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About pricklypomegranate

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  • Birthday 22/09/2000

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  1. pricklypomegranate

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    I always love Hatsu bashos, they are by far the most unpredictable. But no one could possibly see this coming. ... An Abi yusho? Pigs are flying.
  2. pricklypomegranate

    Miyagino/Hakuho extra activities

    (From Ryuo's Instagram) Hakuho will make you an offer you can't refuse...
  3. pricklypomegranate

    Hokuseiho - Shot at a record?

    Look who's been practicing...
  4. pricklypomegranate

    Hakuho retires

    Enough said.
  5. pricklypomegranate

    Hakuho retires

    Moti-san we need you! I don't think the sumo community can take another devastating loss...
  6. pricklypomegranate

    Hakuho retires

    As far as the article by Sports Hochi and Mainichi, they did not specify further conditions or probation. I think we might be looking at a press conference either tonight or tomorrow and maybe find out for certain.
  7. pricklypomegranate

    Hakuho retires

    That was quite shocking to me when I read it. I thought that Yokozuna can decide to leave at any time they liked - and that Hakuho should have left after Nagoya. Turns out that it wasn't possible. Always wondered why Yokozunas don't often retire at the top, and well, I got my answer.
  8. pricklypomegranate

    Hakuho retires

    Here is a photo I found of Hakuho a couple of weeks back. I think it is very appropriate for his intai as I felt it not only encapsulated his essence, but also what he meant for many of his fans. Perhaps you all will remember him as such. What should sumo look like, especially for a Yokozuna? How should a Yokozuna behave and what are the limits? To what extent should they be invested in the next generation? What does it mean to be a hugely successful foreigner in a traditionally conservative society and sport? While he might not have provided us the answers, I think Hakuho has provided us very good hints. His very presence is a living critique of the system itself - its good and bad. He tested the limits of yotsu and strategic sumo, the standards of Yokozuna behaviour and occasionally my temper as well. I made no secret that I disliked what would be his final performance against Terunofuji. Many focus on his more reprehensible aspects, but I would instead like to encourage you all to consider his character and legacy more comprehensively. He was a rikishi and Yokozuna, for sure. But most importantly, at least to me, he was a supremely dedicated son, a loving father and a capable mentor for the next generation, whether they are 8 in the Hakuho Cup, or 18, about to make their shindeshi appearance, fighting alongside him. I am not his #1 fan, but he made the sport a meaningful part of my life. Thank you, Hakuho.
  9. pricklypomegranate

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    That was a Shodai-level tachiai from Terunofuji today. Perhaps his knees are hurting really bad at this stage of the basho, but he was caught extremely upright by Meisei, who then took advantage of an off-kilter Yokozuna to clinch the prize today. Well done Meisei! Speaking of Shodai, his upright tachiai enabled Ichinojo to get a belt hold immediately, and with poor balance, was slapped down with little resistance. Despite a shaky start and a lot of people writing him off earlier, Takakeisho regained his composure for the KK. Takarafuji had little momentum after being disoriented and was promptly sent out of the ring. ... ... Myogiryu yusho? Oh my god...
  10. pricklypomegranate

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Yeah, I meant it was Terunofuji's first. Today was close for Terunofuji as well, but Takayasu really got the chair this time. In other news, happy birthday @Eikokurai!!!
  11. pricklypomegranate

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Daieisho looking like his yusho self again. That was really a fantastic performance. When Terunofuji locked him up, I thought he was done for - but he managed to turn the situation into an advantage. Teru's arms got locked up, and Daieisho established enough distance to push him just over the edge. Well done! First kinboshi!!! Hoshoryu looking fantastic today with that super rare ipponzeoi. Hope he gets KK!
  12. pricklypomegranate

    Araiso-heya branch out

    You think the inside looks nice... the outside looks positively grand. Look at that nobori fly!
  13. pricklypomegranate

    Sumo and the Olympics

    Judging by that dancing ghost man, Hakuho wasn’t around to stomp out the evil spirits.
  14. pricklypomegranate

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Is Princess Posture a cardboard cutout or and actual person? Hard to tell with that posture and stillness. I suppose we will never know.
  15. pricklypomegranate

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    The alleged mistress was Mongolian - a friend of his sister’s. Princess Posture, on the other hand, is the daughter of Takakeisho’s tanimachi.