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  1. incognito

    Nagoya 2024 discussion (results)

    Odds Terunofuji retires after getting his 10th, especially if it's a zensho or near? I've only experienced Hakuho retiring and can see why he'd go for more, but also why you'd want to go out with a bang
  2. incognito

    ex-Yoshikaze starts his own heya

    Do we know the juniors involved in the drinking scandal? Would be interesting to see if they stayed or went.
  3. incognito

    Chiyoshoma turned Japanese

    Is there any reason to acquire Japanese citizenship (afaik giving up your previous citizenship in the process) if you're already a permanent resident? Also lmao at someone effectively paying enough to get the 'name a rikishi' stretch goal
  4. I mean, I've definitely seen people hazed into drinking to the point of vomiting in college and people peer pressured to drink in high school (and I've heard stories of socially enforced drinking in Japanese workplaces), but using it as punishment while you shower is just comical. He's either a batshit insane psychopath, or, waaay more likely, the tabloid is reporting everything it's told/making shit up.
  5. incognito

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Why did Abi think he had that. Fathers, sons, and their unborn children all knew his only chance was a henka. I'm glad it's not an 11-4 yusho but one sekitori playoff would've been nice E: actually on a replay it looks like he was fucked regardless. I'm still going to be salty
  6. incognito

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    So the gyoji pronounced it incorrectly and Bushozan got it instead of the other guy? Sorry if I'm being dense.
  7. incognito

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    What happened? I tried googling and searching on here, but nothing.
  8. incognito

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Bushozan stepped out first in his match vs. Chiyosakae? Regardless it was neat seeing both of them thinking they lost it.
  9. incognito

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    I am once again asking Hoshoryu to gain any weight at all. You already have a dad bod, girls will either like that or they won't. And, of course, reddit is back on their "he's just blind as a bat, not doing deliberate, consistent staredowns for actually years."
  10. incognito

    Kyujo Updates - 2024 Natsu

    Wonder if Hakuho is going to strip him of his shikona, or if that threat was unique to Hokuseiho
  11. incognito

    Kotonowaka Ozeki Promotion

    The article doesn't state and I'm unfamiliar with Japanese food, what is this? Rice and corn, maybe bacon, pickled veggies, and what looks like caramel?
  12. incognito

    Next salt-thrower

  13. Interesting, I researched this a little earlier this week and was wondering about those outfits. I can't find a wikipedia page or any information on Hirose Mananori, but the one for Isamu Takeshita states he was the third rijicho (despite sumowrestling.fandom listing him as second and wikipedia not listing him at all) and was also a military guy (the article mentions he had previous connections to sumo, but doesn't specify). Did someone actually precede him, and do you have any idea what Takeshita's involvement was in sumo prior to becoming president?
  14. My mind is immediately drawn to Hakuho having them use electric poles for teppo and do crossfit with sand bags... Unless all heya are this archaic with their training methods. I am curious how this works for Hakuho financially. Will he or Isegahama receive payment for his rikishi? Presumably Isegahama will, so is Hakuho going to have to close his heya's doors? Yea he's wealthy af, but paying for an empty stable for months, potentially years seems ridiculous. But the location is also symbolic, so I don't see him selling it either
  15. Tochimushashi isn't even that good, despite the juryo yusho, why not throw him under the bus and look the hero? I understand covering up Hokuseiho's Terror, he's 6'8", a naturalized citizen, and was a guaranteed sekitori if not sanyakuu, and would probably have been for a decade+. I feel like every rikishi I like has gotten an abuse scandal this year