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Everything posted by Taliesin

  1. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Well, both Takayasu and Wakatakakage are completely different this basho. Wakatakakage's strength reached some critical threshold - if earlier it was just enough to somehow stall the big guys, now he really moves them, and almost easily. Takayasu is very collected. He does not switch to thrusting at the worst possible timings. He always seems to have a plan and the ability and composure to go to the end. Plus he is just healthy and rested. So, I don't think it's right to say they are underdogs for some bout just based on past records. Deeper analysis including styles and different scenarios would be needed for that.
  2. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Shoudai is somewhat easily dispatched by Kotonowaka. Which Shoudai will turn up against Takayasu tomorrow is a very important question. P.S. Who feels that Takayasu should receive ginou-shou?
  3. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Takayasu is so awesome! Defended against oozeki without any cheap tricks, caught him and finished. A thing of beauty.
  4. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Oh, I am aware that competition was quite different for them. I just can't help but find him very promising not from the results alone, but from what he shows on the dohyou.
  5. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Kinbouzan, a well-deserved makushita yuushou. Gives a much stronger impression than his rival Oushouma so far. Going to go far. Can anyone give an estimation on where he will be on the May banzuke?
  6. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    When Takayasu closed the distance and created that form it was already over. He is clearly superior to Mitakeumi in this kind of sumo.
  7. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Shoudai is one big enigma...
  8. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    A lot of mattas in makushita and juryo today as well.
  9. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Yeah, at least they will face each other at all. Terunofuji vs Shodai was just skipped 2 times in a row.
  10. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    I think even Zensho wouldn't be nearly enough.
  11. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Second sound win for Takayasu as well. Maybe it's finally his basho. Wakatakakage looks amazing right now.
  12. Taliesin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Well, if you are facing Terunofuji on day 1 of the basho, you are out of luck. In first 8 days of last 5 basho he lost just once. In the second week he gives his opponents some chances now and then.
  13. Taliesin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    If Mitakeumi is promoted and depending on other's results there might be some trouble with feeling other sanyaku slots.
  14. Taliesin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Do you mean Terunofuji vs Shodai? There was a Mitakeumi - Shodai already on day 11.
  15. Taliesin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Meisei 5-8 but he defeated the yokozuna and both ozeki this basho.
  16. Taliesin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

  17. Taliesin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    It has been already discussed somewhere. Mitakeumi has excellent average scores against pushers - he is good at stopping their assaults. His scores against belt specialists on the other hand are relatively underwhelming.
  18. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Yes, it's possible. It's just that, as mentioned already, Abi was fighting from low rank to where he was demoted for reasons having nothing to do with real ability, so rewarding him too much may be wrong. So when I saw him paired against Takanosho I wondered whether it's a one last test for him. Maybe I am overthinking.
  19. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    But Daieisho got a really cool kinboshi that tournament. I will be a bit surprised if shukunsho is given at all this time.
  20. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Maybe I missed the news... Is it possible that Abi-Takanosho bout tomorrow decides the Fighting Spirit prize winner? Of course usually Abi's performance would be enough already, but this case is a bit special.
  21. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Oh, I see now. "He" in my first post was referring exactly to Takanosho. Sorry for causing a misunderstanding.
  22. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Oh, when I said Shodai vs Abi I meant final day. Should have quoted the previous post. As for sekiwake situation, maybe I misunderstood, but I just don't see who gets the slot then. If Meisei is 7-8 it still should be possible to not demote him, but if it's worse...
  23. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    In that case, why not throw Shodai at Abi?
  24. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Meanwhile with Meisei, Ichinojo, Kiribayama all 5-8, and Takanosho 9-4 (and facing Hidenoumi tomorrow) I wonder if he has a shot at jumping straight to sekiwake.
  25. Taliesin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Tamajiro vs Endo huh. 3 matta. And one on Takakeisho. With Abi's win things are really interesting now.