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About Shiroiokami

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  1. Hey @Kintamayama, quick question, if I wanted to change my shikona, would my current rank be preserved?
  2. Shiroiokami

    Sekitori Sweepstake - March 2025

    in please
  3. Shiroiokami

    Hatsu 2025 Masters Results

    Bummer, a bit rough for Toto at least since it does place you even with the same score according to how many overall guess you get correctly, guess I just need to play better.
  4. Shiroiokami

    Hatsu 2025 Masters Results

    If I may ask, I say that even though I scored 6th In Seki-Toto, I only got 1.88 pts, are the points slipt up by same record even though the game ranks me as having the best overall 10-5 record?
  5. Shiroiokami

    Metasumo 2025

    I'll made you proud as the only person who picked me (I'm Warusaru) in metasumo, though this basho was a bit of a rough start with just 5 points.
  6. Shiroiokami

    Sekitori Sweepstake - March 2025

    I'd like to be in, though I forgot last time which is a bummer
  7. Shiroiokami

    Games Bugs

    I'm pretty sure I did paper Oyakata and I know for a fact that I did bingo but I don't show up as having registered for either. Anyone know what's up with that? I could've sworn I saw myself in bingo yesterday unless I somehow looked at the previous basho on day 1?
  8. Shiroiokami

    Japanese festival in St. Louis this weekend

    Aw man, as a st.louisian I was I was attending!! Too bad I live in the Southwest :(
  9. Hey guys, I'm going to try and make a "if a script writer wrote the banzuke" where each rikishi is told their rank and they react to it. I want to make a meme out of each wrestler, or as many as I can and some suggestions from you guys would be great! Here is what I have so far, any additions or edits to what I have would be greatly appreciated: Teruofuji: basically Godzilla, the narrator looks up, and thru just makes Godzilla noises. kotozakura: pillows stuff under shirt to make quad boobies Hosh: angry squint Abi: onosato: young and cocky Kirishima: Takakeisho: neck brace Daiesho: Hiradoumi: silent Takanosho: big eyebrows Tobizaru: acting like a model Atamifuji: super round face with boyish enthusiasm Oho: has no idea what’s going on Mita: wakamotoharu: shirtless/ in love with his muscles Shodai: apathetic Kotoshoho: Ura: just genuine guy who downplays himself Mesei: giant killer maybe? Gonoyama: Wakatakage: only speaks in 3rd person Churna: Endo: Midorifuji: short Ichi: surfer bro attitude Oshoma: tamawashi: old Roga: speaks with a Russian accent Sada: Kaga: Bushozhan: wear a box Kinbozan: Hokutofuji: very intense Nishkigi: blind Ryuden: no one cares what he thinks Onokatsu: a kids voice Takayasu: wearing a fur coat Takarafuji: quads Shirokuma: makes bear noises Kitanowaka: wears a Home Depot smock Nishikifuji:
  10. Shiroiokami

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    It was unpleasant for everyone, I think it'll come down to where they put onokatsu and shirokuma, I think it'll be 13 for both as all the other wrestlers in the bottom ranks sucked, hard to justify softening their demotions for no good reason other than, "get pwned juryo". I also think that kitanowaka gets the boost, it happens once every decade or so but they haven't saved someone in Chyioshoma's situation since 1958 if I remember correctly. The worst thing that would happen, but also the funniest would be if takanosho somehow did enough to be a 3rd komusubi or hiradoumi got promoted to sekiwake. The scores would get UGLY.
  11. Shiroiokami

    Sekitori Sweepstake - September 2024

    I'm in please
  12. Shiroiokami

    Metasumo 2024

    @Jakusotsu Never fear, I will bring you to greater heights next basho!
  13. Shiroiokami

    GTB invite- July (Nagoya) 2024 - Results!!! - 204 entries

    True, but the two man gap at Rank 2 couldn't be filled by underpromoting and would require an insane overpromotion of shoann, who is already getting a huge bump up already.