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About Umut66

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/06/1976

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  • MSN

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  • Interests
    Driving Car, Watching Movies, Matrix, Star Wars, Reading, Wrestling, Sumo, Listening Music etc....


  • Favourite Rikishi
    Hakuho and Tochiazuma (will miss him much)

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  1. Umut66

    Konnichi-wa . . .

    Welcome Kana - San.... (Applauding...)
  2. Umut66

    Urgent and Important !

    Ohh...great to have you here... I had a very very bad argument with the hacker....was upset it could (maybe) he/she was you... Hacker Asking for help from your friends Fay...wants money from your friends not just me...pls inform your friends about the situation.... And pls add me to your friends when you have a new Facebook account :)
  3. Umut66

    Urgent and Important !

    Yeah she is asking for help but.... I just felt that she is not Fay....talking different.... I asked her what is SF...and she answered Sumo Fight....wrong answer I asked whats her personal website about answer I asked her Favorite Sumo answer.... Then went offline...
  4. Umut66

    Urgent and Important !

    Hello Everybody, I know this is the wrong section BUT topic dont get any attention at "Off Topic" so i need to put this here...Pls forgive me about this... Today (Tuesday night) Fay contact me with her Facebook account and told me that she stuck in London (She was robbed) and she want 850 GBP from me... I actually dont believe that i am talking to Fay "herself" (as i am police offcer) i asked her some easy questions about herself, about Sumo World, her personal website about Sumo and even her Favorite Sumo Wrestler... She (probably hacker) couldnt answer any of these questions and went offline... Pls be cautious about this...could be not Fay herself... @Umut PS. I was bumped out from Fay's friends in Facebook when our conversation ended (with hacker probably)
  5. Umut66


    Great action shots...Thanks for sharing Fay...
  6. Umut66

    Pics Day 03 - Natsu Basho 08

    Thank you very much for these great pictures Fay....I am glad that you are there for us....for me especially.... U R GREAT !!!
  7. Umut66

    Sumopedia is live

    Congrats and Good Luck on sumopedia...I suggest a Tegata for an avatar (logo)
  8. Umut66

    Traditional Sumo Song

    Ohhh i didnt know that....I am sorry....hmmmm pffffffff :(
  9. Umut66

    Traditional Sumo Song

    aaa-dosukoi-dosukoi <-------- You know the chorus of the song !!! I need the name of the song pls. Thanks anyway.
  10. Umut66

    Traditional Sumo Song

    Hello everybody, I am sorry i know that i shouldnt post this thread to this section but Sumo Information section is close to me. I guess i am inactive thats why. Anyway here is my question: What was the name of the Traditional Sumo Song ??? I want to download it from LimeWire or else but cant remember/dont know the name. Anybody can tell me the name of the song? Or what to write to search in LimeWire? Thanks !!!
  11. Umut66

    Eurosport Nagoya

    Can I have the web address for this information pls? I dont wanna ask or bother you people in every basho with this question. Thanks again.
  12. Umut66

    Eurosport Nagoya

    Thank you very very much....
  13. Umut66

    Eurosport Nagoya

    Hello every1, I wonder does anybody knows here when Eurosport gives Nagoya Basho. Any information would be great. Thanks !!!
  14. Umut66

    Eurosport Sumo

    Thank You very very much. I got what i need...thanks again...
  15. Umut66

    Eurosport Sumo

    Hello friends, Does anybody know when Eurosport showing Natsu Basho. I have looked some sites about it but cant find. Any information will be great. Thanks