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  1. Have to agree that the audience for sumo minus the stable system and ceremonial elements is not going to be any greater than sumo in its current incarnation. If anything, the traditional elements probably add appeal to the sport (including internationally).
  2. Very distressing news. I'm surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) that Hakuho wasn't dotting his i's and crossing his t's given that he was expressly told he was on thin ice before he even became a sumo elder.
  3. SumoLyubo

    Hiro Morita Podcast Wrap-Up of May Basho

    I feel betrayed that the audio link is automated text-to-speech rather than Hiro's voice
  4. SumoLyubo

    The end?

    Also on the fair use discussion, the DMCA law gives organizations like Youtube no incentive to go to bat for uploaders if a video alleged to violate copyright might be fair use (I believe the way it works is that if they don't take down the marked content, the platform will also be liable for the copyright violation, not only the uploader. Happy to be corrected if anyone here knows more).
  5. SumoLyubo

    The end?

    I thought the NHK World highlight show stays up until the following basho. I've definitely used it to catch up on bashos I've missed. Edit: ^I don't think they get every top-division bout on every day, though it's better than it used to be (they made the intro sequence shorter, presumably to leave time for more bouts).
  6. SumoLyubo

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    Sentoryu chose his shikona because it sounded like his hometown of St. Louis, no?
  7. SumoLyubo

    The English commentators- views

    I actually wondered for a long time if they had an explicit policy that they must define each term a certain number of times per day or per tournament. Not that I minded -- it worked to get me hooked on sumo.
  8. SumoLyubo

    Top 10 Sumo Records Natsu 2021

    Ryuden had a top rank in Juryo at the time he fell down the ranks and only made his top-division debut later.
  9. SumoLyubo

    Hiro Morita Basho Review and opinions

    American film (indeed, with part of the drama centering on short cons vs long cons), also an adaptation of a novel. I very much enjoyed it.
  10. SumoLyubo

    Natsu basho 2021

    That was my reaction too...
  11. SumoLyubo

    March basho 2021

    That was a scary-looking tachiai; I'm amazed Terunofuji stayed on his feet. An amazing finish for him--3 for 3 ozeki matches.
  12. SumoLyubo

    March basho 2021

    "No yusho, no kanto-sho, nothing for Takayasu" -- well said by Hiro, but a little cruel
  13. SumoLyubo

    March basho 2021

    Never guessed that the Terunofuji-Takakeisho match would be so important for the yusho, but am glad that the last day is going to be so exciting
  14. SumoLyubo

    2021 "Kozumo" Hatsu Basho discussion thread

    Yeah they had a different angle in the replay. Probably okay.
  15. SumoLyubo

    2021 "Kozumo" Hatsu Basho discussion thread

    Did anyone else think Hokutofuji didn't have one of his hands down at the tachiai? Frustrating how that's occasionally not enforced.