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Kaioshoryu last won the day on December 1 2012

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63 Excellent

About Kaioshoryu

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  • Birthday 06/10/1977

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  1. Kaioshoryu

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Kinbozan or Chiyoshoma yusho? That's about as far away from my hopes as humanly possible
  2. Kaioshoryu

    Aoiyama intai

    I never was a fan of Aoiyama, but it will be very strange not having him around. The guy was sekitori for over 13 years which is very very impressive. I wish him well in his career as oyakata.
  3. Kaioshoryu

    Nagoya 2024 discussion (results)

    How long can Takakeisho go on? In my eyes he really looks unwell, and with that neck injury I'm dreading some permanent damage could occur for him.
  4. Kaioshoryu

    Akiseyama Intai

    Ugliest belly in sumo. Seemed like a very likeable guy, and always provided entertainment on the dohyo, both in victory and defeat.
  5. Kaioshoryu

    Nagoya 2023 discussion (results)

    Extremely difficult to watch Terunofuji trying to walk on his two destroyed knees after the bout. I guess double knee replacement surgery is coming for Teru at one point.
  6. Kaioshoryu

    New ozeki Kirishima

    I have a feeling that Kirishima will be a competent and stable ozeki, moreso than the recent crop of incumbents. Mitakeumi and Shodai weren't up to par, and even Takakeisho has bounced back and forth between good results and kadoban. Will be nice with some consistency in the rank.
  7. Kaioshoryu

    Tochinoshin intai

    Let's hope it's just a bunch of nonsense that article. There were some other rumblings of intai on twitter, but it might just be smoke and no fire. We'll see.
  8. Kaioshoryu

    Tochinoshin intai

    According to georgian media, Tochinoshin has retired. https://agenda.ge/en/news/2023/1948
  9. Kaioshoryu

    Haru 2023 discussion (results)

    Pretty terrible day of sumo this was.
  10. Kaioshoryu

    The end?

    Works in Norway!
  11. Kaioshoryu

    Kyushu 2022 discussion (results)

    Nothing against Abi, but that was not the end I had hoped the basho would end. Abi won fair and square, but with a side order of extreme heartbreak for Takayasu. That's the nature of professional sports I guess, but sometimes you want that fairytale ending.
  12. Kaioshoryu

    Rikishi Status - 2022 Kyushu Basho

    Are there unusually few withdrawals during the basho this time? Very good if so.
  13. Kaioshoryu

    Kyushu 2022 discussion (results)

    Not sure about your Shodai prediction, he looks top heavy and unsteady on his feet...
  14. Kaioshoryu

    Joukouryuu retires

    Guy on the right looks intensely bored…
  15. Kaioshoryu

    Aki 2022 discussion (results)

    I don’t comment much on here, but I just had to say this: Shodai’s performance is pathetic.