just remembers your previous sorts as the lower levels.

Good idea. It's counter-intuitive because you have to work from inner sorts up to main sorts, but no new UI wood be needed.

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I love the way you setup the filters (Shaking head...) and the rest :'-(


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Either way, there's no new UI. The script just remembers your previous sorts as the lower levels.

Good idea. It's counter-intuitive because you have to work from inner sorts up to main sorts, but no new UI wood be needed.

Thanks! I also thought it seemed a bit counterintuitive, but couldn't come up with another way to hide it in the script instead of making the user care (by setting a bunch of dropdowns). I'll keep thinking... I always like a good UI challenge.

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Wanting my cake AND eating it.... (Wearing a paperbag...)

I was using the torikumi day 1 page for my entry to Seki Quad, but noticed that it only gave the Makunouchi bouts (unless I am doing something wrong). Would it be possible to show the Juryo bouts too?

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Wanting my cake AND eating it.... (Wearing a paperbag...)

I was using the torikumi day 1 page for my entry to Seki Quad, but noticed that it only gave the Makunouchi bouts (unless I am doing something wrong). Would it be possible to show the Juryo bouts too?

You were obviously looking at the day 2 bouts, as stated in several places. The torikumi always shows the most recent day by default which was day 2 as the makuuchi pairings were already known.

Full day 1 torikumi was grabbed by the auto-grabber while I was sleeping... But there still seem to be issues with the grabber as juryo results aren't in yet. In theory the grabber is set to refresh the results every three minutes during the bouts...

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Full day 1 torikumi was grabbed by the auto-grabber while I was sleeping... But there still seem to be issues with the grabber as juryo results aren't in yet. In theory the grabber is set to refresh the results every three minutes during the bouts...

I should have known that you would have had the Juryo Torikumi too (Wearing a paperbag...) I guess I was too sleepy this morning. It also means that I made my Day 1 Seki Quad picks using the wrong information.

Edited by Jejima

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It also means that I made my Day 1 Seki Quad picks using the wrong information.

Ouch! By the way, I found the auto-grabber problem and it should be back on track. All lower division results are in and makuuchi should be updated every three minutes.

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It also means that I made my Day 1 Seki Quad picks using the wrong information.

Ouch! By the way, I found the auto-grabber problem and it should be back on track. All lower division results are in and makuuchi should be updated every three minutes.

The site seems to be down for the moment, and just when I needed it to settle a bet..

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