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Everything posted by Itachi

  1. Itachi

    Adopted Rikishi

    Well, I don't mention my adopted rikishi very often even when they do well so I am trying to remedy that here. I have a very indirect connection to Makushita bound Nishikikaze who somehow managed to be ranked at Makushita 20 for this tournament and has won both his matches so far including tonight vs. Dewanofuji (Surely this isn't going to be a spoiler for anyone?). I have no connection to Sandanme bound Sasaki (I mean bound as in restrained to not as in headed for) except that we both lived in Aomori and he belongs to Wakanosato's heya which has been one of my favorites for a long time. Sasaki is ranked at sd 75 this time (I thought he was headed back to Jonidan before last tournament) and he has also won both his matches. I began this post mainly to crow about the solid starts by the two rikishi I have been following for so long (relative to their career length). I still don't expect either to ever manage promotion to the next division but Nishikikaze might just do it one day by accident and Sasaki is still young. I'm sure many of you have sentimental favorites from the lower ranks who you have been following without sharing. Rikishi who perhaps haven't been all that impressive over the last few years but who nevertheless you have become attached to for whatever reason. I would like to hear about them on this thread. Please tell us WHO you have been rooting for; WHY you 'adopted' them; WHEN (if you recall) it all began; and HOW they have been doing. I look forward to hearing about the unsung heroes of the sub-sekitori ranks. Sincerely, Itachi
  2. Itachi

    An Afternoon with The Demon

    Demon Kogure? Wasn't he in a band called Seikima II? I have a few of their cds and one of them I knd of like. They're sort of a prog-metal outfit with a sci-fi fantasy theme and makeup of course. Their albums are the kind that are more interesting to look at than to hear but one of them kind of appealed to me. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy but it wouldn't be hard to do a bit of web searching to find out for sure. I think the discs were dated early 90s so he could've been mid to late 20s then and now around 40. Is he still a musician or just a talento? I'm surprised that he's kept the Demon thing going so long.
  3. Itachi

    Gamers: How'd You Do?

    You and I seem to have only one game in common, Fukurou. I finished a modest 9-6 in Sekitoto. I'm just happy to get kk in that one lately. I only went mk in two games. I finished 6-9 in the Makushita Game which was close to last place! I had finished near the top in past basho so I was very disappointed in myself - though there are no losers in that game, only those who win less. In Banzuke surfing 1st wave I was one of those who took a chance on Towanoyama who was kyujo for much of the tournament and managed only 1 win. Back to Sandanme for us. In the 2nd wave of that game, me and almost everyone else are tied for first having selected Gagamaru. In a more popular game, I finished 9-6 as Wakatanuki in Benchsumo from Juryo 3 or so. I wonder if I'll get back to Makuuchi? I'm pleased to get kk in that game lately too. I ended up tied for the jun-yusho (if I remember correctly) in Guess the Yusho Winners. A yusho might have earned me a promotion to Ozeki so I missed that but I'm happy to have done well enough to have an opportunity next tournament. I probably finished with the best winning % in Kaiopectate's Ichimon Game though with only 2 rikishi in my heya I'm close to last in every other category. I saved the best result for last ... pity since there might no tbe anyone still reading! I took home the SUPER-YUSHO in the Juryo Game which has earned me re-promotion to Ozeki (I had fallen after 2 consecutive 7-8 tournaments). Hoshifransu sent me a nice prize last time and has already contacted me. I look forward to the sweet spoils of victory. All in all it was one of my most successful tournaments which makes up for my computer system self-destructing throughout. I finally got it up and running properly today after 2 weeks of everything but the mouse and keyboard giving me trouble and needing to be replaced or reinstalled. Well, surely someone else has bragging and/or whining to do. Let's hear some chatter. Itachi (and sometimes Wakatanuki)
  4. Itachi

    Banzuke Surfing 1st Wave Hatsu 2006

    Ok, I changed my mind - Towanoyama seems like a much better choice. Itachi selects Towanoyama and not Fudoyama
  5. Itachi

    Do you follow makushita?

    When I first started following the sekitori and began to try predicting results, it was hard to know what to expect from the newer rikishi so I started watching the division they came from. Also, I was learning to read at the time and I enjoyed the challenge of looking through the list of lower division results in the paper for riksihi from a certain prefecture or heya. The more I became familiar with the regular makushita guys, the more I noticed when new ones arrived there. Now I pay attention only when I have time except when preparing for sumo games. The games are helping me remain familiar with the lower divisions now.
  6. Itachi

    Sumo Stock Exchange Game?

    The concept is very interesting to me but I expect that it will remain a dream. There probably aren't many who would invest their time learning how to play the game and even fewer who would keep up with it. If someone actually put this game together, I'd find it hard to resist playing but I'm kind of maxed out on my sumo gaming time as it is so it would be difficult to stick with it. Good idea though! Itachi
  7. Itachi

    Banzuke Surfing 1st Wave Hatsu 2006

    Ms 60e Fudoyama (until I analyse further and perhaps change my mind...
  8. Itachi

    Makushita Game Hatsu 2006

    Just trying to keep this topic on top of the stack! I've analysed most of the division so far. Some brackets are more difficult than others as usual. I expect there will be a split in the 1st bracket between Bauto fans and Sawaii supporters. The second bracket is tough since there are a few good choices there. I'm stuck at the 6 and 7th brackets. I don't like anyone enough to favour heavily. 9 and 10 are also difficult. As for the rest, it's not hard to find the popular choice or at least narrow it down to 2 or 3. I'll work at it for a bit more before submitting my picks. Anyone have any news to share about the condition of some of the more interesting rikishi?
  9. Itachi

    Banzuke Surfing 2nd Wave Hatsu 2006

    Gagamaru - all the way from Europe? Surely they expect he can do well at this level, otherwise why bother bringing in the foreigner? I just haven't heard enough about the others to inspire a different decision.
  10. Itachi

    Couple of important observations from Kyushu basho

    Thanks for the Takanotsuru observation, Kaikitsune-zeki. I have an affinity for the Naruto riksihi and often wonder what prevents him from being more successful (yes, his feet - but what level can he reach despite the ongoing foot problem?) . I remember when he spent time in Makuuchi and was able to compete reasonably well there for a while. If he's not kyujo, shouldn't he be able to at least put up some decent scores in Juryo? Also, on the subject of Tochinohana - what do you think? He was a rising force in Makuuchi a few years ago and then dropped right out in Takanowaka-like fashion only he never came close to Makuuchi for quite a while and now here he is again. Is the reason for his initial rise still a factor? Is the reason for his big fall still something that could derail him again? Why did it take so long for him to get to this level?
  11. Itachi


    For one thing most Japanese sumo websites will be thankful that he's gone as they no longer have to list his shikona with hiragana saying "it's 火 left hand radical with 華" as the kanji cannot be displayed. Sorry to come to this topic so late, but I'm so glad this was mentioned. I'm sorry to see Yotukasa go for this very reason. I had a lot of trouble finding that kanji at first and I'm always pleased to find a character that tests the limits of my resources. I can't remember the base meaning of the ji. Something like flamboyant? Splendid? Flourishing?
  12. Itachi


    Rats, I thought this was going to be a new start-up game where we try to guess the next intai! I'll take Hayateumi.
  13. Itachi

    Pick the Yusho Winners Kyushu 2005

    Oops, sorry Sakana, and congratulations! Oshirokita has clarified the colour coding of divisions. I thought everyone in black were makushita. I can't wait to take on a ghost rikishi!
  14. Itachi

    Makushita Game Kyushu 2005

    Thanks for running yet another terrific sub-sekitori game Randomitsuki! While I am pleased with my results in this, Banzuke Surfing, and Oshirokita's Guess the Yusho Winners (YUSHO!!!) , I seem to be losing ground in the games based on sekitori bouts! I went MK in Benchsumo, Sekitoto, and possibly also the Juryo Game (finsihed 21st out of 39 makuuchi players). Anyway, I'm happy to be able to convert the attention I pay to any and all divisions of sumo to some level of success in sumo games. I won't call for a Sandanme game just yet though... although I would not be able to resist participating in one if it were to happen .... Itachi
  15. Itachi

    Banzuke Surfing Kyushu 2005

    [iIRC, it was written that this round will go on until one reaches sanyaku. The one is declared the winner then. Confirmed. The game is over as soon as someone (or should I say Oshirokita?) reaches sanyaku. But here is the good news: at Hatsu Basho starts a parallel second round, nicknamed "Banzuke Surfing: A New Wave" where everybody starts from Jonokuchi again. Stay tuned! Thanks Randomitsuki! I was hoping for parallel waves so we could all form a bit of a stable of our surfers starting from successive years. As for the game ending at Sanyaku discussion, I don't mind having succussful careers retired upon reaching sanyaku (perhaps they could continue to be listed in the records as toshiyori?) however for those who would prefer to play on with their successful waves while avoiding the futility of selecting sekiwake ranked lower than their previous selections, why not adjust the selection rules for those ranked sanyaku? What I mean is that once one (Oshirokita) reaches sanyaku, they would be free to select the same rikishi as well as any rank lower. This way, they could ride an Ozeki candidate through promotion and stay with them once promoted to Ozeki (if they so choose). I'm sure Oshirokita and other standouts in the game will eventually acheive Yokozuna status and keep a Yokozuna in their stable until perhaps their Yokozuna retires. There are different promotional rules for NSK rikshi at the sanyaku level so why not for this game? As for the second wave, I am looking forward to selecting a fresh recruit to be mentored by whatever Makushita rikishi I end up with from my first wave of surfing. Will Maenoyu be ranked below Wakanoho?
  16. Itachi

    Pick the Yusho Winners Kyushu 2005

    Thanks to Oshirokita and to all of you who participate in this game I have been able to win the top prize! I humbly accept and I will do my best to continue competing for the top position on the bankuze over the next year. Congratulations also to Tameiki, Juryo winner, and Nikioshu (and not Sakana unless the standings are off) who won the Makushita yusho. I look forward to defending my title in January. Itachi
  17. Itachi

    John Tenta

    I remember hearing about this guy. He was the only rikishi ever from Canada. When he quit and returned, he went into 'pro' wrestling under the name Earthquake. I think he may even have been from Surrey, BC (my home town) but I'm not sure - all of this is straight out of memory and unconfirmed by searching about on the net. I was proud that at least one Canadian had taken part in Ozumo and even prouder once I read that he retired undefeated (though disappointed that he hadn't stayed in sumo to find his true level). I wish him a positive outcome from his illness whether that be a recovery or a gentle passing if a recovery is not possible.
  18. Itachi

    Pick the Yusho Winners Kyushu 2005

    Flohru may be the favorite but Itachi remains in the lead for the moment! The only one ahead of me is the Drone and that's only because the drone is in division '0'! If Flohru and I do well, will we get promoted to division zero to take on that drone?
  19. Itachi

    Go Team Japan!

    ******************************************* Tonight's Match-Ups of Team Japan Vs. Team World! ******************************************* \Tamanoshima vs. Kyokutenho! \ Can we really count this one? Kyokutenho is now a Japanese citizen. Interesting topic by the way... Itachi
  20. Itachi

    Pick the Yusho Winners Kyushu 2005

    I'm in the lead for the first time in this game! If only I had taken Homasho instead of Mokonami as I did in the Juryo game... then I might have a chance to stay on top. Well, even if I don't hang on for the yusho, I'm pleased to have acheived kachikoshi. I'll try to continue as Asashoryu - only thinking of the next bout.
  21. Itachi

    juryo game replacement

    Apologies to Zenjimoto and Hoshifransu for mixing up my gamemasters! Thanks to both of you for all the work you put in to your excellent games (2 of only 3 games that I still play!) To cover every possible situation would require the gamemasters to draw up a rule statement as long as the typical unreadable legal disclaimer. I think we'd rather keep it simple and suffer the occaisional surprise judgement call than compel the game makers to post such a detailed rule set.
  22. Itachi

    juryo game replacement

    First off, I support Hoshifransu's right to make the decision. The diversity of opinion shows that it is not clear what would have been the fairest way to handle. The gamemaster is in the best position to decide what fits in the spirit of his game and he did. On a related note, I'm surprised that everyone didn't select Baruto as one of their 8 Juryo rikishi. I can understand not selecting him for the yusho (I didn't) but how many of us didn't think he'd finish in the top 8? Did these players have some inside knowledge of his illness or do they just dislike him too much to select him? I'm curious. I'd like to see some selection stats for this game. Of course the odds section indicates the relative popularity fo the top picks but how about a full set of numbers. Were there any rikishi not selected by anyone? I'm not sure if I care whether or not we get a replacement for Baruto since most of us were in the same position. If it were someone less popular - say Takanotsuru (who I admit to selecting yet again - I'll never learn...) would he have been replaced? Perhaps no one would have thought much about it. Itachi - kadoban (I assume) Ozeki in the game.
  23. Itachi

    problems with entry and results

    I've been in there too - still no torikumi. I'm with Aderechelseamaru - pleased with my start in -Toto. I would like to keep trying for the Yusho though although the competition in this game is really stiff!
  24. Itachi

    Makushita Game Kyushu 2005

    The top bracket in Makushita looks like a real meat grinder this tournament. Some good rikishi are bound to have sub-par records due to the extra strong competition. The next two brackets are less exciting - lots of middle aged rikishi who can no longer be seen as rising hopes. Some former sekitori here as usual. I think it will hard for any of these guys to get more than 4 wins unless one of the former maegashira is feeling like his old self again. What is Yoshio doing so far up the banzuke? Sure, 7-0 at Sd 7 is great but all the way to Ms11? Does it always happen like this? Maybe I just never noticied before. Unless Yoshio has used a different shikona, I'm guessing he's never been ranked this high. Do we have a drone? The drone would have to take him and I doubt anyone else would. Well, my motive for posting these observations is partly to keep the Makushita Game topic current. Since we don't post our selections here, there isn't a steady stream of messages helping to remind potential players. I recommend for recent records for lower division rikishi. Other sources would be the full banzuke post on this forum (Doitsuyama's I think) which includes birthdates, height and weight which can help with decision making. Now all we need is a good injury report - anyone know about injuries to Makushita rikishi? Itachi