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About Ruziklao

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  • Birthday 17/09/1973

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    Bratislava, Slovakia

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  1. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2025

    I am quite sure that repeating the medal position again this year is quite improbable, but I have to try. This year I might finally get something reasonable also in proper games, that's why I go with myself in the respective slot, I did not do that in previous years. 1-5 Pandaazuma 6-10 Susanoo 11-20 Flohru 21-40 Andoreasu 41-80 TochiYESshin 81-120 Ketsukai 121-200 Ruziklao 201+ Gawasukotto I wish great sumo in 2025!
  2. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2024

    Thanks for opening the game again. And of course to everybody contributing to all the games and compilation of Superbanzuke and all the fun! 1-5 Pandaazuma 6-10 Norizo 11-20 Kitakachiyama 21-40 Ganzohnesushi 41-80 Oyama 81-120 Fujisan 121-200 Saruyama 201+ Getayukata
  3. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2023

    1-5 – Susanoo (scoring big even in bad years) 6-10 – Pandaazuma (will be back with booom this year) 11-20 – Norizo (anything else than top ten is surprise and repeated surprises are *very* rare) 21-40 – Athenayama (highest gino score in the group hinting at balanced ability to score) 41-80 – Frinkanohana (this was exceptionally bad year, only 60th place in spite of scoring in 10 different games, great potential here) 81-120 – Achiyama (like me, scoring in 6 different games, but throwing off the burden of required self-discipline) 121-200 – DeRosa (speak about potential...) 201+ – Kikkuzakankurou (I simply like the name)
  4. Ruziklao

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2022

    Aaargh, that was close... having run 13-11-11-11 (as M6-Ke-Sw-Se)... no ozeki cigar... I have a feeling next time I will not be able to gambarize (12 needed...)
  5. Ruziklao

    Games Talk - Nagoya Basho 2022

    With this brutal start, I do not know if it is good to miss most games due to looming real life traveling or not. Well, I would put yokozuna somewhere on the top anyway, so I would sit somewhere in the bunch...
  6. Ruziklao

    Pokemon collabs with Sumo

    Wow. As a long-term Pokemon Go player (first used as a hook to make our junior walk with me a lot, then becoming hooked myself) I "own" most of the displayed pokemon in the game, but I have never expected to see them here. Garchomp FTW!
  7. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2022

    1-5 Pandaazuma 6-10 Andoreasu 11-20 Norizo 21-40 Golynohana 41-80 Terarno 81-120 Chocshoporyu 121-200 Mmikasazuma 201+ Tsunamiko
  8. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2021

    Thanks so I am not going to destroy the Metasumo year for anyone except myself
  9. Ruziklao

    Sekitori Quad for Hatsu with so many kyujo ?

    But why hardest? Usually at least some people use "safe" picks early in the basho, not betting on 50:50 bouts, and safe picks in the beginning are usually based on the rank and head-to-head differences. Later in basho situation includes necessity to pick whomever-remains, of course, trying to select the best possible moment even for losers. And take into account also tiebreak considerationg for yusho favourites...
  10. Ruziklao

    Metasumo 2021

    Choosing myself for more motivation... 1-5 Pandaazuma 6-10 Flohru 11-20 Unkonoyama 21-40 Athenayama 41-80 Konosato 81-120 Chocshoporyu 121-200 Ruziklao 201+ Damimonay
  11. Ruziklao

    Turn The Tide - Banzuke Hatsu 2021

    Usually I am not complaining, but there seems to be a pile of bad banzuke luck falling on me (as well as Domichi and Tenshihan) this time. Finishing on the 12th place out of 90 participants in Kyushu, with 2 more real wins than median weak 6 and still advancing only 2,5 ranks in the lower Juryo... one time next time as the recent funny slogan in Slovakia goes. Thanks for all the work!
  12. Ruziklao

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Just a quick question, has anyone noticed there are 2 days left?
  13. Ruziklao

    Potential New Game

    Sounds like late Fantasy Sumo (where one point was awarded for win) or current Rotosumo (where points are awarded based on the oponents rank) - see
  14. Ruziklao

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    They will start doing it as soon as former rikishi start to sue Kyokai for damages after retirement, just like former NFL players did for long-lasting effects of brain injuries. Until then... rikishi are adults and are responsible for their own actions, n'est-ce pas?
  15. Ruziklao

    Videos July 2020- All days

    Time machine won in the Internet auction by misclicked bid?