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About Tokimori

  • Rank
  • Birthday 28/09/1980

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    Razor Raz

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Interests
    Sumo, Toki!!!
    Chess, Role-playing games, Music (I am the conductor of a student orchestra in Stockholm)


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  1. Tokimori

    Good bye, Toki ?

    (Applauding...) :-) :'-( :'-( :'-(
  2. Tokimori

    Yusho decided

    31 years old now, and if he goes better than 2-5 next basho I'll eat a banzuke. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :-P Please remember this, someone!!! (Sign of approval)
  3. Tokimori

    Go the reds !

    LIVERPOOOOOOOOL!!!!!! (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Being thrown tomatoes at...) (You are going off-topic...) (Dribbling...) (Blushing...) (First prize...) (First prize...) (First prize...) (Applauding...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Dribbling...) (Cheers...) (Showing respect...) (Showing respect...) (Showing respect...) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval)
  4. Tokimori

    Gyoji injured

    Now, if you can explain what a metatarsal bone is, I (and thousands more..) would be right happy.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (Help me...)
  5. Tokimori

    Ichimon Banzuke/Topics Page Updated for Haru

    Thank you all for your kind words. I haven't had the time to follow sumo for real for a couple of bashos. No time for timeconsuming daily games as well. I tried to keep up with some of the prebasho games, but now is the time to cut the ties to all of the games. It's with great sorrow in my heart I say bye to the Bench Sumo game and community. It is by far the game I enjoyed the most. I wish all members of the SFI a great game and continued dominance over the other ichimons. (Sign of approval) A special thanks goes out to Tzutziyama, who enriched my game immensely by joining in with my bantering and trash talk. I truly believe he will be the next Bench Sumo Yokozuna. (Applauding...) (Applauding...) I still come here to the forum sometimes during bashos, so don't count me out yet. But becoming a doctor and trying to maintain a social life is not always as easy... (Applauding...) Big hugs and thank yous to the entire gaming community!!! (Applauding...) :'-( P.S. I am no longer a member of the BS list. If someone could send this or something like it, I would be very grateful... D.S.
  6. Tokimori

    Hatsu Banzuke

    Probably at keiko.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (Shaking head...) :-P (Shaking head...)
  7. Tokimori

    Hatsu Banzuke

    Where's Tochiazuma?
  8. Tokimori


    One of the reasons why at least Swedes speak and write ok English is that we never dub movies and TV. You are constantly surrounded with English speaking moviestars and television. English is a normal thing in society which almost everyone knows. That's at least my two
  9. Tokimori

    How you became interested in sumo..?

    Hahahahaha!!! (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Whistling...) ;-) :-/ (Clapping wildly...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Punk rocker...) (Showing respect...)
  10. I am openly shocked! How anyone could dislike Toki is above me. His grace, the style, the smile on his face when he wins some important match. Sure, he's been lackluster the last bashos, but I remember a time. A time not long ago, when he was seen as the next yokozuna. When his sideburns flew over the dohyo like two flying squirrels. When his technique gave him wins where no man has ever won before... What? Never? Not even in his early career? Well, drat! Whatever, he's still my favourite rikishi! (Whatever above, it is funny...) Yeah, right. The rikishi I dislike the most. That has to be Kyokushuzan, for reasons already specified earlier in this thread. Hairpulling incident just wasn't nice... (Censored)
  11. Tokimori

    Happy Birthday, Tokimori

    Thank you, all! I've been away for a while and have a bit to read. :-O
  12. Tokimori

    Day 7 activities on the dohyo

    Thank you for your reports! They are for me one of the top things with this forum. (Holiday feeling...)
  13. Tokimori

    Happy Birthday Nekonishiki!

    Big congratulations and thx for your efforts with your homepage!!! Domo arigato!!!
  14. Tokimori

    FINAL REMINDER Sekitori-Toto/Oracle/Quadrumvirate

    I would like to register a kosho for the S4 this tournament. I didn't find anything like that on the website, so I hope you will see this. :-P
  15. Tokimori

    Some more pictures

    The civilian is Sugei Kanemochi, their accountant. If you look in the background, you can see the Ryogoku branch of the "Tokyo National Bank". Behind Waka's head, you can see the blue "Udon" sign of the famous eatery near Ryogoku station that is frequented mostly by rikishi who say "ni". The white van on the left is the Futagoyama delivery van bringing groceries to the heya. The rikishi on the right is Wakafutago, the third brother who never made it. He had problems with his perpendicular thyroid muscle which wouldn't flap, and never got a license for his minkey. He now works for Japan Airlines as a stewardess. The telephone pole in the background is a retired Takasago-beya teppo. This was the day the brothers acquired the eatery in exchange for a future first round draft pick for the Clippers and four hairdressers who were especially adept with a fan. Waka is smiling because the accountant just told him that one of the hairdressers couldn't dress a hair if his life depended on it, but he could manage a mean salsa. Inside their bags: Taka-you can tell that his is the heaviest by far by the look on his face- 47 barbells and an expandable teppo. Note the fake real Rolex. He should have spotted the "Rolecks" insignia. Waka- 4 expandable and expendable hairdressers. Kanemochi-24 units of sushi-flavored edible underwear, and a rubber stamp that says "Moxie". Lost brother- Fake Gucci ladies' handbag. Or it could be Takamisugi. (Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...) (Clapping wildly...) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Sign of approval) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...) Best ever, Kinta!!!!