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Hakuhou injured, or excuses?

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Ozeki Hakuhou has been diagnosed with a bruised right knee joint and will be resting for three weeks. It appears he was injured on day 1 during his bout with Kisenosato, and harbored the injury throughout the basho, finishing it with a dismal 8-7 record. There was some fear of a more serious injury, but the MRI showed no ligament damage. The attending physician said it wasn't a career threatening injury, but believed Hakuhou may not be able to do any serious keiko before arriving in Kyushu.

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I think this makes sence in some way. I don't want to excuse anything, but he seemed to be hampered at tachi-ai several times. He also was wearing a kind of a bandage... (but which rikishi doesn't wear them)

I hope he will have enough time for his preparations come kyushu.

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He also was wearing a kind of a bandage... (but which rikishi doesn't wear them)

Indeed. Some bouts seem to be cut right out of 'the mummy returns'.

Though I have to admit, thanks to eurosport it has been awhile since I was able to actually watch a full basho, so i cannot comment on recent basho.

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