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Posts posted by Taliesin

  1. Pretty sure I will never win a yusho. Many deep runs, but always very mediocre tiebreakers. At least this basho was satisfying in that I would definitely make the same pick that I lost with again.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Vulch said:

    Maybe something like one tournament without loss of rank, then treated as a 5-10 or 2 -5 score subsequently rather than the 0-15 and 0-7 used currently?

    I thought maybe the opposite. Still normal 0-15 demotions starting from the first basho off, but to limit the fall to something like 2 divisions down from the rank where the fall started - for those who needs very long rehabs. Rank protection for salaried ranks makes zero sense - people would go for infinite kyujo instead of retiring. Of course nothing like any of these suggestions will be adopted by the NSK.

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  3. 59 minutes ago, Kaninoyama said:

    Is there anyone who finds himself on the losing end of more close, spirited battles than Meisei? 

    I doubt that. He has tremendous driving force and knows both how to push and how to work the belt, but he is by far the worst in makuuchi at keeping his balance. He slips all of the time.

  4. 2 hours ago, Rocks said:

    I wondered about that. Did you have a hunch about Hokuotfuji or was that a mistake? That match would have been to close for a Chain Gang pick for me.

    No, no mistake. Somehow made myself believe that their respective form this basho eliminates most of the scenarios where Hokutofuji would lose.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Seregost said:

    It seems the Bolshoi theater ballet has been in Fukuoka's dohyo today. Hiradoumi, Terutsuyoshi and Ryuden, and Tokushoryu in juryo, all danced beautifully over the tawara. The funny thing is all of them lost anyways.

    But Kotoekou won.

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