
Another Sekitori Marriage

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Takarafuji (30) today announced his marriage to Erino (former Tanaka) (24), the marriage was registered on Sep. 11th and they already live together.

They had met at a koenkai dinner party Oct. 2015 and he fell in love at once. Since last December they have a relation and he proposed to her on Aug. 28th.

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Edited by Akinomaki
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On 12/18/2017 at 12:39, Akinomaki said:

Takarafuji (30) today announced his marriage to Erino (former Tanaka) (24)

Erino (now Sugiyama) is a former dentist's assistant from Ichikawa, Chiba - Takarafuji: "I thought, there won't be a more beautiful woman. I want do to my best to aim for even higher." "She's a goddess" of fortune? - married on day 2 of the Aki basho: 9-6, last basho 7-8, but with another kinboshi (she was the one for Aki).

He had proposed to her in princely style and reenacted that:


the 2carat wedding ring was more expensive than his kensho earnings this year (203 * 30 000 Yen)

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The date for the wedding reception is undecided yet.

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At last, some good news coming out of Isegahama Stable.  I'm assuming that they are still just engaged...

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May their children get their father's strength and their mother's neck.

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A bit of relief away from what's been going on. I'm sure he wanted to announce it sooner, glad he found true love.

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16 hours ago, Amamaniac said:

At last, some good news coming out of Isegahama Stable.  I'm assuming that they are still just engaged...

No, the marriage is 'registered', i.e. they've completed the civil marriage.  For various reasons people in Japan tend to get married legally fairly quickly after their engagement, and then get around to having the party/public ceremony much later.

Edited by Ryoshishokunin
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On 4/26/2017 at 10:28, Akinomaki said:

Chiyonokuni (26) on the 25th registered his marriage with same age Ai Hayashi (now Sawada), originally from Sakai-city, after a 7year relation. The first kinboshi (sumo slang for a beauty) before his first yokozuna bout, which should come with the rank he'll have next basho. The marriage reception is planned for Feb. 17th.

And the marriage reception of Chiyonokuni as planned was today, with about 500 guests, Kisenosato and Tochinoshin among them - Kisenosato was asked for a speech: he started his career together with Chiyonokuni's elder brother, ex-Chiyonoshin


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Hokutofuji was there - also Asanoyama and Nishikigi

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heya twitter

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On 9/1/2017 at 13:44, Akinomaki said:

Kyokutaisei (27) announced his engagement to Yoshie Kobayashi (26) from Taito ward, Tokyo, helping (her parents) at home. He fell in love with her at first sight when they met in 2012, introduced by a friend, and she thought "An awfully good looking guy" - it developed at once into a close relation. He wanted to propose to her when he reached his personal height of j3 in Natsu, but postponed it because of makekoshi. Then after kachikoshi in Nagoya he proposed to her at the senshuraku party.

Both are born on the 18th and thus they decided to register the marriage on Sep. 18th, the wedding reception is planned for Feb. 17th.

It was delayed till today because Kyokutaisei's father fell ill. The 3 dress wedding reception of Kyokutaisei and his wife Yoshie in a hotel in Tokyo had about 450 guests - and a speech from Hakuho.

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Not just Kyokutaisei was in tears after the letter by his late mother was read, congratulations to his marriage - written in 2002, knowing that she would die soon - his father had kept it hidden from everybody for 15 years for this occasion.


with his father


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On 15/05/2018 at 10:34, Akinomaki said:

Seiro has declared on the 14th that he is married since Dec. 2016 to a Mongolian woman. The wedding ceremony is planned for June 10th.

June has no jungyo, so it's the month for danpatsu-shiki and wedding receptions. Today was the reception of Seiro and his wife ガンツムル・ハリウム (Gantumur Halium - or something completely different) - both 29, as usual in a hotel in Tokyo. Shikoroyama-oyakata, Kakuryu and Hakuho were the main among the about 250 guests.

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Mongolian party


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On 9/29/2017 at 10:22, Akinomaki said:

Myogiryu today announced his marriage and the birth of his first son, now that re-promotion to makuuchi is sure. His wife Kana 香奈 is a classmate from Saitama Sakae high, they met in 1st year where she sat next to him, and they started a relation 6 years ago. The marriage was registered on June 1st, his son Yasukichi was born June 16th. The wedding reception is planned for June next year.

Today was the wedding reception of Myogiryu and his wife Kana


with about 600 guests, among them from his Dewanoumi ichimon the new ozeki Tochinoshin o

and with a speech by the matchmaker, Saitama Sakae high coach Yamada.  


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Ikioi has announced wedding bells October 11th with 24 yr old pro golfer Mamiko Higa. Bought her a $100,000 engagement ring.

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24 minutes ago, specialweek 2 said:

Ikioi has announced wedding bells October 11th with 24 yr old pro golfer Mamiko Higa. Bought her a $100,000 engagement ring.

Another sujo's dream off the market.

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2 hours ago, specialweek 2 said:

Ikioi has announced wedding bells October 11th with 24 yr old pro golfer Mamiko Higa. Bought her a $100,000 engagement ring.

Wedding date/registration date not announced yet-October 11th is their mutual birthday..



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Two months later, but from Kyokutaisei's wedding. What's interesting is.. OK. what's interesting? 


Abi and Abiko next to each other..


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Nishikigi is marrying a woman seven years his elder and quite tall- 1.70 meters. They registered on September 25th. They have been going out for six and a half years. She came to a heya party and caught his eye. They dated, visiting amusement parks and the aquarium thingy. "I would like us to gambarize together from here on. I will aim for Yokozuna, just like every other rikishi.." he said. He proposed to her this year on Valentine's Day. He held the press conference alone and did not bring a picture of her. "She is adamant to be left out of the limelight.." he explainerd.  After being badgered by the press for a photo, he decided to consult with her. After 30 minutes of emails, she still did not allow it. She calls him "Mr. Bear" and "Grandpa" and cooks well. "Everything she makes is tasty. I decided to marry her since she has been very supportive and since I met her I have reached sekitorihood. I was able to gambarize with her around," he added. He is in a position to face the Yokozunae this coming basho. "I'm aiming for a kinboshi. I'd like to surprise the joi rikishi with my efforts and show them that I have become stronger.." he added more.  When he proposed, he gave her a necklace instead of a ring. "I didn't know her ring size.. It wasn't a terribly expensive one" he muttered, but did buy her a ring in the end. She is not pregnant.  "We are not planning on kids at the moment but I'd like to have them eventually. When that happens I'd like him to play baseball. Sumo is a scary sport with major injuries," he added even further.

This was one of the strangest rikishi marriage press conferences ever..

With a portrait of Momoko-san:


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I'm at a loss.  This is either deeply disturbing, or the funniest damn thing I've seen in a month.

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It's not surprising that it was one of the strangest rikishi marriage press conferences ever, given that he is marrying the Wicked Witch of the West.

He couldn't bring a picture of her because she's actually much more evil-looking than the portrait, which was much more flattering than you can imagine by looking at it.

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20 hours ago, Yamanashi said:

I'm at a loss.  This is either deeply disturbing, or the funniest damn thing I've seen in a month.

Or maybe he couldn't resist another photo op.

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Wow, he knows he's a dead man after he shows the picture.

I wonder how the new code of conduct will apply when a rikishi gets beaten by their wife?

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Kyokushuho (30) presented his wife to the public on banzuke day, a woman from Mongolia (25), father a surgeon, mother physician. She came to Japan 7 years ago for language studies, for 4 years they are together and had registered the marriage last year Oct. 2nd - and have 2 daughters, 2 year and 7 months old.

He wanted to announce it earlier, on a re-promotion to makuuchi, but now is maybe the last chance to do it while in still juryo.


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kiss scenes for the press - Twitter vid


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