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About Kachikoshi

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  • Birthday June 10

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    United States

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  1. Yes, the 23rd (Sunday) is the emperor’s birthday. Since it falls on a weekend I assume they all get the following Monday off.
  2. Kachikoshi

    Norizo Cup Banzuke 2025.3

    I can’t find my name on the banzuke. Was I left off by mistake?
  3. Kachikoshi

    Games Talk Hatsu 2025

    Yes, thank you for clarifying for me. I seem to have developed quite the knack for inadvertently offending the German gamers. Also I watched your tier list video from the last basho and it inspired me to switch my Roto pick from Kinbozan to Shonannoumi. I will accept this intervention on my behalf as your apology.
  4. Kachikoshi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    If Hoshoryu had won one more match this tournament then he would have had “26 in 2” which many of you seem to think is the standard and nobody would have had a problem with him being promoted. He missed that target by a single win. I see it as equivalent to going 32 in 3 for an ozeki run. It’s a tiny bit short but it’s the sort of thing that can be forgiven if there are special circumstances, and in this case there are definitely special circumstances.
  5. Kachikoshi

    Games Talk Hatsu 2025

    I’ve always felt the strategy to win the most yusho in many of the games is to pick an “unconventional” lineup - zig when everyone else zags. Of course it’s not a good strategy to climb the banzuke because your average performance will be bad, but you’ll have more outliers. There’s a whole cadre of degenerates who do this every basho in Odd Sumo. They make long shot bets and almost invariably go 0-15, praying to one day strike gold and instantly win the tournament.
  6. Kachikoshi

    Sekitori Sweepstake - March 2025

    I’m in.
  7. Has anyone looked at rikishi below Ms5 and how it works with Asashoskari’s theory? I wonder if what we thought was an “invisible line” is actually just a reality that it’s almost impossible to get promoted to Juryo if you’re Ms6+, fight seven matches, lost at least one (or else you’d be automatically promoted, and only get credit for one rank per win. Because if there is no invisible line then Ishizaki calculates to Ms3w which, with a lot of luck, could be enough to get promoted.
  8. It's also possible that Oho can force open an extra Komusubi slot, but he would probably need 12 wins for this. Hokutofuji got 11 wins from M3w in 2017 and was denied, so that's not enough. 12 wins would require Oho to win his remaining three matches, but he has already fought the whole Sanyaku so this is not that unlikely of a possibility.
  9. Kachikoshi

    Games Talk Hatsu 2025

    I think Sumo Game's ranking system works fine in Makuuchi and Juryo. The problem is the movement is the same at the top of the banzuke as at the bottom. God help us if there were an extra 200 players; then it would take a decade minimum to get to Juryo. Further, since Sumo Game actually matches you up with people near you on the banzuke, the rankings actually matter for having competitive matches. In real ozumo, if you are overranked, put up a weak performance and go 4-11, in the next basho you'll be put approximately where you belong and will have a good shot at a kachikoshi. In Sumo Game you'll be slightly demoted and be up against players of approximately the same skill level who will probably once again put a beating on you. My simple fix would be to double target promotions/demotions in Makushita, so that a 9-6 is worth +6 ranks instead of +3. And maybe split the bottom of Makushita off into Sandanme and triple the promotions/demotions there.
  10. Kachikoshi

    Seki-Toto/Quad/Oracle banzuke for Hatsu 2025

    Thanks so much for all the effort you put into making these banzuke and especially for explaining your thought process. I'm trying to reverse engineer your system, and it's obvious you give some bonus to kachikoshi over and above what the simple numbers are, but I'm struggling to figure out exactly what that bonus is. For example, why did you rank Andrasoyama (Ms8e 12-3) ahead of WAKATAKE (J5e 6-8-1) in Toto?
  11. Kachikoshi

    Games Talk Hatsu 2025

    I wanted to toot my own horn and note that in each of my 9 tournaments playing Sumo Game I have won 9+ times. https://www.japan-guide.com/sumo/rikishi.html?1335 Despite this I am still ranked in Makushita.
  12. Kachikoshi

    ISP carnage

    Too great. I’m 2-8 this basho…
  13. Kachikoshi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Based on how Tamawashi has been doing this tournament, I’m not so sure you’re right about that.
  14. Kachikoshi

    New recruits Hatsu 2025

    For the Kyokai. You’re doing A+ work — no notes.
  15. Kachikoshi

    Natto gone?

    But probably 99% of those foreigners just see Sumo as a novelty — an activity to be tacked on to their trip to Japan. I imagine very few care to watch matches from their home countries.